In my honest opinion, the BJ is a
diversion from the path to sex. On a purely physical level I usually go straight from fingering and kissing to fvcking. Sometimes I'll have a girl who is completely and utterly enamored with my dck, and that's the only time I let the diversion happen from the moment she's in my bedroom to the moment I'm destroying the kitty.
Maybe you need to dominate the interaction more. Most my early lays were weak on the dominant side, where I recall there were MANY diversions in between reaching the bedroom and reaching her climax. When you're more dominant, the girl fully gives up the interaction to you willingly and enjoys whatever direction you take it. And that direction can be straight into her ass, if you want.
btw, if she's shy, you simply won't get her to dirty talk the first time. The best you'll get is your name moaned as she cums.
Want her to talk dirty to you? It takes more than one fvck session.
Well much like the whole rookie mistake "telling her your a virgin won't get you laid", asking her to dirty talk won't get her to do it either.
You need to actively vocalize during sex, and in time she'll start responding. The best are ones where you compliment her and yourself at the same time, ie: something + about your dck/dominance, and something + about her body. Questions are always good, espeically early on. IE while she's moaning really loud, "Do u like it when I X your Y by Z?" She'll usually respond with a sexually scratchy "Yes" but it invites her to say stuff in the FUTURE. After a while you can add in questions like "How do you want me to fvck you?" And those answers are always great and sexy, especially from the shy girls.
After a few seshes, you can start easing her into sexting. You can start off with something vaguely innocuous such as "What are you wearing?" OR you can keep dropping innuendo bombs until she's thinking about it enough to mention it in her
texts. Sexting helps make her feel more comfortable verbalizing those things she's thinking about you every night before she goes to bed.
Know you won't have EVERY girl talking like Sasha Grey, but it is always great when a normally reserved girl moans "I love it when you fvck me like that" or "you feel SOOOOO good inside me"