Prefering older women to younger ones for dating


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I am 32, and I find I prefer older women to younger ones. I don't seem to get on with younger women, they seem too stuck up, petty and narcissistic for my tastes. Older women I seem to gel with better, as I find they are less egocentric (well the persons I meet anyhow).

Of course, there is no set process in dating an older woman, as the same techniques can apply to any woman in any situation. Has anybody here dated an older woman before, and if so how did things pan out?


Mar 30, 2010
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-First time I dated an older woman (40) I got manipulated and played.

-Second time I dated an older woman (30 something) I got my heart broke.

Unless you have "something to offer them" (meaning $$$), it'll be like running on a treadmill - you'll feel like you're moving forward, but you're not actually going anywhere.

Also, I've realized that any woman who is willing to date a guy 10+ years younger than her has baggage/problems, and lots of it.

The only way to date an "older" woman is to not get emotionally attached, which we all know is impossible. If you want "older" women, I recommend staying within a range of 5-7 years older than you. So if you're 21, like me, don't date any girl over 28.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
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Young girls are slvts and have no idea what they want. Older women have more experience and dont want to put up with B.S. There either more picky or just want to find a guy to settle down with.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
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West Coast
I had a cougar when I was twenty five; she was forty-- petite Irish redhead, divorced with two young girls. We met at work, but didn't get involved until after I left. We used to spend lunch break on the front sidewalk, usually with one or two other people. Someone tipped her off that she should ask me out! I was still pretty naive and girl-stupid. We got along famously and the sex was awesome. She couldn't get over the age difference, so she started dating some lawyer from her bicycle group. He was *only* eight years younger than she was. He went psycho over having to share her with me, but they ended up married. It didn't last, and I got back with her years later, but she dumped me, again, right before Christmas. My main failing was the lack of a long-term plan with her. She was looking at an early retirement and buying property.

The main difference I see between young versus mature women is: Mature women no longer need outside validation. They can find it within themselves. Younger women are validation wh0res, they can never get enough. It's why you see them perpetually involved with their cell phones-- having somone, ANYone, trying to get in touch gives them a huge ego boost. Watch any HB, and see how long she can go without checking her cell phone. Usually it's not over twenty seconds. That even applies to when they've got a so-called "boyfriend" walking right next to them!
I sometimes want to b!tch-slap those guys and tell them to teach their useless girlfriends some manners. HBs without actual boyfriends behave as if they're missing some important body part (maybe they are!). They can't cope with life, and they'll fnck guys one after another, just to try and find their missing validation. They haven't learned, they can't get it from other people.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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bluenorther said:
I had a cougar when I was twenty five; she was forty-- petite Irish redhead, divorced with two young girls. We met at work, but didn't get involved until after I left. We used to spend lunch break on the front sidewalk, usually with one or two other people. Someone tipped her off that she should ask me out! I was still pretty naive and girl-stupid. We got along famously and the sex was awesome. She couldn't get over the age difference, so she started dating some lawyer from her bicycle group. He was *only* eight years younger than she was. He went psycho over having to share her with me, but they ended up married. It didn't last, and I got back with her years later, but she dumped me, again, right before Christmas. My main failing was the lack of a long-term plan with her. She was looking at an early retirement and buying property.

The main difference I see between young versus mature women is: Mature women no longer need outside validation. They can find it within themselves. Younger women are validation wh0res, they can never get enough. It's why you see them perpetually involved with their cell phones-- having somone, ANYone, trying to get in touch gives them a huge ego boost. Watch any HB, and see how long she can go without checking her cell phone. Usually it's not over twenty seconds. That even applies to when they've got a so-called "boyfriend" walking right next to them!
I sometimes want to b!tch-slap those guys and tell them to teach their useless girlfriends some manners. HBs without actual boyfriends behave as if they're missing some important body part (maybe they are!). They can't cope with life, and they'll fnck guys one after another, just to try and find their missing validation. They haven't learned, they can't get it from other people.
Amen. having just dated a 23 yr old I can say that this is absolutely true. Not sure if it is true for every young girl but certainly true in this case. i am in my early 30s and in my mid-late 20s I dated a lot of older women from about 37-48. Almost every one of them was more put together than any young girl. I was sexually more attracted to them as well then but now it seems like the wind is blowing the other way and I am more attracted to younger women but dealing with their bs is terrible. The younger ones are mostly good for a friends with benefits kinda deal.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I just went from dating a 47 year old woman to a 23 year old woman (I'm 41) and I'm sorry but there is no comparison. Young women have an unjaded aura along with different pheremones that are based on fertility. I was never so (physically) satisfied in my life as with the younger one. Of course she's a crazy, psycho-slut but that's why the sex is so good.

Juan Don

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
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bluenorther said:
The main difference I see between young versus mature women is: Mature women no longer need outside validation. They can find it within themselves. Younger women are validation wh0res, they can never get enough. It's why you see them perpetually involved with their cell phones-- having somone, ANYone, trying to get in touch gives them a huge ego boost. Watch any HB, and see how long she can go without checking her cell phone. Usually it's not over twenty seconds. That even applies to when they've got a so-called "boyfriend" walking right next to them!
believe it or not i see 30+ year old women doing the same thing!!! especially if they are milf status. they have that mindset they can get younger guys so they act younger too.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Depends more on their personality and character than just the age. But, the chances of finding a decent older woman is greater than a young one. Don't just focus on the age, and automatically assume they're better. Some girls never grow up, or stop being *****es / *****s.

Younger girls though... It's just not there with them. They're still, well, girls. Bratty, immature, spoiled, indecisive, etc. I never had success with younger women. Some of them never snap out of it, and maintain the high school mentality all throughout their lives. Gotta watch for those.

You also gotta watch for those who want to settle down - without being decent people. Just because someone is looking for a relationship - doesnt mean they're worth having one with. Some of them are done whoring around, and are looking for a nice guy now. Or they simply feel entitled to a relationship. Screw them.

Look for someone who's a decent, mature person overall - who wasn't a complete *****, doesn't have 3 kids from 3 different guys, etc.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2012
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floydb25 said:
Look for someone who's a decent, mature person overall - who wasn't a complete *****, doesn't have 3 kids from 3 different guys, etc.

So i should just give up huh?


New Member
Jan 17, 2012
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Is it possible that the preference for older women isn't a result of actually being more interested, but due to the fact that the amount of game required to both get and keep them is significantly less? Ergo you've convinced yourself you like them more when its actually just you wanting to be lazy with your game?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Griever114 said:
So i should just give up huh?
Heh... Only if you believe they're all bad. That's what you will find. I used to think the same way - until realizing the patterns, and who I was chasing after. It made no sense to chase after stupid, shallow women - then complain that they were stupid and shallow. Just because something is familiar - doesn't mean its good. It all starts and ends with you, and the choices you make.

If everyone you date is crap - change your standards, and look for something different. I find no long-term appeal in the hotties - regardless of age. They're used for sex and discarded for good reason. Just because they complain and feel entitled - doesn't mean they're worth anything.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
I have never had any long term success with a younger woman. They are still in party mode, indecisive, and will play games. Older women tend to be more mature and team players - and these are the types that I tend to get along with more. I am still 24, but many of the women I've dated and had great times with have been late 20's and early 30's. I think that as I get older its only going to get better as more women in this range will be open to dating me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I go for mature women for two reasons:

1. Lone wolves. Some older women actually have the confidence to go out alone.

2. Even in pairs, older women are less likely to c@ckblock. Sometimes they even help you. I've had their girlfriends flat out tell me their friend needs to get laid. Or they've given me this wave / hand signal that means "Take my gf and get out of here."

Now I'm waiting for the required Big Jimbo lecture on how American men are the ONLY ones on EARTH that will date older women. Nobody else in the civilized WORLD does this LOL :rock:

Off topic, I guess you really can't blame the younger ones for texting some dude when she gets home from the bar/club. Her gfs are such nasty c@ckblocks that it's not really worth it for her to try to pull a guy when she's out with friends.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I prefer older women, but I wish they hadn't popularized this cougar craze. I've been hurt by women of all ages, and lately, I've been working out a lot as well as striving to get rich.

Young women want looks.

Older women want looks and money.

Both often times think they're entitled to a rich and handsome prince.

Older women can still reject, tease, and flake on you. So you still have to have something of value to offer.

It's amazing what the growing population of desperate men has done. It gave women all this damn power and made them harder to get, regardless of age.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Serg897 said:
I have never had any long term success with a younger woman. They are still in party mode, indecisive, and will play games. Older women tend to be more mature and team players - and these are the types that I tend to get along with more. I am still 24, but many of the women I've dated and had great times with have been late 20's and early 30's. I think that as I get older its only going to get better as more women in this range will be open to dating me.
Don't be so sure :) I used to think the same thing when I was your age but now that I am in my 30s I am preferring younger women because the sex is great (they are real horny sluts) and because of their energy level and I don't feel that bad when it ends soon because I know that just saves more pain later. But definitely if you are thinking anything with decent long term potential as well as some amount of stability then you have better chances from about 25 and over.


Oct 20, 2006
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Are we preferring older women? Or realizing we can't maintain younger women and comparing relationships that work with older women to ones that don't work with younger women.

All other things being equal, men prefer the youngest, most fertile looking women.

With young women it's "out of sight, out of mind" but if you get in a rhythm such as seeing them once a week or once a month at their work, you can become someone they stay close with as long as you aren't the jealous type. They need more space.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
I think people expect too much... They want the hot, young girls with the maturity and stability of an older woman. Doesn't work that way. Nobody is perfect. When you go for the younger, good looking girls, you're gonna have problems. Just comes with the territory. These people are not emotionally mature, responsible, intelligent, etc. Nor are they thinking long-term. They're always in the moment. That's why they love someone one day - then lose interest and supposedly fall in love with the next person who they're into the following day. They think infatuation is love, and don't understand a lot of things in general. Either accept it, and deal with it as is, or change your standards.

People need to accept others in general. Nobody is going to change for you, or suddenly stop flaking, blowing you off, playing games, acting immature, etc. As soon as you realize these things, and aren't favorable towards it - find someone else. Not that hard. If you found her crazy ass - what makes you think you can't find others?

One thing you need to keep in mind is, how were YOU at that age? That's how they are. Just because you matured, learned from your mistakes, experienced a lot, have all these revelations and deep thoughts, etc doesn't mean they have. You can't train or guide them, either. They just wanna have fun, act dumb, and don't care as much as older folks. You're not on the same wave-length as them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
First time I dated an older woman (40) I got manipulated and played.

-Second time I dated an older woman (30 something) I got my heart broke.

Unless you have "something to offer them" (meaning $$$), it'll be like running on a treadmill - you'll feel like you're moving forward, but you're not actually going anywhere.

Also, I've realized that any woman who is willing to date a guy 10+ years younger than her has baggage/problems, and lots of it.

The only way to date an "older" woman is to not get emotionally attached, which we all know is impossible. If you want "older" women, I recommend staying within a range of 5-7 years older than you. So if you're 21, like me, don't date any girl over 28.
Brother you are DOING IT WRONG!

you're worried about getting emotionally attached? You're definitely doing it wrong. Older women are not for relationships they're for f____ and nothing else. They're not out looking for a young guy to marry they're out looking for a young guy to give them good sex.

You gotta remember that the demand for older women is not as great as it is for the young ones. So while a young hottie might have dozens of orbiters on just facebook alone that she can pick from at any given moment an older woman might not have had sex for months or even longer.

Your job is to give her what she wants and you get what you want which is to bang a woman with experience that still looks good and turns you on AND NOTHING ELSE.

I banged a woman 20 years my senior and when she started getting attached i cut things off and gave her the friend card (told her i saw us becoming great friends but nothing more).

Why did I do that? Because older women are not for dating. They are not for you going out with them to the mall/movies/restaurants (except bars) and walking around holding hands or any of that bs. They're only good for you going to her apartment/she to your apartment and F*****

I never once did take her to a restaurant/movie or spent any money on her except the gas money i used to pick her up and take her to my place to f______

That's how you handle an older woman.
I just went from dating a 47 year old woman to a 23 year old woman (I'm 41) and I'm sorry but there is no comparison. Young women have an unjaded aura along with different pheremones that are based on fertility. I was never so (physically) satisfied in my life as with the younger one. Of course she's a crazy, psycho-slut but that's why the sex is so good.
Exactly. Sure younger women are psycho b|tches but they look good, they got tight bodies, they smell good and they're freaks in bed.

The one thing that older women have going for them is that they don't play games as much. If an older woman is giving you signals at a bar that means she is down to f___ that same night if you are man enough to make it happen.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
^ This makes no sense... You say younger women are crazy and only good for sex, then you say older women are not worth dating and only good for sex. So, who IS worth dating?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
bigneil said:
Are we preferring older women? Or realizing we can't maintain younger women and comparing relationships that work with older women to ones that don't work with younger women.

All other things being equal, men prefer the youngest, most fertile looking women.

With young women it's "out of sight, out of mind" but if you get in a rhythm such as seeing them once a week or once a month at their work, you can become someone they stay close with as long as you aren't the jealous type. They need more space.
No, I just don't get on with, nor like, younger women. I just think they're all narcissistic *****es/bags.