The town is wealthy, with upper middle class being the lower social "ranking" in the town. My neighborhood is upper middle class. Both parents usually work...and women are fully capable of working full time, doing the housework, carting the kids around, getting their hair and nails done and working out. Even in the most wealthy of families, more often than not the wife works too. It's not because she has to, but because she wants to. No one wants to wander around all day aimlessly with no purpose in life. People (women included) want fulfillment.
That's fine, but once again, a woman's responsibility is to put her family first.
A man who feels inadequate over a woman's earning power being higher than his IS insecure.
Well, women are insecure about their looks all the time (or what other purpose does the question "Do I look fat in this?" fulfill?), and I don't seem them apologizing for it. Hate it or love it, people are the way they are. That's why men and women have different roles in life, so they each feel secure in their own skin, their own job. When they try to jump into each other's business, yes, insecurity ensues.
Oh give me a break. I've been around here long enough to know that for the most part what I said is true. How often do you hear the guys on here talk about approaching a woman because of anything other than her appearance. Get real.
Unfeminine doesn't have to only be in looks. You can act unfeminine, dress unfeminine, etc. A woman who looks hot but acts like a man is not as uncommon as you think. It's not all about looks. We're all not as shallow as you think.
I don't think pre-school age children should be in daycare full time. I do, however, think it's very important for children to socialize with their peers in a pre-school setting a few hours a week. Although I have always worked I have NEVER put my kids in full time daycare. I have always had family members provide childcare for me.
Definitely, I agree with you on the pre-school thing. You have had family to take care of your kids. Although not as good as having the mom around, it's better than daycare. The thing is, this country is built on the nuclear family. Most people move away from their parents/relatives, so dropping their kids off to daycare like they're a UPS package is what most people resort to. Then we wonder why things like columbine happen. Maybe the parents should put in more effort/time with their kids.
My point is that there are VERY FEW women who are stay at home Mom's. There used to be a lot of them, and they formed companionships and friendships with other stay at home moms. That made it bearable. That has changed. And there are only so many activities a mother can find to occupy her time all day long. That's why so many of them spend a small fortune on the home shopping network and going shopping. Bored housewives spend a ton of money and gain weight while watching talk shows and soap operas that lead them to be dissatisfied with the old man and their unsatisfying life.
You're right, but not surprisingly, you're contradicting yourself anyways. How? Well look what you said above:
The women take very good care of themselves. They work out, visit the hairdresser regularly, get manicures, take walks with their husbands and children after dinner... They belong to the PTA, country club, are active in the schools, are den mothers for scouts, they carpool with each other and go to their kids' sporting events.
That sounds like a lot of activities. In any case, I never said women SHOULDN'T work, I said that family comes first. So if a woman's work conflicts with her putting dinner on the table, and the family has to eat out all the time, that's a problem. If the woman's work leaves the house looking like a pigsty, that's a problem. Does that mean I want women to be locked up in houses? Absolutely not. But once again, their MAIN responsibility is the home/family, NOT work. The MAIN responsibility of the man is WORK. That doesn't mean they can't overlap, but in general, they both have their seperate spheres of influence. Would a woman accept a man who couldn't put bread on the table because he was too busy cleaning the house? Or because he had to watch his son's little league game? Let's cut the double standards shall we?
I don't "look down" on housewives. I feel sorry for them because I walked in their shoes when I first got married. I was unhappy, felt stagnant and felt like a prisoner. I was so lonely for adult interaction that I actually invited Jehovah's Witnesses inside to visit and do bible studies when they came knocking. I HATE organized the fact that I did that speaks volumes about how bored and unhappy I was. NEVER again...I would die first. And "feminism" has nothing to do with adults NEEDING adult interaction and purpose in life. The only reason wifes didn't make a fuss about staying home way back when is because their neighborhoods were a-buzz with activity during the they had that interaction. Now neighborhoods are like a ghost town during the day.
I think you have a good point there. However, just because you don't like being a housewife doesn't mean other women don't like it. I'm not supporting one view over the other but I think it's unfair for you to state that your own views mirror everyone elses. Everyone still has a choice of what they prefer. And that's the whole point, women have a choice too. And if they choose to stay at home, then you have no reason or right to pity/feel sorry for them. Why would you?
Sorry, but defining your personality doesn't hold a candle to the drive to feed your children. Would you sacrifice your very life to protect your personality traits? I highly doubt it. I would give my life without thought if it was to protect my children. There is NO drive more powerful than a parent's drive to protect their children.
Once again, it doesn't matter how much you're willing to sacrifice yourself. The point, this sacrifice comes from an external stimulus, not something within. If you won the lottery tomorrow, or didn't have to worry about financial security anymore, then your "drive," as you put it, would most likley be extinguished very quickly. You think guys don't go to work to feed their families as well?
My children have 3 uncles and I was engaged for 5 years to a man we all loved very much. He was murdered in a home invasion at a friend's house a few years ago. I had considerable grieving to do and so did my children. I am very, very picky about who I bring into my kids' lives.
I am very sorry for your loss and I commend your efforts for trying.
My, how presumptuous of you. Listen, don't know me and you know nothing about how I have raised my children. I've been far, far better at playing the traditional "father" role than most fathers are. I have 3 teenagers...19, 16 and 14. All are still virgins, have never drank, smoked or used drugs. I always know where they are, what they are doing, who they are with. They respect me, trust me and are damn good kids. In fact, they are WAY better kids than the vast majority of kids their age with both parents in the home. My boys were taught NOT to buy into male bashing and to stick up for themselves against being treated unfairly. I have gone to bat with the schools for BOTH of them when sexist policies against boys reared it's ugly head in their directions. I taught them how to play baseball, soccer and basketball. We camp, fish and build things. So you, sir, can kindly take your nonsensical diatribe and cram it up your uptight arse.
It doesn't really matter how "well" you've raised them. The point is, a child's growth without both parents is stunted, in one way or another. That doesn't mean they won't be able to work through those issues, but it's much of a harder job. I understand that if it was in your power, you would have had things a bit different. But for you to think that you can do a better job parenting alone than with a partner seems a bit presumptuous of you, no? I'm sure you're a fine parent, but even you can't deny that 2 heads are better than one, that 2 people can do a much larger job than one alone. We parent because we want to see our children succeed, not to pat ourselves on the back on how good parents we are, although I'm sure you did a fine job.
This is a problem which leads to much sexual confusion in this country. Women can't show men how to be men. It just doesn't work this way. I don't want to restate my previous posts, so I'll just pont you to it:
I don't "look down" on women who don't work. I simply feel sorry for them because I KNOW from FIRST HAND experience how bad it SUCKS.
Once again, presumptuous. I'm starting to like this word! How do you know that everyone else hates it as much as you do, or at all?
Why do I suspect you're either British or Canadian?
Once again, your assumptions, presumptions and suspicions are incorrect. 100% born and raised american.