I'll bite on the trolling.
I find the 'attacks' in this thread humorous, because you're entitled to your likes and I know a great many 'skinny' females that blew up come childbirthing and a great many thick or heavy-set girls that dropped significant weight post-childbirth, so there's no 'tried and true measure.'
I Personally think prego chicks are hot, too, but that's for another forum.
The 'skinny' girls I've dated and banged, aka under size 4 to a size zero, were only hot when I found their other more 'feminine' body parts were disproportionate to their proper size, aka a big booty, oversized boobs, etc. I can't 'get behind' a scrawny chick. I can't. I'd take one with more weight than less, so long as she works out properly - weights and cardio.
I'm 6ft, 205 and any 'tiny' girl would be crushed and dwarfed. I like to see a butt jiggle, even if it means a little more weight.
Besides...this is a stupid debate...bodies are not fixed entities. Someday you will be fat, be it 60, 70 or 80. So will your skinny chick, or she'll just be so skinny she's skin and bones. Who cares? Yeah, in the short-term you want a certain 'ideal' to fulfill your fantasies, but in the long-run all bodies approach the MEAN and if you have a GF/wife, you both will accept each other for more than just your PHYSICAL looks.
I've yet to see someone that is 65+ with the same body they had at 25, have you? Who cares about preferences? Time will wash them away anyways.
The last girl I dated had a size 6 waste, a booty she couldn't fit in those jeans, was fit as anything, but just had the genetics for child-birthing. She was hot^ infinity. Needless to say, this obsession with looks just demonstrates who people are underneath that external facade.