***Prom Discussion '08***

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Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
I hopped on the prom band wagon and am in a love hate relationship with it. $130 tux, $155 a couple for the limo, $150 per couple entrance/dinner, and another bundle of twenties for a corsage and booze. At around $500 its a good thing I have a steady part time job. So why do I go? Because for better or worse, prom is an American institution. No one wants to say they didn't go, or worse, wonder what would have happened if they did. My Jr. prom sucked, and Sr. prom leaves very little chance of fulfilling its hefty price tag, but in the end I'll be able to have some solid memories.

Sure, renting a house with some buddies and throwing a disgustingly expensive, all weekend party, would have made a much more epic story to tell down the line, but realistically prom is a consistent major event that draws a large portion of students.

As for the cost department, I'm just sucking it up and taking it all. If you looked at the price of dresses, nails, hair, and all of the other female expenses, you would see that in the end its pretty close to split.

I plan on getting a bit buzzed, eating good food, and dancing for a few hours. After that our classy limo will take us to my buddy's house where we will drink, laugh, and hopefully get at least a little action (I'm taking a girl I haven't even hooked up with yet).

Suck it up and go. Make the most of it and enjoy a night free of the usual financial restraints. It has been my experience that the guys who don't go are often the ones who wouldn't man up and find a date. On one final note, I've never heard of these extravagant prom invitations. I called my date and had a five minute phone conversation ending in her enthusiastically saying yes to my invitation. Around my area, girls seem to go nuts for proms and consider going to multiple proms worthy of bragging rights.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2004
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Hey man, I know exactly what you mean. I am taking the hottest girl in my school to grad too, and she also has a bf who is older and out of high school...still unsure how to handle it...she is going to need to meet my parents at some point so things are not completely wierd at grad. Any experience/advice?


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
I just had my prom. It's what you make of it. If you don't want to be drunk, and can't go to a hotel on the beach, then it's like any other formal night. I didn't get drunk, didn't get laid, and had about a 7/10 night. Too expensive, but I would've regreted not going, so not much of a complaint. Although, my girlfriend looked stunning.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
This girl wants me to take her to prom...I said I would because I didn't have a date yet. After talking to a few people I gathered that she didn't have a boyfriend anymore...all good right? No. As I was hanging out with this girl over the weekend she kept getting calls from the boyfriend, but she didn't want to talk to him and didn't seem interested when he called. Worst of all the boyfriend is someone I know and a good guy.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Turns out the girl broke up with the guy a few months ago and he was just being a ****.

Prom is tomorrow. I don't plan on drinking because I've gotten caught for underage drinking before and the cops will be everywhere tomorrow night. Because of this I am a little worried about my game.

I'm going to a party with my date after and I feel there is a good chance she will put out, but is it ethical to do a drunk chick if you aren't drunk?


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
California, SF
I'm about to go to prom. Literally. In about 45 minutes. I have basic but mediocre dance skills.

Going with a date. Spent not that much, so far roughly 200 dollars.

Hope i have fun. =D Good luck everyone.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
My prom experience wasn't that great. Basically there were a lot of people there, a decent DJ and lots of dancing going on. First if you wanted to take pictures you did that, then you went into this ballroom where you ate first. After that nothing but dancing, literally. And trust me, at any High School dance it isn't required to know how to dance. Like at prom, everyone was literally just grinding to most songs and occassionally there was a song that there was a dance too(For instance, Cha Cha Slide or Crank Dat). Or if it was a slow song, people would slow dance.

I myself didn't focus on dancing that much, just having a good time. Literally when it comes to dancing, I just danced with my friends date 2 times(Slow danced once, grinded on her another). On the side, some people were making out.

Prom was mostly juniors and seniors, but a few sophomore and freshman girls came that had dates with juniors or seniors.

But yeah, that was my prom experience.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
My prom was good in the sense that i didn't end up like some of my friends, broke. The tickets were expensive 70 dollars for one ticket, not including the rest you have to pay for. I only asked one chick because she was literally worth it, but she wasn't even going to go in the first place.(yeah i know what a bit(h). This other girl had the audacity to ask me out (talk about interest) turned that b*** down. So I went by myself but danced with 3 different girls 1 was a friend the 2 were strangers fine strangers (i might add) consistently all night. While some people had dates they were just sitting there bored out of their mind and just watching. All and all it was fun, afterparty was the sh1t!!