Proud of myself / field report.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hello all,

I met a girl on the bus to class a few weeks ago and we really hit it off, had a lot in common and she was definitely a HB8 or 9 to me. The bus was crowded as **** and we were basically on top of each other. At one point she almost fell, I grabbed her by the hand, being the gentleman that I am, to keep her from falling and we totally had a moment of intense eye contact.

Got off the bus and she made a point to ensure we took the same path, got her name and told her I would see her around.

****. No phone number. This was one of my first approaches since my LTR ended and I wasn't on top of it.

Fast-forward a few weeks, I'm feeling a lot more confident after approaching some other girls I wasn't really interested in for fun. I'm on the way home, jump on the bus, and coincidentally see her again. I walk up to her (she remembers my name, haha), start a conversation, and immediately get her number like a boss.

We walked once we got off the bus until the road diverged and we had to go our separate ways, I told her we should totally hang out sometime and she seemed pretty excited. She told me to text her sometime and we definitely would.

I'll shoot her a text tomorrow and see if she wants to do something Friday night.

Comments? Suggestions? What's the smoothest text game out there to set something up? I usually go with something pretty assertive like "hey ____, lets hang out friday night?" or if I remember something interesting about them I'll do something like "hey ____ who owns the cool mittens, let's hang out friday?". Is that alright?


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
chillout dude... Textgame? Lol that's really non existent... Keep your game for when you see her. Don't text, or keep it to a minimum. Just call her saturday to set something up next week. Ask her if she's free on Tuesday or Thursday or whatever day fits you best, it's best to set your dates a bit further than 3 days cause that way you got more chances she doesn't have plans. So if you call saturday ask for tuesday or later.

Sounds like she likes you. Keep it cool and don't be too available...


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
The first mistake you could make is to engage in a marathon texting session. I have found that some go all out texing and run out of things to talk about when they are actually together. The best thing you can do is keep it light, be confident and be flirtatious, but not overly flirtatious. I try to make it a habit when I first start texting a girl to not text her back right away, leaving some suspense.

Like Credos mentioned, don't make yourself too available. Maintain the mindset that this girl is lucky to be in your reality. You're the boss. You're the man.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Keep it cool and don't be too available...
Best advise so far! I get ahead of myself way too often.

I'm not looking for marathon texting sessions, sounds painful. I'm shooting for 2 or 3 messages back and forth and setting up a date.

You're right, text game doesn't exist, but there's definitely an attitude you want to send over text and I wanted to make sure I start getting that attitude right.

We'll see how it goes, I have plans for the weekend, but I'll either set something up with her tomorrow night or next Tuesday.


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
I disagree. I think text game does exist....just another medium for your game to overflow through.:up:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
good job ;)
Though next time a girl tells you to text her say "how about I call you instead?". If she asks why, which is unlikely unless she has low interest, just tell her you're not into texting.

It seems she's pretty into you though so just go ahead with your plan and it should work out fine. Remember to escalate during the date.

Also, good job on getting her number immediately when you saw her the second time. In my opinion that works even better than getting it the first time, as long as you know you're likely to see her again.