Mirroring is an NLP technique which you can use to build instant rapport with another person. In NLP, there's a saying that "people like people who are like themselves". Mirroring allows you to synchronize your energy field with the energy field of another person, whether that person is communicating with you and standing near you, or even if the person is sitting or standing on the opposite side of the room.
Being similar or having someone similar in your vicinity creates a feeling of ease, comfort, being understood, feeling safe, etc.
All of us have been doing this unconsciously - now you can learn to harness the power of mirroring consciously.
Perhaps you've noticed how people who are engaged in an interesting conversation seem to assume the same postures, whether sitting or standing up. When sitting, either side by side or on opposites sides of the table, one leans forward and then the other leans forward as well, one leans backward and then the other leans backward as well, they cross their hands in the same manner, tilt their heads similarly, seem to be having similar side-activities (one lifting up hand to fix her hair, another one lifting up hand to scratch his ear; one person lifting up glass to his mouth, another person following with the similar gesture), etc.
One powerful way to get in sync with another person is through matching that person's breathing pattern - simply observe the person's breathing rhythm and breathe in the same rhythm.
You can mirror the person physically by assuming the same posture, doing the same movements with your hands, in all respects using your body in a similar fashion to hers. You can follow the same rhythm of the person's movement, but with another part of your body - for example, if a person were tapping with her fingers on the table, you may tap with your foot under the table. If a person scratches her ear, you may fix your hair.
While you're following what the other person's is doing and getting in sync with that person, you are, what's in NLP language called - pacing that person. After you pace her for a while, either through breathing or through physical movements, you may test for a lead - slowly alter your breathing or initiate a movement and notice whether the person is unconsciously following your lead. If not, go back to pacing - otherwise you can lead the person where you'd like her to follow you.
Mix it up do this every once in a while like every 30mins and act surprise when she catches you. I do this alot within 15-20mins of meeting a female it puts a smile on a females face and boom ur in.Do this prior to kino it knock downs that invisible barrier.
Being similar or having someone similar in your vicinity creates a feeling of ease, comfort, being understood, feeling safe, etc.
All of us have been doing this unconsciously - now you can learn to harness the power of mirroring consciously.
Perhaps you've noticed how people who are engaged in an interesting conversation seem to assume the same postures, whether sitting or standing up. When sitting, either side by side or on opposites sides of the table, one leans forward and then the other leans forward as well, one leans backward and then the other leans backward as well, they cross their hands in the same manner, tilt their heads similarly, seem to be having similar side-activities (one lifting up hand to fix her hair, another one lifting up hand to scratch his ear; one person lifting up glass to his mouth, another person following with the similar gesture), etc.
One powerful way to get in sync with another person is through matching that person's breathing pattern - simply observe the person's breathing rhythm and breathe in the same rhythm.
You can mirror the person physically by assuming the same posture, doing the same movements with your hands, in all respects using your body in a similar fashion to hers. You can follow the same rhythm of the person's movement, but with another part of your body - for example, if a person were tapping with her fingers on the table, you may tap with your foot under the table. If a person scratches her ear, you may fix your hair.
While you're following what the other person's is doing and getting in sync with that person, you are, what's in NLP language called - pacing that person. After you pace her for a while, either through breathing or through physical movements, you may test for a lead - slowly alter your breathing or initiate a movement and notice whether the person is unconsciously following your lead. If not, go back to pacing - otherwise you can lead the person where you'd like her to follow you.
Mix it up do this every once in a while like every 30mins and act surprise when she catches you. I do this alot within 15-20mins of meeting a female it puts a smile on a females face and boom ur in.Do this prior to kino it knock downs that invisible barrier.