He does follow what he says. He literally tells men to trick and forget game. He promotes tricking. I also agree to a certain extent. Paying for sex is the easiest way to go. I have never overtly paid with cash but I am not opposed to it in the future.
If you are able to set aside your ego, and become one hvoes regular client, then it's a good option.
I do have to say, overhere there is a term for prostitute visitors. Something like " whure walker". For a long time men would judge fellow men who do this, and say a " real man " is married ect. That a " real man " doesnt have to pay for something that's free.
Now more men start to realize that being in a sexless marriage or LTR will cost you more money than go to a hoooker now and then.
Going out to catch a ONS might cost you more then 100 bucks ..not only drinks , hut going to the barber eating after the club , uber cost to get home. Then you get a number and have to spend again to date. All this without a guarantee to get laid vs paying 100 and straight up getting what you want.