Pride, Arrogance And Ego – The Path To Misery


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
by the way, its kind of a screwed up subject anyways, becaust a true egoist is only worried about feeding his own ego by only following what he believes and never validates himself by using others to inflate his ego..


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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The points the original poster presented are very valid. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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I have that problem.
Does anyone know how to get rid of the PRIDE (it's holding me back)?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
For instance, last night I went out and talked to a few girls at a party. One girl asked me(upon hearing my accent), "where are you from?". I replied that I was from Mars, with a I don't really care attitude. She took major offense at my sarcasm and I later saw her talking bad about me to another girl! And another girl after first displaying a major interest, was rude to me b/c of some off-hand "****y" comment. Maybe they are too sensitive as well, but damn....what is wrong with me?
If you're considerably attractive, then saying anything remotely sarcastic works against you with girls that aren't secure with themselves. They assume you're full of yourself just based on your looks to begin with, and then when you add something a little sarcastic, its blown out of proportion.

Pride is a killer but as i posted earlier is a good thing. The right girl will accept your pride. The insecure ones will not. How many worthwhile girls are there though that frequent the bar scene or are in college (and not average - just having fun)? Not a whole lot. Many of these ARE already in relationships. Some aren't, but only because of their pride!

You get the "I bet he thinks he's really it" thing going on when you say something sarcastic and a good-looking successful guy that carrys himself well. It's only with the insecure ones though. These are the same types that aren't relationship worthy anyway.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
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Northern New Jersey
bump. There are a lot more people who need to read this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Pride in self keeps us selfish and self-centered disabling us from enjoying or helping anyone else. Pride in race or culture makes many prejudiced. nations, marriages, families, churches, businesses, lives, etc. have been wrecked by pride

Many people have problems getting the humanism they were brought up with out of their hearts. Humanism teaches that pride is a virtue, most religions teach that it is a sin.

Blatant truth

Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
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Originally posted by tmpgstx
If you're considerably attractive, then saying anything remotely sarcastic works against you with girls that aren't secure with themselves. They assume you're full of yourself just based on your looks to begin with, and then when you add something a little sarcastic, its blown out of proportion.

Pride is a killer but as i posted earlier is a good thing. The right girl will accept your pride. The insecure ones will not. How many worthwhile girls are there though that frequent the bar scene or are in college (and not average - just having fun)? Not a whole lot. Many of these ARE already in relationships. Some aren't, but only because of their pride!

You get the "I bet he thinks he's really it" thing going on when you say something sarcastic and a good-looking successful guy that carrys himself well. It's only with the insecure ones though. These are the same types that aren't relationship worthy anyway.
Everyone on this site needs to read and understand this. A lot of times it isn't you, but the woman's insecurity because of the level you are on. In that case, don't worry too much about pride.

I get that alot, I'm not the best looking guy, but I take care of myself and dress decent...girls with LSE always accuse me of being ****y without even getting to know me, while girls who are more secure will get along just fine with me.


Jul 30, 2003
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all those things apply to me, to the the gotdamn letter.

I was at a get together and some chick there was like "hes a jerk isnt he?" to her friend. I was like "***** im the nicest guy you will ever meet". jk i didnt say b1tch but say the rest and she was saying it to the alpha female who i was exchanging sarcastic c n f with in a battle of wits. She had a silver tongue but wasnt very attractive to me.

She recognized my alpha status just as wolves do in the wilds of the frozen north.

Anyway i duno what this has to do with this post but i felt like telling u.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
It sounds like Blatant, Julian and i have had some similar experiences with LSE girls. Here are just a few of mine:

Scenerio 1:
Friend and i are out. He's talking with girl and i'm just standing there beside them. She hits him on shoulder and i jokingly say:

Me: "Don't lower yourself to her level by hitting her back"

The rest of convo is like this:

Her: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Me: "No, not at the present"
Her" "That's why"
Me: "Why is that?"
Her: "Because you're a jerk"

Keep in mind, this is all i said! Can you believe it?

Scenerio 2:
Friend and i are sitting at a table at an after wedding dance with two girls. The one isn't saying much at all, and her friend is doing most of the talking. I say something to the one that isn't talking much (keep in mind, do not know her and never said a word to her yet). For some reason the topic was hair or what a woman does to look good.

Me: "You have nice eyebrows and they look good. I bet you comb them too."

She doesn't respond but leaves the table. A little later a guy is telling me how she didn't like what i said (she wanted him to kick my ass). I told him she'll have to deal with it and if he wanted to get his ass kicked for her, then that would be up to him (i had enough already). He wanted me to apologize and i wouldn't so he left. Did i a say anything that bad to warrent such action or behavior on her part?

Scenerio 3:
Girl at club standing on steps. I'm on my way up those steps and she swings around and her purse slams into me knocking a bit off balance. I say "Dam, what do you got in that thing?".

She responds with a very angry look and says "wouldn't you like to know".

I get this kind of crap fairly often. A girl who knows my friend told him she didn't like me and thought i was an *******. I've never even spoken to her and only see her every once and awhile and don't know her at all!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Pretty good but you offer nothing how to get rid of this. Just a rant.

Just believe in yourself, respect yoursefl and others.

No one is above you and no one is below you but there is only few like you.