Pre-workout, during workout, and post-workout eating

Apr 10, 2003
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OK, I worked out between 11:20 and 1:20 today, I'm just wondering if I am eating right in order to maximise any possible gains from it.

9:30am - 3 crumpets with peanut butter, half a pint of orange juice

1:00pm - 2 scoops whey, tube of Smarties

2:00pm - pint of milk, 40g pine nuts, banana, mackerel

(I go to a gym with a swimming pool and I can't resist a few lengths after I've got hot and sweaty, so I tend to take my protein shake after my workout but before swimming..)

Are there any improvements possible here?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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I dont really understand why you eat peanut butter and pine nuts. Maybe its because you (heard you) should eat fat before and during your workout or something? I cant really tell if Im wrong or right but I wouldnt eat that.

Besides orange juice isnt too good for u either. I always thought it was a good way to up your calorie intake but actually theres way too much sugar in fruit juices, so its probably not really better than drinking cola for example (Theres a post called "watch what you drink" or something about this on this forum).

I think you shouldnt overanalyze this. Just work out eat some good carbs right after working out and then like half an hour or an hour later take your whey / drink your milk.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
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peanut butter and nuts are very good to eat. very high in protein. its essential to have high protein post work out. a few laps won't do anything either. make sure you don't do too mcuh though.

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
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Depends..."Peter Pan" and "JIF" peanut butter is absolute crap. It goes straight to your gut. The ONLY PB that's good for you is natural peanut butter. Look at the ingredients. It should say "peanuts. salt." Anything more than those 2 ingredients, put it back on the shelf and walk away.
Apr 10, 2003
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Yeah - it is something like 98% peanuts. The little things...

I have trouble keeping the weight off, that's why I need to do longer workouts. Although admittedly I only do 12 minutes cardio to warm up so maybe I need to do more..


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2003
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Portland, OR
Last time i looked at the bulk food section of my store, the pine nuts were 9 dollars a pound! I thought those were mostly just for garnish and sprinkling on fancy dishes, like artichoke with pesto omelets.

Hey Y, what are your goals? Are you bulking or cutting?

Everytime i go into MaxMuscle, the dude keeps saying, "are you eating or drinking your protein every 2-3 hours??" He said without that, all the extra crap i'm taking won't help much. So, i try and live by the 2-3 hour rule, which means about 3 Optimum Nutrition whey protein drinks per day.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Y Trallwng Am Byth
I have trouble keeping the weight off, that's why I need to do longer workouts.
Like California said, 1 hr max. More is NOT always better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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I just looked it up and found a nutrition table on which it said peanutbutter is 50% fat (50g fat / 25g protein per 100g peanut butter). I didnt really understand how much peanut butter u eat (english not first language..not know what crumpets is ;-)), but I think u should stay away from eating too much if any of it. I guess peanut butter and other nutritients high in fat or in bad calories might be the reason why you have trouble keeping the weight off. If u wanna build mass I wouldnt increase the amount of cardio but rather decrease the amounts of fat and bad calories that u might be eating.

U should eat protein after your workout. From what I know you should take it like 45 mins after your workout though,because right after the workout u need good carbos.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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click on "diät" (german for diet) and then on "masseaufbau ohne fett" (gaining mass without fat) and finally on "kohlenhydrate" (carbohydrates). Read the 4th paragraph, or if you dont understand german let me translate it for you ;-) :

. Daher ist es sinnvoll direkt nach dem Training eine vor allen Dingen kohlenhydrathaltige Speise zu sich zu nehmen, wie z.B. einen Shake mit Früchten oder auch einen Weightgainer. Leider wird hier von vielen der Fehler gemacht, direkt nach dem Training vor allem auf Eiweiß zu setzen, z.B. in Form eine Eiweißshakes. Dieses sollte aber im Sinne des Kohlenhydratfensters besser erst etwa eine Stunde später erfolgen.

That's the reason why you should eat a meal high in carbohydrates after your workout, like... or a weight gainer. Unfortunately a lot of people make the mistake to priorize protein right after their workouts, for example by drinking protein shakes. This however should better be done approximately an hour after the work out, because of the "carbohydrate window" that is present right after the work out. ( The carbohydrate window which is present right after the work out is what he talks about in the beginning of that paragraph)

This guy has always given me good advice and he pretty much seems to know his stuff.

All in all I think the most important thing is to just get enough protein and calories through out the day. From my experience I guess I can say it doesnt play big part whether u take protein right after the work out, an hour after it or maybe 2. If you wanna do everything completely right I suggest u listen to the advice given above. Besides I think it might indeed be a good idea to eat something high in carbohydrates right before your workout. That way you might be able to lift like just a lil more weight than you would without and as we should all strive to lift the current weight we work out with one more time than during the last workout (tho ure actually never able to up your reps every workout) it should be some useful advice. ;-)

peanut butter is healthy.
Maybe its healthy but as 50% of it is fat u should rather stay away from it if u wanna build muscle mass wiht gainin as little fat as possible.

Rico S

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
There's nothing wrong with eating regular peanut butter. If you get fat while bulking it's because you ATE TOO MUCH not because you had peanut butter.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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I didnt say peanutbutter activated some sort of secret machinery and made your body become fat by eating 2gs of it all of a sudden. If you dont want to put on too much fat while growing you should stay away from foods high in fat or at least eat little of them. If u dont eat too much of it and manage to keep your fat levels low, theres nothing wrong with it.

Rico S

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by madgame
I didnt say peanutbutter activated some sort of secret machinery and made your body become fat by eating 2gs of it all of a sudden. If you dont want to put on too much fat while growing you should stay away from foods high in fat or at least eat little of them. If u dont eat too much of it and manage to keep your fat levels low, theres nothing wrong with it.
While I basically agree, you make it sounds like fat makes you fat. Some people like more fat in their diets and as long as you keep your total calories at the right number you shouldn't add any extra fat if you were to eat maybe 10% less fat (pulled that number out of my ass).

Anyways, i'm pretty sure we are on the same page with this one.
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Rico S

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by madgame
That's the reason why you should eat a meal high in carbohydrates after your workout, like... or a weight gainer. Unfortunately a lot of people make the mistake to priorize protein right after their workouts, for example by drinking protein shakes. This however should better be done approximately an hour after the work out, because of the "carbohydrate window" that is present right after the work out. ( The carbohydrate window which is present right after the work out is what he talks about in the beginning of that paragraph)
You want both protein and carbs after/during a workout.