Well, I'll start off by saying that I'm pretty much an AFC, at least I was until I came to this site, and I'm slowly improving. The thing is, I met the girl BEFORE acutally learning that I was an AFC. Anyways, even though I acted completely AFC until I came to this site, she kept me around. It was pretty much just her and I for a while (I developed oneitis for her before visiting this site, I'm afraid it's too late) steadily getting closer in our relationship. For about a month things were going great, until this past week. The whole time we were together, she had feelings for my best friend. I knew this, and I did not really care because based on her ACTIONS she cared a lot more for me. But this past week she has been ignoring me and acting completely different. Not talking to me or doing anything with me, hanging out with my best friend every day. I know the best thing to do would be to next her, but I've already got feelings for her that I can't just get rid of. The other crappy part is that by losing her, I'll basically lose my best friend too. Any ideas? Thanks for reading if you've read this far.