Pre college life transformation


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
I'm a 17 year old English (moved when I was 11) high school senior and have read many dating books and newsletters for the last several months. The advice I have received has been excellent, and I have definately had increased success, the C + F techniques go with my dry, sarcastic, quick witted sense of humor very well. My problem, however, is internal.
I am a good looking guy, and am considered "hot" at my school, but I dont get nearly enough ass as I should. The thing is, I know I can but I feel awkward and shy around girls for the most part, and lack much in the way of self confidence. I guess this unhappy, unsure attitude is typical for teenagers but Ive been putting up with it for long enough. Instead of wanting to learn techniques I want to start of from the inside, becoming proud to be who I am, instead of constantly questioning myself and wondering why any girl would ever want to spend time with me. I want to become completely self confident, optimistic, and happy, to the point where girls no longer even matter to me- the same point at which, ironically, the girls start streaming into your life.
Now, dont get me wrong, Im not a complete reject when it comes to dating, I have hooked up with and dated several very cute girls, but I dont feel as confident as I know I should/could be and I really want to sort this out. This problem also carries over to all otehr aspets of my life, such as my incounters with friends, family, etc. I just want to become the alpha male.
Im going to try to turn my life around. Over the past several months I have bought a number of books about being happy, optimistic, confident etc., including some about NLP and self hypnosis. I want to spend the next month or so reading and rereading all of this and absorbing the material. Basically, i want to transform from a boy to a man. Do you have any advice? Any books/materials/exercises that you can recomend to me? I am very confident that I can become who I want to be.

In a going to college next fall and by that time i want to become THE alpha male, i want to become the guy women want and other guys respect- the biggest pimp on campus.
Thanks in advance

Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
the best place on earth- cali
Solid, welcome to the start of your journey. You're already half way there because you possess the most essential ingredient you're gonna need (as drow once said): The desire to change.

Forget NLP, self-hypnosis. There isn't a trick or technique in this world that can do anything to start the fresh new you. While the replies that you may get hit on a few key points (including this one), there is a wealth of information sitting archived on this site. Here are a few I recommend:

1. READ THE BIBLE. Nothing like it. Start here and don't come back 'til you're done.
2. Sammo's Guide to Self-Improvement
3. Get your life together!
4. Change comes from within
5. Reloaded: The Series... Untouchable

Those are a few quick ones off the top of my head to point you in the right direction. Remember, your strongest motivation is your desire to improve.

x X x Lifestyle

Don Juan
Nov 29, 2003
Reaction score
Halifax, NS
Damn, those 5 links alone are more than enough information to get somebody started on their journey. I myself am going to read over them all and absorb the info. My only question...

For the first part, should I read the bible in the top right of the screen, or as I'm only 17, read and absorb the HS bible and then move on to the other four posts?

Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
the best place on earth- cali
Originally posted by x X x Lifestyle
For the first part, should I read the bible in the top right of the screen, or as I'm only 17, read and absorb the HS bible and then move on to the other four posts?
Read the (non-hs) DJ bible. The whole thing. Read at your own pace... the 4 other links come after the basics.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me.