Don Juan
OK, so here's the deal.
I've got oneitis.
..or rather, I had oneitis. Until now.
I'll explain. There was this HOT girl at my work. I mean HB10. Supermodel looks. I'm not exaggerating. She is one of about only two women I have seen in my entire life that have literally made my jaw drop. Physically, she was flawless.
In the beginning, she fancied me . I mean, a lot. I couldn't believe it, I mean I am an attractive guy but she was like 10 times hotter. She could (and did) have any guy she wanted. And for a while at least, she appeared to want me.
Unfortunately at the time I hadn't discovered this site, so over the period of about a year and half, my chumpish actions eventually led to her IL plummetting dramatically, and she went from fancying and trying to attract me to looking down at me like a piece of sh*t and literally laughing at me.
She has since left (I cried ) but then I found this site and decided to become a MAN, and about that I have no regrets. However because I was used to seeing her every day, even though I was not with her I developed a form of oneitis.
Its about 6 months since she left, and though obviously I have got over it now and am meeting more women, improving my game etc.. that cursed oneitis is still there. I can't (or rather, couldn't) seem to do anything about it. Every day, whether I wanted to or not, I kept thinking about ('what could have been' or 'how I blew it' or 'OMG she wanted me once' etc, etc)
Yes things have been easier since I discovered this site but as I'm sure plenty of you are aware, eliminating oneitis is certainly no easy task and does not happen overnight.
Or can it? Here is where my tip comes in.
I suddenly realised that I was only remembering all the positive memories associated with her. I tended to dwell on the times when she fancied me, was trying to attract me, etc. Basically the good positive memories. This is turn led to me equating her to being the prize, cursing myself for blowing my chances etc. I felt empty and defeated. No matter what I did or thought about, sooner or later that oneitis resurfaced its ugly head.
But today I had a revelation. Instead of thinking about all those fond(ish) memories, I thought.. 'actually this girl was a complete ***** to me on more than one occasion!' I thought about more recent times when she scoffed and looked down her nose at me, with a look of 'OMG I cant believe I was ever interested in you!', all the times I had seen her sh*t on men, etc.
'F*** THAT!!' was my mental response. I thought, who needs that b*tch anyway. I don't want to be treated like sh*t. I don't care what the woman looks like. No-one is gonna disrespect me like that. And if they do, I want no part of them.
Basically what I am saying is if you have severe oneitis and want to eliminate that girl from your mind, focus on all the negative things about her instead of the positive. Remind yourself of the times she treated you like sh*t. The times she disrespected you. Imagine her stuck on the toilet with chronic dioarrhea. (See what I'm getting at? Not so special now, is she??)
When you start to see her in a more negative light not only is she removed from that pedestal, you also begin to feel much more confident about yourself, and that painful emotional attachment is slowly severed, leaving a fresh feeling of freedom and renewed confidence. The oneitis slowly fades, and with a little time you can be saying (and meaning confidently) 'Hey who needs that beeatch anyways!!'.
Hope that helped someone. Try it, it worked for me.
I've got oneitis.
..or rather, I had oneitis. Until now.
I'll explain. There was this HOT girl at my work. I mean HB10. Supermodel looks. I'm not exaggerating. She is one of about only two women I have seen in my entire life that have literally made my jaw drop. Physically, she was flawless.
In the beginning, she fancied me . I mean, a lot. I couldn't believe it, I mean I am an attractive guy but she was like 10 times hotter. She could (and did) have any guy she wanted. And for a while at least, she appeared to want me.
Unfortunately at the time I hadn't discovered this site, so over the period of about a year and half, my chumpish actions eventually led to her IL plummetting dramatically, and she went from fancying and trying to attract me to looking down at me like a piece of sh*t and literally laughing at me.
She has since left (I cried ) but then I found this site and decided to become a MAN, and about that I have no regrets. However because I was used to seeing her every day, even though I was not with her I developed a form of oneitis.
Its about 6 months since she left, and though obviously I have got over it now and am meeting more women, improving my game etc.. that cursed oneitis is still there. I can't (or rather, couldn't) seem to do anything about it. Every day, whether I wanted to or not, I kept thinking about ('what could have been' or 'how I blew it' or 'OMG she wanted me once' etc, etc)
Yes things have been easier since I discovered this site but as I'm sure plenty of you are aware, eliminating oneitis is certainly no easy task and does not happen overnight.
Or can it? Here is where my tip comes in.
I suddenly realised that I was only remembering all the positive memories associated with her. I tended to dwell on the times when she fancied me, was trying to attract me, etc. Basically the good positive memories. This is turn led to me equating her to being the prize, cursing myself for blowing my chances etc. I felt empty and defeated. No matter what I did or thought about, sooner or later that oneitis resurfaced its ugly head.
But today I had a revelation. Instead of thinking about all those fond(ish) memories, I thought.. 'actually this girl was a complete ***** to me on more than one occasion!' I thought about more recent times when she scoffed and looked down her nose at me, with a look of 'OMG I cant believe I was ever interested in you!', all the times I had seen her sh*t on men, etc.
'F*** THAT!!' was my mental response. I thought, who needs that b*tch anyway. I don't want to be treated like sh*t. I don't care what the woman looks like. No-one is gonna disrespect me like that. And if they do, I want no part of them.
Basically what I am saying is if you have severe oneitis and want to eliminate that girl from your mind, focus on all the negative things about her instead of the positive. Remind yourself of the times she treated you like sh*t. The times she disrespected you. Imagine her stuck on the toilet with chronic dioarrhea. (See what I'm getting at? Not so special now, is she??)
When you start to see her in a more negative light not only is she removed from that pedestal, you also begin to feel much more confident about yourself, and that painful emotional attachment is slowly severed, leaving a fresh feeling of freedom and renewed confidence. The oneitis slowly fades, and with a little time you can be saying (and meaning confidently) 'Hey who needs that beeatch anyways!!'.
Hope that helped someone. Try it, it worked for me.