PROOF that looks mean very little.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
why are you homos discussing justin timberlakes looks?

this forum disgusts me.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate New York
Do you guys remember Billy Bob Thorton dating Angelina Jolie? The guy is twenty years older and he is not good looking by any standards, and he got a sex symbol like Jolie. The game has to be much, much more important then looks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
looks mean alot. sorry man.

too many examples, too much evidence.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
habdragon08 said:
Jessica Alba is average and she has men all over her

proof that looks mean nothing to men
True, your not gonna throw a girl off of you under any case as long as she's not a total pig. Jessica Alba is like an 8 in my book tho so sh.tty example.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
KRUT said:
Do you guys remember Billy Bob Thorton dating Angelina Jolie? The guy is twenty years older and he is not good looking by any standards, and he got a sex symbol like Jolie. The game has to be much, much more important then looks.
You just don't get it do you???!!!:kick:

Sure he's rather old. But he' not short, he's not fat, and who said his face is ugly? You and your buddies?:crackup:

Damn, this is getting really frustrating. You try to explain things and then the next guy just throws out another dude that he thinks is ugly...:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
But dont you agree that being confident and out going makes you look 10 times more physicaly attractive then you really are and being really unconfident shy and submisive makes you look 10 time less physicaly attractive then you really are.

I guess i really didnt say what i was thinking in the post, i was trying to say that, looks matter, but that how you act can make so much diffrence to how you are seen and that if you are average looks and really confident, outgoing always smiling etc you will be percived as being hot.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Now your talking sense chekmate, and the guys who say so and so is ugly ......... man your just jelous that the girls your after are drooling over them guys, its like you and them playboy bunnies or them super models.

Stick a adriana lima picture in front of a chick and ask her if shes hot most will say "she's too paper thin" or "wears too much makeup" or blah blah whatever a few will say "yea she's hot if thats what you like". It depends on your taste in chicks.

And yea I get what your trying to say that if your game is tight then you dont need to be a super ripped sexy guy you can look average and still pull in the girl if your game is good, it doesnt even have to be the best just good enough for you to get her alone somewhere where you can do your thing.

So basicaly Getting girls = Good looks + Good game

So for you fat guys go loose some weight, it'l do you good in the long run its go health benifits you wont die from a heart attack at age 30, and you skinny guys go eat something man or next time the wind blows your gonna get blown away and snap in half.

p.s about billy bob dude that guy has sex appeal ok he reeks of "badboy" which chicks dig, he gives them the excitement you cant, live with it or go kill yourself one less loser around.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
habdragon08 said:
Jessica Alba is average and she has men all over her

proof that looks mean nothing to men
Whatever your smoking, injecting, snorting, taking transdermally, I want some. Jessica Alba is so far beyond "average", she couldn't touch it with a galaxy long pole.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
snbatman said:
Whatever your smoking, injecting, snorting, taking transdermally, I want some. Jessica Alba is so far beyond "average", she couldn't touch it with a galaxy long pole.
I second the above.:up:


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
You guys who think he is a 9 or anywhere remotely close to a 9 need your eyes checked. The world has honestly gone mad, when the masses make someone like this little creep a multi-millionaire sex icon! The media can brainwash anyone, and it's apparent!

If you have any ounce of fame, you get your pick of the hotties--end of story! You don't need game, you don't need looks, and quite honestly you could act like a corpse and still get laid any second of the day.

Terrible comparison...just terrible :down:


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Looks do matter period.

Looks do matter, and anyone who doesn't think so is delusional. Am i saying that they matter tremendously, or that there the only thing that matters? No. But how do u explain this:

I have really really bad acne. Doctor's have called it severe at times. had it since i was 13 and it got really bad as i got older, i'm 25 now and its worse than ever. Adult acne. My face at its worst has 30-40 pimples at a time, with like 10-15 scars and lots of redness. At it's best 10-20 pimples! Half of them are of the large deep under the skin variety which look disgusting. I've tried everything there is and nothing works, except one drug, accutane. it cleared me up for a whole yr. I could never get a date or even get girls the slightest bit interested in me (aisde from ugs) until i took this stuff. my face was copletely clear for a yr, not even one pimple. That whole yr girls were always checking me out, i get numbers so easily, girls never turned me down, i tried myspace girls, they all tell me im cute and have nice eyes, and always wanna meet me. I consider my self a pretty good looking guy, im short but good looking from waht girls tell me. I got "you have nice eyes" about 100 times that yr. yet when i had acne girls were never receptive to me. They showed no interest watsoever, and i always got rejected. They dont let u take accutane for more than 5 months at a time, so my face has become horrible again, and now i am doin bad with girls again, im in a huge slump now. I started the medicine again recently for a second round, so i am very curious to see how well i do when im clear again. How do u explain that? I mean i know alot of u will say i am just more confident when my face is clear, which is not untrue, but im not that confident of a guy when my face is clear either. i'm usually pretty shy and not very expereinced with women and yet they all seemd into me. I had a 10 month relationship starting at the end of that clear year (which was last yr), and coincidently she seemed to lose interest in me as my acne started comin back. thats prob not why,but it is an intersting coincidence. When she dumped me i had my first real bad breakout that week. She didnt wanna kiss me that last week, and shes a makeout freak. Maybe she doenst even know thats why she was losing interest in me, it could be on some subconscious level. She did start dating her ex like a week or 2 after so im thinkin that has more to do with our breakup, she porb had been talkin to him while she was with me, but still, this girl was gaga over me she talked bout us being married and stuff. And as soon as my face started to get oily and had some small breakouts, she started to seem less exctied to see me, and less physical with me. And then it got worse and worse and here i am i look like a pepperoi pizza, and dying for this stuff to kick in already.

check_mate_kid_uk said:
Take a look at the following pictures

The guy in these pictures, im sure most of you know is Justim Timberlake, yet forget his fame and wealth, forget the fact that so many women love him, forget it all and look at nothing but his physical features, he is nothing but average, he does not look especialy better then you or i, he is really just an average person, an average person that has slept with Britney Spears and Cameron Diaz.

The girls are not sleeping with him because he has money and fame, they have all the money and fame they could ever want so why do they need him?

I will tell you why in one sentance and that is that 'looking good does not make a man popular, being popular makes a man look good'

Surley you have heard of good looking guys who cant get girls, im talking about the ones that in a photo the girls are like wow! Yes there is such a thing as natural beauty but beauty is in the eye of the beholder so you can loose it all or gain it all in a girls eye.

Girls will be attracted to diffrent qualities, your vocie is extremly important, how outgoing you are etc, really its hard to describe but when you act in such a way, girls will like you. I wont pretend i have mastered it.

When a 'DJ' says all these lines, sure being able to talk is a good thing, oyu need to be abale to talk, but why does your success rate og up with the same lines as you practice? its because by practicing it you build the confidence to be that type of man!

There are games which if thye acted diffrenlty you would think are pathetic, but the way they act, they look good in oyur eyes and they attract all the girls! If you look real bad, if you are fat you are going to struggle because you wont be bale to convince the girl this is true about you, but all you need is to look normal, to dress well and once you master the 'act' girls will think you are hot.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
Looks do matter, and anyone who doesn't think so is delusional. Am i saying that they matter tremendously, or that there the only thing that matters? No. But how do u explain this:

I have really really bad acne. Doctor's have called it severe at times. had it since i was 13 and it got really bad as i got older, i'm 25 now and its worse than ever. Adult acne. My face at its worst has 30-40 pimples at a time, with like 10-15 scars and lots of redness. At it's best 10-20 pimples! Half of them are of the large deep under the skin variety which look disgusting. I've tried everything there is and nothing works, except one drug, accutane. it cleared me up for a whole yr. I could never get a date or even get girls the slightest bit interested in me (aisde from ugs) until i took this stuff. my face was copletely clear for a yr, not even one pimple. That whole yr girls were always checking me out, i get numbers so easily, girls never turned me down, i tried myspace girls, they all tell me im cute and have nice eyes, and always wanna meet me. I consider my self a pretty good looking guy, im short but good looking from waht girls tell me. I got "you have nice eyes" about 100 times that yr. yet when i had acne girls were never receptive to me. They showed no interest watsoever, and i always got rejected. They dont let u take accutane for more than 5 months at a time, so my face has become horrible again, and now i am doin bad with girls again, im in a huge slump now. I started the medicine again recently for a second round, so i am very curious to see how well i do when im clear again. How do u explain that? I mean i know alot of u will say i am just more confident when my face is clear, which is not untrue, but im not that confident of a guy when my face is clear either. i'm usually pretty shy and not very expereinced with women and yet they all seemd into me. I had a 10 month relationship starting at the end of that clear year (which was last yr), and coincidently she seemed to lose interest in me as my acne started comin back. thats prob not why,but it is an intersting coincidence. When she dumped me i had my first real bad breakout that week. She didnt wanna kiss me that last week, and shes a makeout freak. Maybe she doenst even know thats why she was losing interest in me, it could be on some subconscious level. She did start dating her ex like a week or 2 after so im thinkin that has more to do with our breakup, she porb had been talkin to him while she was with me, but still, this girl was gaga over me she talked bout us being married and stuff. And as soon as my face started to get oily and had some small breakouts, she started to seem less exctied to see me, and less physical with me. And then it got worse and worse and here i am i look like a pepperoi pizza, and dying for this stuff to kick in already.

Theres two things, firstly yes not haivng acne helped you because an aduly with acne = big flaw, not attractive, so girls liked oyu more with out it, but secondly, dont you think that not having acne also gave you extra cofndience?


Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
check_mate_kid_uk said:
Take a look at the following pictures

The guy in these pictures, im sure most of you know is Justim Timberlake, yet forget his fame and wealth, forget the fact that so many women love him, forget it all and look at nothing but his physical features, he is nothing but average, he does not look especialy better then you or i, he is really just an average person, an average person that has slept with Britney Spears and Cameron Diaz.

The girls are not sleeping with him because he has money and fame, they have all the money and fame they could ever want so why do they need him?

I will tell you why in one sentance and that is that 'looking good does not make a man popular, being popular makes a man look good'

Surley you have heard of good looking guys who cant get girls, im talking about the ones that in a photo the girls are like wow! Yes there is such a thing as natural beauty but beauty is in the eye of the beholder so you can loose it all or gain it all in a girls eye.

Girls will be attracted to diffrent qualities, your vocie is extremly important, how outgoing you are etc, really its hard to describe but when you act in such a way, girls will like you. I wont pretend i have mastered it.

When a 'DJ' says all these lines, sure being able to talk is a good thing, oyu need to be abale to talk, but why does your success rate og up with the same lines as you practice? its because by practicing it you build the confidence to be that type of man!

There are games which if thye acted diffrenlty you would think are pathetic, but the way they act, they look good in oyur eyes and they attract all the girls! If you look real bad, if you are fat you are going to struggle because you wont be bale to convince the girl this is true about you, but all you need is to look normal, to dress well and once you master the 'act' girls will think you are hot.
Your soooooooo wrong looks do matter,girls are like US men they attractivd to good looking men I mean I know 99% of YOU men judge girls if they are hot or not whether they have a good personality for women its the same.I mean you can some fat guy with a messed up face and good confidence,but to the girl she wont find you physical attrative.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
lemme put this another way, i was on for several months, and i put great pics of myself on there, clear complexion, good clothes, just great pics of me for whatever reason. And i get replies from almsot every email i send, no matter what i send. i kind of experiement with it even, some of them i will act ****y and say "hey baby ur beautiful" with some im a nice guy - "hey u seem cool, email me sometime if u wanna talk", sometimes i say something completely riducuolous and corny, sometimes i act desperate and ask for their screenname right way, i try it all. And i get replied 97% of the time id estimate. Now i've talked to many many girls on there and i've asked several them bout this. And a few of them said that those ****y lines only work if the guy is good looking. or else they ignore the emails. Now who says looks dont matter? Now u need a personality once u meet the girl and u can easily screw it up but.............

Ill say it once and for all, and i have come up with a great quote - "looks r not the most important thing, but they're the first thing"

And without a first thing, there can be no second thing.

Now i know its possible for an ugly guy to win over a girl if u have a stunning personality, but how many of us do? and why should we? I wanna be the best i can be and self improvement is important to me, but i am not changing myself and always gonna be in acting scheming mode just to get chicks. if i have to marry an ug some day maybe i will, cuz i wanna live a happy life, and not be with a woman who doesn't respect me. Nor do i wanna keep fake behavior up all my life. So my goal is to make myself as attractive as i possibly can via working out, eating well, sleeping enuff, good complexion. And be an overall nice well rounded guy with a decent enuff income. if i can only get an ug, than fine. But looks matter. Those ugly guys who r with hot chicks, they r treated like garbage, pay attention when ur out in public with them and you'll see. the only exception is when a girl has no self esteem and shes with a dominating ugly man. but any confident desirable woman treats her ugly man like crap. I think u should never date someone better lookin than u, or less attractive than u, go for ur level.if ur a 7 date a 6-8. if u r a 5 date a 4-6 tops