Go to forums of women describing their emotional disposition towards men that they find attractive and you'll find that the majority of preTinder females describe how very nervous they'd get near men whereas in recent forums the majority of post tinder females seem to feel no nervous feelings at all. The latter often make claims suggesting confusion as to how one could even get nervous around men like it's just natural to be confident toward them.
I didn't look through too many sources but it would be interesting for someone to investigate this further. If what I suspect is true, the modern female isn't a "natural" female having been influenced by unnatural technological factors that have shifted the homosapien mating climate in a distorted way.
I believe this would be a good starting point for a scientific study that could lead to significant results.
I didn't look through too many sources but it would be interesting for someone to investigate this further. If what I suspect is true, the modern female isn't a "natural" female having been influenced by unnatural technological factors that have shifted the homosapien mating climate in a distorted way.
I believe this would be a good starting point for a scientific study that could lead to significant results.
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