I'm in 10th man. took geometry as a freshman.
Quite a few of my friends were in Calc. 2 as Freshman as well as being in things like French 5 and pretty much honors everything
. Guess you should be getting of your lazy ass. Be easy on him,
Cheating isn't good, neither is lying. Tell your parents kid. Yeah your plans are ruined. So what, explain to your parents why your grades sucked. I tried hiding them, nothing good came of it. No I didn't have guilt, No they never found out, but it is a hell of a lot harder to not tell them then to just tell them. And every time they say something you can get nervous they found out and are trying to call you on it.
Tell them, no worth hiding it.
If you really have trouble learning the **** and arn't just goofing around ask for help. it's as simple as that. Most people are to high and mighty when if you just simply ask because you don't understand it will save you a lot of time. Go in early or late depending on when the teacher is there. They ALWAYS have people do that. It's almost NEVER an empty class in the morning. Funny thing is it's not the stupid people who are asking for help. It's the smart people who get A's who ask for help.
If you really want to go to these parties or whatever go. Don't let your parents stop you. but don't sneak around behind thier back. If you tell them upfront what you are doing, even if they say **** like you are grounded. Things will be much better in the end. I've told my parents I'm doing this, and I did it. Even though they were against it. As long as your not doing anything illegal and are home within 24 hours your safe.
There is no law that says your parent can force you to stay home.
as you grow older you will learn this is very bad especially in an argument. because now that you've said it it creates an invisible boundry between you and that person. Rather then learning to compromise... I suggest you and your parents[or you translate it to them] read this book, you can get it at a library...
Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
by Roger Fisher and William Ury of the Harvard Negotiation Project.
~ Cheers Capi
I've seen people pass H/S by cheating. I've seen teachers LET the kids cheat. You know why. Cause its less work for them and the only person your fukking is yourself. Same with lying adn hiding your grades. Teachers make it seem like failing is a bad Karma for your whole life. really what it means is, A. your not asking for help. B. They arn't teaching you right. C. You slacking off.
If you need more help just ask. Sencond if your parents comment on your F, ask them why they don't congratulate you on the A, in English. After all you might be a scholar or a writer. What need have they for thy math? lol. Good Luck my friend. remmeber don't yell. Be calm and respective. Eye contact.