Hi fellas, would love your opinion on this issue. There’s a girl at my job I don’t work with (and whom I never spoken to for that matter) that seems to behave odd around me. Firstly, I would usually ignore such behavior since we’re not on the same shift, but every since my first week she’s been staying over on my team’s shift so I began taking notice of these actions and the frequency in which they occur. For instance, whenever we happen to pass each other or make eye contact she gets a deer in the headlights look. Secondly, she tends to randomly show up at the section of the warehouse I’m at especially when I’m away from my coworker buddies — once she randomly showed up and shortly after I decided to move to test what she’ll do and seconds later she came to the area I relocated to. She also often looks shook (like a deer in the headlights) when we make eye contact. Lastly, I noticed whenever she’s having a conversation with someone at the job (specifically males) they’ll both oddly stare at me. For example, I once was making my way up an area w/ my head down and when I looked up her and another coworker (male) were just staring at me. Any clues what could be her problem? As I said, I haven’t had any interaction w/ this girl so unsure what the deal is …