Proof that a Christian Beta Male is created every second


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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LMAO!!! Omg that's the funniest 5hit I've ever read!

I asked her how many men and women she had been with, she had no answer, then said it had to be less than 150 women and 100 men. I was floored. I had always been worried about how she felt about the 3 women I had been with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
The original post is just too good to be true. Probably trolling.

The real problem lies in the responses - telling him to forgive her, and be gentle with her because he "might break her heart."

Could you imagine that? Marrying some ex porn star and letting her help raise your kids? Even if this girl were sincere about turning her life around...let some other guy deal with that baggage. F*** that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Yeah eat 10 bath tubs of cvm and then find the lord suuuureee

more like 'oh no I have too many stds! i better land a husband before I get too fat and my liver fails from hep B'

this is just hypergamy in a morphed form.

women makes $$$ gagging on schlong then marries beta for white picket fence

don't get me wrong, i love the pornosluts....i would rent out alexis texas in a heartbeat and wear her out 7 times...its just when the pornosluts supposedly 'repent' that i roll my eyes...biatch you ate cvm 20 times a day you know what you are....


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Iceberg said:
The original post is just too good to be true. Probably trolling.
One would think, but that was so well-written if it was a troll, then they have some serious fiction-writing skills. If that was fiction, then I am definitely impressed by the writing ability.

Personally, I would not care at all to date a former porn star. I would think that they would be damn good in bed, and much more fun than a typical church wife who just lies there, cringes, and probably cries after sex.

There will be guys who reply to this thread making fun of the idea of being with an ex porn star, while at the same time having been with women themselves who have had even more sex partners than the porn star. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Hmmm... I'm getting a sql error. Perhaps they took the thread down.

I agree with you guys 1000% about not wanting to deal with a woman with that kind of past, however, never underestimate the power of God to turn a person around.

Moses: Murdered an Egyptian.
David: Murdered his friend.
Paul: Oversaw the persecution and murder of hundreds if not thousands of Christians.

I have no idea what I would think about the genuineness of this paticular person's alleged turnaround but people can and do turn their lives around every day.

I was going to say that I could never overlook the past of a women like that, but then again what's the practical difference between her and a "regular" girl who sleeps around? Almost nil in my book. 10 partners, 20, 500, it all starts to blur after a while.

It's kind of like weight in a roundabout way. In my book a 300 lb woman is just as disgusting as a 400 lb woman.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Ah, another cool guy wanting to hate on Christians, instead of seeing these guys for what they are: Simple Beta Men.

The porno chick? Who cares? If she repents, she's forgiven in front of the Lord. That does not mean that you won't have to deal with the consequences of your actions here on Earth. I'm of the belief that the Lord actually allows that. Some of you call it karma.

I know many people that love to hide behind God's forgiveness to excuse the things they've done. That makes them even worse than the people who don't know the Lord. That's almost like a traitor. But oh wait, we're not supposed to judge, right? Well define judging. If steering clear of ex-pornstars when looking for marriage partners is judging, well I guess I'm just guilty. Get over it.

Let's just get the story straight here, and put the blame where it needs to be.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I'm just guessing here, but I bet this guys other 3 girlfriends weren't all that great looking and now he lands this super hot girl and thinks it's the "real deal" only to find out he is engaged to a wh0re.haha guys, if you've been dating 6's all your life and then a 9 just pops out of the blue, be skeptical. I mean sure have fun with her, date her, etc but for God sakes don't get engaged to her or marry her!!!! this guy got caught up in the moment because he somehow cheated "the rules of dating" and thinks it's legit. in other words he bought a Tesla at a Chevrolet price and now is mad because come to find out it has a rusted out frame.:crackup:


New Member
Nov 4, 2011
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speed dawg said:
Ah, another cool guy wanting to hate on Christians, instead of seeing these guys for what they are: Simple Beta Men.
I've known Christian guys who could 'pimp it' or however you want to put it in a very big way.

But yes I think the Christian culture which puts a big emphasis on marriage is something that people here can fairly easily label 'beta' based on what I have read.

As far as marrying a slut...well...

Marriage is for procreation and anthropological evidence supports this.

Men stay with women to make sure that his kids are *his*. A woman who has been promiscuous in the past is a risk to that sort of endeavor.

Men put more emphasis on loyalty in a partner than women do.
Men are also far more likely not to forgive a cheating spouse than women are.

A man who stays with a woman in marriage only to find out that his kids aren't his...the very thought is horrifying to men and always has been.

Another thing to consider...women gravitating towards one sort of man and then, when they become pregnant or bear his children, finding another man to raise them.

This is why men are wary of relationships with single moms.

We have a natural urge to pass on our own genes and not those of another.

If you disagree with this, if you think that marriage is for love or that you have no problem raising someone else' children that is fine. In fact I think it is somewhat admirable.

But look up and research what I have said...think about it's reality.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Its interesting

I've noticed a great many men when you start to talk about holding women to STANDARDS of female behavior SCOFF and say 'oh burroughs you have to be realistic...da da da.'

what this is code for is 'i want to get laid by any means to any attractive skank I can find so don't burden my brain with standards that I must uphold.'

and I understand this attitude.

marriage is defunct and dead institution. If you are under 30 and yoke your finances to a woman under the eye of the state you are a fool and will face serious financial and perhaps emotional consequences. So I get that men just want to pump and dump...I'm the same way

...but I still shake my head and the low standards that MEN WHO ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN MARRIAGE hold for the women they select...I guess it shows how deep scarcity mentality goes and how pathetic men as a whole have become in their willingness to burn ALL PERSONAL STANDARDS FOR PUZZY.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
TWG2 said:
But yes I think the Christian culture which puts a big emphasis on marriage is something that people here can fairly easily label 'beta' based on what I have read.
It's the same with any religion. My ex-wife converted to Islam and got married on her second date. Muslims, Hindus, Mormon Mitt Romney - it's all the same idea in regard to marriage. You must get married asap so that you can crank out kids. The point of your existence is to make babies who will join the church, get married at 19, and immediately start making more babies. Divorce fvcks up that process, which is why it's forbidden. Unless you're the preacher man himself, religion makes a beta out of all of its followers, both men and women.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Danger said:

I bolded what I consider the golden nugget in this post.

The point is, I don't want to be a footnote in my wife's sexual history. And if you commit to a h0r at the ripe age of 35, you can bet your page will be rivaled by all of her other conquests.

A man who commits that level of his life to a girl, you would think he should not want to be part of that blur of c0ck carousel riding. At least, I certainly don't.

I don't want a girl who had a blur of men during her prime years, only to make me purchase the used up goods before they break down. If I'm going to purchase a model that old, it had better have damn few miles on it.
All very true.

Another thing I have noticed is that there is a marked defference between men's promiscuity and women's. Why is it that if a man cheats on a woman, she can conceivably get oaver it, while for me it is the death knell of the relationship. Why does a woman's cheating engender ABSOLTE disgust in us?

I think it is because the women is the receptacle, while the man is the depositor. She absorbs another man's DNA into her own body, into her own being and that man becomes FOREVER a part of her. She walks around with that man inside of her forever. This is not so with men. We do not absorb her DNA. We make the deposit and walk away the same (although there is a spiritual transference which I'm not touching upon here).

That is why a woman sleeping around is so fundamentally disgusting to us. These other men forever became a part of her because she has absorbed their DNA.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Burroughs said:
Its interesting

I've noticed a great many men when you start to talk about holding women to STANDARDS of female behavior SCOFF and say 'oh burroughs you have to be realistic...da da da.'

what this is code for is 'i want to get laid by any means to any attractive skank I can find so don't burden my brain with standards that I must uphold.'

and I understand this attitude.

marriage is defunct and dead institution. If you are under 30 and yoke your finances to a woman under the eye of the state you are a fool and will face serious financial and perhaps emotional consequences. So I get that men just want to pump and dump...I'm the same way

...but I still shake my head and the low standards that MEN WHO ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN MARRIAGE hold for the women they select...I guess it shows how deep scarcity mentality goes and how pathetic men as a whole have become in their willingness to burn ALL PERSONAL STANDARDS FOR PUZZY.
Sadly, everything you said here is money. I always come back to the question, how screwed up are things when sites like this need to exist?

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Desdinova said:
Please keep the religious references to a bare minimum. I'd like to keep the thread open.
I think this would be appropriately aimed at the Original Poster.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension

It's under control. Let's keep it open.