probably another tip that's already been overly done


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
I found myself sitting at home and thinking of all these friends I know who get girls. And just looking at them and what THEY got that I DON'T got.

I observed them and am friends with a diverse bunch. Some introverts some extroverts and some who are pure charmers and have multiple women wanting them. Now here's the thing, I noticed a similarity between all of these guys and that was that THERE WAS NOTHING THEY HAD that I DIDN'T.

Sometimes I HAD things they didn't have and yet THEY WERE STILL successful. One of my friends stutters and is typically quiet yet he has gf after gf.

So I sat here tonight going "wtf is going on? I don't get it." then I realized something. That when I told myself to F_ck everything and just GO for it, that my chances for success would be ten fold.

Because when u just don't give a shyt you end up giving off a natural aura of "i'm not counting on you for approval of whether or not you like me."

the more i realized that if i just told myself to screw everything and GO for it, that i'm that much more likely to succeed.

The important thing is that you believe in yourself, in everything you do. Believe that you are a great catch. Believe you will succeed. Know it's your life and that you're not going to sell yourself short by living someone elses. You're going to do things your way and do things YOU enjoy, not wondering how you're measuring up to her interest level.

But the main part of this post was to talk about how it seems the more frustrated I get, the more I wanna say you know what? I'm tired of being single and jerking off on friday nights. I'm going to go out there and get me a woman. I'm not gonna care if I do well or f_ck it up completely because I really don't see why I can't get a woman. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me and I'm a damn fine catch.

if this just ended up being a rant to everyone, i'm sorry it didn't do anything for u. but at least it has me pretty pumped up to just get me so frustrated that i just go and do it.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, this is exactly the thing all people need to read.

It's TRUELY not giving a FUK. Not thinking when you're talking to friends. Not thinking what to say or do this or that. It's truely not giving a SHYT about anything.

You've noticed the "natural" friends you are talking about? You see they are loud, cracking jokes, and everyone is laughing around them. Because they believe inside that they are awesome. The inner game inside manifests itself outside. So your actions and what not are actually a reflection of what you are feeling inside. Best advice on earth: TRUELY DO NOT GIVE A FUK.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
If they truly don't give a fvck, then what causes them to do it at all, or anything else for that matter?

What, besides obligation, gets you out of bed in the morning if you don't give a fvck?


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere in Europe

SuperGigaloDJ, he was insecure about the fact that this IN FACT HAS been said over and over, but guess what?


DJHoolahoop, you've got it. That's it.

That's why so many things in this website are counter-productive. We hear all the time "Don't give a fvck" but then "measure her interest level" = you can't help but become insecure.

When you're with a girl you don't want to be thinking about her interest level, and above all you don't want to have the word "confidence" clogging your every thought.

It's so ironic, the more we think about confidence, the less we seem to have. It's only so important when you don't have it. :cool:

-- NICE POST --.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Perhaps next time i'll save myself the trouble and ASSUME it hasn't been said... not mention it and then get flamed by tards, saying how much this forum is filled with repeated junk.

it was done as a pre-cursor for those who may have already read something similar, to avoid it.

fact of the matter is that the more i focus myself around this forum and others, i feel that i STILL second-guess myself because of wondering if i'm DOING IT RIGHT.

my friends who naturally DO it right do it because they aren't THINKING about it, they aren't FOCUSED on it, they just see someone they want to meet and do it. They don't care if that person doesn't want to be a part of them, all they care aobut is trying to get what they want.

that's the part of this whole thing. Frustration that THEY are no different than YOU are and yet they have the balls to DO something. When in fact you stop caring about who you are to these people, then nothing matters, you don't stand to lose anything and as a result you're able to approach because you don't give a **** one way or another.

Get angry, Get frustrated with it... because eventually you'll be so fed up of this **** that you'll go out and be that guy you've wanted to be.

When you stop and say "**** it, I'm going to do it my way" You get rid of all that stupid crap you pin yourself against and no longer focus it on them or the outcome.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
In The South
Originally posted by DJHoolahoop
I found myself sitting at home and thinking of all these friends I know who get girls. And just looking at them and what THEY got that I DON'T got.

I observed them and am friends with a diverse bunch. Some introverts some extroverts and some who are pure charmers and have multiple women wanting them. Now here's the thing, I noticed a similarity between all of these guys and that was that THERE WAS NOTHING THEY HAD that I DIDN'T.

Sometimes I HAD things they didn't have and yet THEY WERE STILL successful. One of my friends stutters and is typically quiet yet he has gf after gf.

So I sat here tonight going "wtf is going on? I don't get it." then I realized something. That when I told myself to F_ck everything and just GO for it, that my chances for success would be ten fold.

Because when u just don't give a shyt you end up giving off a natural aura of "i'm not counting on you for approval of whether or not you like me."

the more i realized that if i just told myself to screw everything and GO for it, that i'm that much more likely to succeed.

The important thing is that you believe in yourself, in everything you do. Believe that you are a great catch. Believe you will succeed. Know it's your life and that you're not going to sell yourself short by living someone elses. You're going to do things your way and do things YOU enjoy, not wondering how you're measuring up to her interest level.

But the main part of this post was to talk about how it seems the more frustrated I get, the more I wanna say you know what? I'm tired of being single and jerking off on friday nights. I'm going to go out there and get me a woman. I'm not gonna care if I do well or f_ck it up completely because I really don't see why I can't get a woman. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me and I'm a damn fine catch.

if this just ended up being a rant to everyone, i'm sorry it didn't do anything for u. but at least it has me pretty pumped up to just get me so frustrated that i just go and do it.

Get her done! Give me a high five bro! Great post and 100% right on and inspiring.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
In not giving a FVCK, i think the nicer way of saying it is not to look for approval from anyone.

Talk to girls as if they are friends or bratty little sisters. You don't need to put as much value on their opinion of you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score

I just wrote these words down and placed them where i'll be able to see them many times every day :)


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
I couldn't agree more. I've heard a few girls who've mentioned that they find it really attractive when the guy has the grapefruits to just go up to them and ask them out. I read something in a magazine the other day where a guy mentioned that his ugliest friends have the hottest girlfriends, simply because they've realized that by going for these girls, they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It also gives you that I don't give a sh!t look.