Don Juan
Ok gents, I'm gonna make the intro short so I can get to the point. I'll put facts in bullet form to make them easy for referral.
-Met girl had sex first date (both in our mid 40's)
-Wonderful woman, fantastic personality; I'm super attracted to her and she to me; She's a career woman, very established; a REAL keeper
-I'm Divorced, she's been divorced 8 years; her last LTR was 3 yrs ago
-Not one to have a boyfriend very often, yet hot
-She put "In a Relationship with" me on FB on week 3
-Week 3 dropped "I Love You' on me (I reciprocated)
-Week 3 asked me when my lease was up, started talking moving in with her
-A week ago told me "I have searched for you for decades"
-Week 3 took me to Sams, put me on her card, then led me over to the jewelry cabinet
-This is week 9
Last Sunday (a week ago yesterday) she suddenly became a little distant after mind blowing sex the night before. During this past week, I could feel a little distance, not as much "honey, baby" as usual but still saying ILY to me. So Saturday night, she pissed me off not knowing about an event I was in on Sunday.
It wasn't so much about the event, as it was just another product of her mind being elsewhere all week and it just set me off. So I called her out on it and she just defended herself. So we didn't talk/text all day long yesterday (first time that has happened, we talk and text every day we're not together). We don't fight and there's no drama.
So I texted her this morning just to say have a good day, nothing major. She replied later nicely and like she normally would.
Now I wanna just stop texting her and let her do all the work. But I also know she likes the man to take the lead. A female friend of mine said "Sit her down, tell her you love her very much, but you're not gonna put up with a woman who is distant and that you can also do just fine without her."
I like that approach, but I still think the back WAAAAAAAAAY off and let her do the work will work the best.
Ok guys......thoughts? :nervous:
-Met girl had sex first date (both in our mid 40's)
-Wonderful woman, fantastic personality; I'm super attracted to her and she to me; She's a career woman, very established; a REAL keeper
-I'm Divorced, she's been divorced 8 years; her last LTR was 3 yrs ago
-Not one to have a boyfriend very often, yet hot
-She put "In a Relationship with" me on FB on week 3
-Week 3 dropped "I Love You' on me (I reciprocated)
-Week 3 asked me when my lease was up, started talking moving in with her
-A week ago told me "I have searched for you for decades"
-Week 3 took me to Sams, put me on her card, then led me over to the jewelry cabinet
-This is week 9
Last Sunday (a week ago yesterday) she suddenly became a little distant after mind blowing sex the night before. During this past week, I could feel a little distance, not as much "honey, baby" as usual but still saying ILY to me. So Saturday night, she pissed me off not knowing about an event I was in on Sunday.
So I texted her this morning just to say have a good day, nothing major. She replied later nicely and like she normally would.
Now I wanna just stop texting her and let her do all the work. But I also know she likes the man to take the lead. A female friend of mine said "Sit her down, tell her you love her very much, but you're not gonna put up with a woman who is distant and that you can also do just fine without her."
I like that approach, but I still think the back WAAAAAAAAAY off and let her do the work will work the best.
Ok guys......thoughts? :nervous: