The dream man is a hybrid of the two. Trust me on this one.
Edit: Because it's pretty much common sense, and you fellas are just complicating things by limiting 'men' to certain labels. Women truly want a man who has it all, and the more of a hybrid you are, the more qualities you possess. Obviously.
Women love creative and imaginative guys not because they are necessarily artists, but because it usually means they are easygoing, down to earth, romantic, are comfortable with many aspects of life, have dreams and lofty aspirations, and are generally equated by women as being 'quality guys' similar to how men view non-slutty girls as 'quality girls'. It's all about personality in this case. You can get away with a lot of things by being an amazing guy personality wise.
Women love manly powerful men for obvious reasons I won't go into, cause it's not debatable. Power, strength, protection, testosterone, etc etc.
Put both of them together and you're getting closer to what women consider the dream man. Add in wealth, height, looks, sexual performance, athleticism, and social value, and you have a pretty effing awesome dude.
Better than "artist-guy" or "power-guy".