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Project Smoothe: Self-Improvement Journal


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Hello fellow Don Juans,

I'm a man on a mission: to be the absolute best I can be in the world of seduction. I have created this journal so that we can all learn from my newfound victories and (hopefully no) failures.

In this thread, I will be posting my field reports with the ladies, along with my workout and diet, in hopes that we can all see a bit of ourselves in my experiences which will in turn help you push past any "pain periods" in order to achieve success. Please feel free to constructively criticize any of these posts. First, let me tell you a bit about myself:

* Between the age of 16-20 (currently 20) I went from 300+ pounds to a lean 200 at 6'0. I used to be a complete outcast, but my last year of high school, I was finally one of the "in" crowd.
* Lost my virginity at 16
* Have since dedicated my life to success in sales, seduction, and the art of attraction and persuasion
* My style with the ladies is usually ****y-funny
* I lift weights, supplement, and diet regularly, although I do cheat every now and then


I now have 2 girlfriends, both living relatively far away from each other. This was one of my goals and now I have achieved it. I've only known my second gf for a little over a week, and have made the emotional connection roughly my fourth or fifth day with her. My goal now is to get intimate with her, although I have disarmed her with the "lets take things as slow as you need" conversation - which is true, I never force anything...to me, that shows a man has no game, because if he did, he wouldn't have to force anything on a woman.

We kiss passionately, and she always tells me I'm amazing at it and what a tease I am, which is a great confidence booster, although I never take it to heart in fear I might believe it too much and therefore let my emotional guard down. She's actually text messaging me as I type this.

I woke up this morning and had 3 scoops of Orange flavor N.O. Xplode, which picks me up right away. The plan for today is to basically work out, work, diet right, keep the vibe going between my 2 gfs, and either call or text the 26 yr. old teacher who gave me her number in at Starbucks (she was an 8 on the scale of 1-10). I'll be posting later to let you know how it went with the ladies and in the gym.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Missed goals

Your “goals,” all seem to be towards doing things for women, when they should be aimed at doing things for yourself.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score

I don't understand what you mean by my goalS? I have only typed in 2 goals, my previous one and my new one which is to get intimate with my new gf. Could you please elaborate on what you mean? Thank you for your input by the way :)

The workout went swell. I performed:

-4 sets of DB bench press: 15, 12, 10, 8
-4 sets of standing curls with ez curl bar: 15, 12, 10, 8
-4 sets of tricep pressdowns: 15, 12, 10, 8
-4 sets of wrist curls (including reverse grip): 15, 12, 10, 8

During the workout, I drank 5g of creatine monohydrate and 5g of glutamine in 12 oz. of orange juice. Afterwords, I had a skinless chicken breast and water. I ate clean and frequently all day. In addition to my creatine/glutamine stack, I had my daily multivitamin as well.

Field Report

Wound up hanging out with new gf and basically chilling in a parking lot of a movie theater all night, in which she straddled me and made out for the most part. There was some foreplay with her breasts and what not, nibbling of the ears, but nothing to major.

I never wound up texting or calling that 26 year old because...she text messaged ME! Here's a breif rundown of the text convo:

Her: bla bla bla
Me: bla bla bla
Her: I've been so busy, I don't know what it is to go out. I forget.
Me: Then perhaps I can refresh your memory sometime ;)
Her: If that is an invite, I accept!

We then talked about how weekends are good for her and that Sunday would probably be our best day since we both aren't doing too much. I still don't have any idea where to take her however. Some suggestions from the other Don Juans? She told me in our first conversation in person that she "likes her bars," but I'm not even the legal drinking age, nor have I ever or will ever drink alcohol.

That was pretty much it for today.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
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I'm sitting here drinking my N.O. Xplode thinking..."There's got to be a better way to make more money." Right now, I'm at a corporate job where slaps on the hand are the norm for the slightest of mistakes. I fear that I will soon get fired if I am not 100% "on the ball." This is why I am seeking employment elsewhere. Hopefully something will come up soon. The ultimate goal however, is to be a millionaire within the next ten years.

As far as the ladies go, everything's going great with my new gf and ok with my old one. I have a date tomorrow with the hot, 26 yr. old. Still no ideas on where I should take her, I'm sure something will come to mind. Perhaps I'll post that question in an area where you DJs are more likely to see it.

In the fitness area, I'm working out today. Pretty much the same exact workout as posted previously. I never really get a chance to do much else. I really wish I had the time to do back, but my schedule is such:

Wake up at 9ish, post on this board, study up on jobs elsewhere/increase my financial IQ, quicky workout (every other day), work until 10ish, relax and do whatever. I'm hoping that my next job provides a bit more freedom, and a lot more money. And to make matters worse in terms of freedom, I just made an appointment to go back to school online; so now not only will I be out roughly $1,500, but I'll have even less time between my current job and logging on for classes, homework, and studying.

But you know what?, I'll manage. I'll break through the walls stronger than ever, because that's what Don Juans do:rockon:


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Things are going great with my new gf. I believe that sometime in the near future I'll be getting intimate with her; I give it less than a month's time. I never wound up getting anywhere with that teacher, honestly, because I didn't want to. I'm focused on getting a$$ from my new gf too much to be concerned with other ladies right now. I like to work on one "project" at a time.

My old gf is such an annoyance, but I still care about her a lot, and the thought of another guy penetrating her makes me violently ill.

In terms of fitness, I've decided to make time for my much needed back routine, which I'm printing out from Bodybuilding.com. I've up'd my creatine dosage from 5 to 10 grams per day. I've been hearing a lot of "wow ur jacked," and "I remember when my arms used to be as big as urs," from various people who haven't seen me before.

I'm now motivated than ever to get big and lean, in an attempt to wow my new gf the first time she sees me naked. My diet today was very good. I ate smaller, more frequent meals, consisting of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and quality healthy fats. Granted, it was not absolutely perfect. It was in fact suitable for lean mass gains and fat loss.

I sold my ass off today, and made a lot of money for my company, and a lot of commission, but still, I am not fully satisfied with the fact that it is not going 100% to MY business bank account.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Smoothe said:
which is true, I never force anything...to me, that shows a man has no game, because if he did, he wouldn't have to force anything on a woman.
Do your two 'gf' know about each other? Or are you lying to them? Just a question.

Good luck with the ladies, and i think you are just jealous of the old gf and you dont really like her as much as you think you do


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Smoothe sorry that I was unable to reply sooner, what I meant was almost all your writing was about, women, women, etc…..Its as if your whole world revolves around them. I on the other hand put myself before all else, if I have a GF, OK, if not then OK as well.
Some of my goals, improve my free weight dead lift, squat and bench press drug free, improve my swimming and cycling, buy better clothes for my wardrobe, save some money so I can have a holiday with my son, ect…..
Make the goals to better yourself and not to impress some slut.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Microphone fiend,

No, they don't know about each other, however, I never lied, because they never asked. It's not like they said "hey is there someone else?" and I replied "No." I simply had one gf, and then got a second. And I think you're right about the jealous thing. Thank you very much for your input.


Thank you very much for your advice. You are correct, there really is no point in impressing this *****. Your goals are awesome and I will model some of mine after yours in an attempt to better myself.

In other news,

Business - I ordered a packet of information on starting and growing an online business of my own. I have a success coach that I can call to answer any questions that I may have, so I'll read over that tonight when I get home from the gym to get started asap!

Health and fitness - I created a new workout and diet routine that allows me to hit every bodypart as well as eat for lean mass. I will be posting it on a day to day basis, depending on what I eat/supplement with and which workout I do on certain days.

Ladies - I am completely done with my old gf, initiated by her via text message lol. Didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I actually was whistling while I was at work today:up:


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
I decied to post my Lean Mass Program now that I'm out of the gym and more motivated than ever.

Lean Mass Workout

Arms, Chest, & Traps

- 4 sets of bicep curls
- 4 sets of tricep pressdowns
- 4 sets of bench presses
- 4 sets of forearm curls (including reverse grip)
- 4 sets of shoulder shrugs

Legs & Back

- 4 sets of leg extensions
- 4 sets of leg curls
- 4 sets of calf presses
- 4 sets of seated cable rows
- 4 sets of hyper extensions


- Repeat Monday's Workout


- Repeat Tuesday's Workout


- Off


- 4 sets of hanging knee raises
- 4 sets of crunch machine
- 4 sets of oblique crunches with dumbbells


- Off

Lean Mass Diet

1. Smaller, frequent meals in the 300-600 calorie range

2. Complex carbohydrates from: whole grains, fruits, vegetables

3. Lean proteins from: steak, chicken, fish, protein bars/powder

4. Healthy fats from: olive oil, natural peanut butter, CLA (trace amoutns in my protein bars), Canola oil

5. During workout - 5g Creatine Monohydrate/5g L-Glutamine in 100% fruit juice

6. Post-Workout - 30g - 50g protein shake

7. Total of 10 g Creatine Monohydrate per day from supplements

8. Multivitamin Supplement daily

9. Drink water until urine is clear

10. Keep the faith and never give up

I read through my online business startup package after I got out of the gym and it looks promising. It comes with a DVD and an audio CD, after which I am instructed to call my business success coach to get rockin' and rollin'. I'll check out the DVD between today and tomorrow, and hit up the audio CD on my way to work tomorrow.

I'll call the success coach on my day off sometime this week and get started. All in all, I'm looking forward to my new healthy and fit (and hopefully more money) lifestyle, and have generated a very good amount of confidence from just taking action to better myself. Thanks again to my PUAs who posted. I'll be posting again tomorrow, take care guys.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
So I bought a case of Isopure RTDs and a 1.81lbs Lemonade flavored N.O. Xplode. Just took too scoops of that, then hitting the gym in about a half hour after it kicks in.

Today's workout is the Back and Legs workout, although I'm not so sure about my upper back, as that is painfully sore today due to my trap shrugs from yesterday. I might give that a rest, as I don't want to overtrain any one muscle group.

I postponed my listening to the Audio CD that came with my online business success package (it's audio, dvd, and then call the coach). I'm procrastinating (a bad habit of mine), because of fear of boredome. But, I have no choice. I HAVE to do this, so I will knucke down and just do it. When? Tonight, I'll watch the DVD. I'll report back with my gym experience and complete diet for today.



Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
I watched the Online Business Systems DVD! Today, my goals are to listen to the audio cd, read through the information packet, and then call my success coach to get this thing going.

In health and fitness news, my back and traps are KILLING me, and I love every second of it! I haven't been able to work my back (both upper and lower) for quite some time now, and that's just what I did when I was at the gym yesterday...the complete Tuesday Workout listed in previous posts.

My biceps are mildly sore from Monday's workout as well, and since my entire body has been worked and is somewhat sore, I changing the schedule and taking today off to rest and recover. I know that if I workout today, I'll definitely be overtraining, and right now, I want to grow big and lean!

In terms of women, I'm supposed to be hanging out with the new girlfriend today. This should be interesting, and hopefully, we will be in a position (ex: a home with no parents) to get intimate. And if not, no biggie.

Other than that, not too much else going on. :woo:

Keep the faith,


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
I made a little catch phrase to keep myself motivated when in a dark tunnel, use it when you need to.

"Straight to the top... Non-stop" - me :)


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
BTW- your diet and excersizing program looks great.

How do you like the NO Xplode?


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score

That's an awesome quote, and I'll definitely keep that in mind whenever I'm in a struggle. Thanks a lot for your motivating comment on Smoothe's Lean Mass Program :) I really like the N.O. Xplode, although it is not my first time using it. This is my 3rd jar of it.

I have used Superpump250 by Gaspari Nutrition in the past, and although it worked great, the taste was "eh" and it gave me bad diarrhea and stomach cramps. The idea behind the N.O. Xplode is not so much for size and strength, or even pumps, but mainly for pre-workout energy.

I hate coffee because of the taste and what it can do to a person's teeth, so I drink the energy drinks like N.O. Xplode instead, which I think work 100 times better for energy anyway.

I'll be back later to post my workout and any other important things I did to make my goals a reality. Please, keep the feedback comming, you guys are the best.

Yours in health,