DJ_in_making said:
You guys are all like a whole bunch of f*ckin' Children who can't start one single thread w/o making some kind of nasty remark toward race, or religion or political sh*t, (all 3 have been mentioned so far!). Its only a matter of time before this post has a master lock on it.
The only children are the ones who pretend like these things don't have a real world effect. Race makes a difference. Religion makes a difference. Covering your ears and being politically correct and saying "race don't matter la la la la" is ridiculous.
"We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think religion stops people from thinking. I think it justified crazies." - Bill Maher
9/11 - religion
crusades - religion
stem cell research crippled - religion
gay marriage - religion
Religion does more harm than good in my opinion. My favorite thing about it is that it keeps the vast majority of people entertained and fairly in line even IF it's a fairy tale. Oh, I know i'll get a lot of flack for saying it's likely a fairy tale... but as soon as you pick one religion aren't you pointing at all the other religions and saying "you're wrong! you just made up a bunch of stories!" What the hell makes your stories the right ones?
Women do this stuff all the time. We talk about it all the time. Women filter out men based on a lot of criteria even if we think it's not fair. We should do the same. Let us men filter the women before we even get involved. Not pretty enough? You're out. Too religious? You're out. You have minority children and the daddy is in jail? You're out simply because that screams likely trash. So sorry for you women that aren't. So sad. It just saves so much trouble. The woman is LIKELY to suck because of these things but there are millions of women that are still good so it's no big loss. Men need to save their time and frustration and go straight for the women with the high likelihood of being GOOD women. If she talks about jesus all the time she's probably a crazy even if there is a chance she's perfectly awesome. You're better off just passing her by and looking for another though.
I know. It sucks being labeled for your race. But don't blame us. Blame your race. There's millions of perfectly stable, smart, educated, well-adjusted people of all races, but if your race is clogging up the jail system and whatever other bad things then you're damn right i'm going to look at you with a leery eye until you prove that you are one of the exceptions of that race. It's the rational thing to do.