Principles of Learning


Don Juan
May 4, 2001
Reaction score
North Dakota
In my flight instructor class this year we learned that there are 7 principles of learning, and recently i realized they can be seen in training DJ's

Principle of Readiness: A student learns best when he is prepared and motivated to learn. If the student is not prepared or motivated, the learning session will be a waste of time and of little value. This translates into when you start your change from AFC to DJ, you have to prepare yourself by reading the Bible and be motivated and want to change, otherwise nothing will happen.

Principle of Exercise: Things that are most often repeated are best remembered. Meaning, if you want to get better at macking and meeting new girls, you actually have to go out and mack and meet new girls. The more you practice, the better you get.

Principle of Effect: The student learns best when there is a tangible reward for their effort.

Principle of Primacy: What is learned first is often best remembered. It takes effort to unlearn something learned wrong the first time. That is why many AFC traits can be hard to break.

Principle of Intensity: The more intense the learning situation, the better it will be remembered. Thats why students remember a video better than reading a boring textbook.

Principle of Recency: Things most recently learned are best remembered. So periodically review the Bible, and keep practicing.

Also los, Augen zu, und hinein


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2001
Reaction score
This will help in DJ'ing and all other aspects of life as well. i liked it.

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