49au said:
You have a very immature and limited perspective.
Really? Man, I've been there done that, did the whole irrational attachment to my girlfriends, realised it does not work, monogamy doesnt work...
49au said:
Telling a woman I'm considering an LTR with, or in one with, or in any way otherwise value, that I won't sleep with her if she's also sleeping with other men, is not an unreasonable restriction on her if I provide the type of value that she's looking for. And if I don't take her seriously, then I wouldn't care if she was banging other guys. But I'm certainly not going to take a b!tch like that in public or around my friends.
That's fine, that would be known as one of your rules, and I don't diss you for it, many other guys are like you. However, I think you're forgetting this is women we are dealing with, they act on emotions, chick logic, and how they FEEL..
If I don't click with a chick, and she's into drugs or some sh!t like that, if shes low drama, sexy and hot, I will keep her as a FB
only..she'll NEVER be upgraded to MLTR status ( Multiple long-term relationship)
That's one of my rules....
49au said:
You have no idea what my rules are. They're actually similar to yours. I too don't say anything about their orbiters or emotional tampons.
But what you didn't list is what I have a problem with. Physical cheating. She can sit there and tell some fool all night how I "just don't seem to care" about her, I don't care. But if she fuks another guy she's done.
Go ahead and think about a girl you enjoy, and would consider keeping around for a while. Think about her getting a train run on her in a bus station bathroom. Jack off to it if you want. Then take her back into your bed. But realize that you're too weak to reject even the lowest, most utterly useless form of woman.
This is pure projection, you are projecting your negative views, and your m/w complex. I bet you want to fvck all sorts of HOT chicks, and do stuff with them, but god forbid they do it with other men, you deem them non-worthy of your time, or relationship...ridiculous, What's so bad about her enjoying herself with someone else? Why do ou care sooo much? ..it's her body, and her life, why would you want to control her, and btw don't bother saying ohhhh I'm afraid to reject a ''slvt'' as you would call it, haha if she gives me drama, shes nexted, but in my books, enjoying herself with other men isn't an offence worthy of a next.
heck, I'd be a hypocrit wouldnt I
I'm allowed bang other women, but shes not
weird logic....
49au said:
You have no idea what I ultimately want, how I plan to go about it, how far I've already come toward it, and what I'm willing to do to get it.
Never claimed to, just going with your previous posts.
49au said:
The reason I know you're lying about this is that you can never have "loads of hot women", lots of money, "carefreeness" (I'm assuming that's the word you were looking for) and freedom all at the same time. Maybe daddy left you a fat trust fund. But otherwise, you're ignorant of reality.
Why can't you, why do you limit your life?
What's there to lie about? I fricken love my life, I love how I am not attached to anyone and anything, I used to be like you, trust me. It's a lot freer over here...come to the dark side
I'm ignorant of reality?...what is reality....it's what we make it, and make it mean.... It took me a while to reach this level of abundance, trust me, I used to be possessive, needy, clingy, etc you name it....but being in the game for long enough illuminated me to how women really are.. I woke up..