Possibly the BEST POST i've read in a while

Son Goten

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
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Hello Gentleman --

Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Erich which is my real name, and I am a lifestyle bachelor. My age is 42 and my current place of residence is Orange County, CA. For those of you that don't know, Orange County is wedged in between Los Angeles and San Diego counties. I would classify myself as being single, happily single.

Growing up as a youngster in the 70's is when I first became aware of womens push for equality, womens liberation or just womens lib as it was called. But somehow even as a kid, this just didn't seem right to me, I said to myself, "man is man and woman is woman". Mind you, I was raised only by my mother and my grandmother since my father had passed on when I was still an infant.

As I reached my early twenties in the mid-eighties, womens lib took on a newer look and became more known as feminism. Feminism! Even as a young man, I considered myself to be very intelligent and firmly grounded in reality, and what I saw transpiring before my very eyes made my approach with women , dating and thoughts of marriage take on a whole new light. I will say that I became of age, already, even at the tender age of 22. Being a teenager in the 70's, I can still remember the girls in high school looking so beautifully feminine in their sun dresses, so very nice. I remember those sweets kisses with the girls who embraced their femininity, so very nice. I feel so sorry for the young boys in this day in age who must deal with teenage girls in combat boots, sagging jeans showing their ass cracks, t-shirts emblazed with pimp/player logos, and lets not forget the trucker hat. The young man has now met his equal in all of her masculinized glory, what a pitiful site.

At 22, it only took a series of dates that I had went on to make me realize that women had changed and morphed into something that made me doubt about entering into a supposed lifelong commitment. It was quite apparent that these girls had 2 things in mind, one was control of the relationship and the other was an obsession with affluence that I had never really encountered before. In other words, it appeared to me that women were becoming complicated in the wrong sense, "High Maintenance" would be the proper descriptor. So, it was on through the 80's after having a couple of misguided girlfriends with things looking gloomier by the minute. As the end of the decade was drawing to a close, I noticed a disturbing new trend with women that was completely mind blowing to me, women who yearned to be "Treated Like ****". Hmmmm...can it get worse? Read on.

Ah, into the 90's, and what a decade for feminism it was. Sort of a breaking out party if you will. A new and bold catch phrase was born into our consciousness that forever changed the relationship between man and woman. Yes, "Woman of the 90's" was cast upon us. We were also assaulted with the new age lesbians or the bisexual females. Females were now completely unshackled from the chains of patriarchal bondage. Yes! Free to sleep with whom they please whether married or single, it just felt good and of course they deserved it. There was the attitude of self entitlement and the perpetual victim role was also born. I remember reading an article in the Orange County Register that was titled "Worm Boys", this article burned an image into my mind that absolutely made me realize that women were starting to lose touch with reality in their quest for feministic based equality, sick and contorted it was. The article was an expose on how the changing attitudes of women was affecting dating and or relationships. The worm boy was boring. But why? He was described as chivalrous, he opened doors, car doors and displayed good manners, payed for dinner. In other words, he was a normal guy, hardworking and for the most part and kept his nose out of trouble.

I said to myself this just can't be, women are supposed to like the good guys. Right? I was raised to be a good guy, not nice syrupy sweet and not a jerk, but a good guy. Suddenly, women are kicking these guys to the curb. It's not a good thing to be mentally disillusioned, especially when one has reached adulthood, scary thing man, scary. Suddenly, Buffy and all her high maintenance girlfriends are looking like feminazis. Another troubling trend I observed was women were proudly proclaiming that they "Didn't need a man or men" anymore. You know what? That's when I started to say to myself, ok sure, **** you too. Ohh and how this statement would come back to haunt them...

But somehow, I still wanted to hold out for the right girl, my soul mate as it were, surely she must be out there someplace. Yes? Well, two mesmerizing occurrences happened before my eyes with two good guys that I knew. Were they perfect? Hell no, but they were honest hardworking guys that provided for their families and did what they had to do. One guy was Noel, he appeared to have a pretty stable marriage until suddenly wifey want's to start doing the nightclub circuit, this is right after she gave birth to their son. She tried to come up with some bull**** excuse about postpartum depression, in other words, I have the right to do whatever the hell I want. Another new feminazi phrase was born, "The Control Freak". Well Noel called me one night and was incredibly upset because he went down to the nightclub to where his wife was at and he saw her getting grounded upon by 4 guys on the dance floor. Yah, good cure for the ole postpartum huh? Of course and shortly thereafter she filed for divorce and left this guy holding the bag. Ever see a grown man broken down and shattered? Not pretty.

The other sad tale is of a friend named Allan. Another good guy but not perfect, but this guy worked his arse off to be a good provider for his wife. Worked hella long hours to be able to purchase a home and have 2 vehicles no less. Then suddenly he came down with a type of kidney disease, and luckily his mother was able to donate to him, but he almost died, lost the sight of one eye and was unable to work for quite some time. So how does wifey show her loving support? She leaves him at a time when he needs her most. Not only that she fleeces the crap out of him and then tells him, "I'm sorry, but I have to do what I have to do". Suddenly, finding that soul mate is looking less and less attractive by the minute. One horror story after another.

It becomes apparent to me that there is another growing trend amongst women, they want the man to work hard and many hours so she can have the things she wants, then when the husband is not home much, they complain that he never home ENOUGH. Self absorption at its finest. When one starts to lose touch with reality and lives in a world of fantasy, flip flopping becomes the name of the game. She says, I want a strong but sensitive guy, someone wild but responsible, someone rich but down to earth....yada yada..ad- nauseum. You know what femhag? I ain't buying it.

And with this attitude come the attacks. People started to ask me if I hated women. I mean, I was floored, literally. There was not one once of hatred in my tone or in the essence of my philosophies. Everything I spoke about was backed by fact and all the facts were around for everyone to see. I mean men were asking me if I hated women, not just women, hence, the male feminist was born. But more importantly, the feminazies perfected what I call Flipping the Script. If I spoke against the fem movement I was a women hater, If I didn't sympathize with all her now badly made life choices, I was a woman hater, If I wanted to be a man and masculine at that, I was a control freak and abusive. Yah, the 90's brought about the era of self-entitlement and the aura of being the perpetual victim for women. An ugly decade and the complete breakdown of the honorable marriage was in full steam ahead. Oh, I forgot to mention, wifey started to leave their husbands for the all exciting bad boys, and when it blew up in her faces and after they got humped and dumped, who did they blame? You bet, men of course. Hey babe, maybe it's time for you to start looking in the mirror.

As I entered into the 2000's already in my late thirties, I noticed that women seemed to be softening somewhat on their feminazi viewpoint. By God! I said to myself, maybe there is a glimmer of hope and they've begun to see the error of their ways! Well, not a fat ****ing chance at that. After about a minute I was on to their new con game. You see, women were beginning to notice that men were becoming wise to the so called rights for women bull**** scenario, they started to say the hell with that. So the modern emancipated American/Western woman had to create another mode in which to be in, more predatory and cunning in nature. She smoothed out some of those radical feministic edges and appeared to be the loving female again, supportive in sickness and in health. She promised again to a a great wife and mother.

Son Goten

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score

Unfortunately, the AFC was born (Average Frustrated Chump) or the Wimpus Americanus, the new age male. Sorry guys, but a lot of you have to suck it up here. You more often than not were thinking with the small head and not the big head, you were thinking of all that ***** you were going to get. If you examined the facts more clearly, you would have recognized the danger signs for sure. Now, women had a more perfected and refined system and plan for their potential mates, financial slavery and servitude. Yup, men had now become a mere vehicle, a means to an end, a concept only. Men in this short order became a sperm donor, a home provider, and a tool in which to amass more materialistic gain. After some time when wifey got bored, with you, and your boring husbandly ways, she decided that she wanted a better life. Why of course, who could deny her to what she so richly deserved, the bigger and better fish or that she wanted to be free again and so that she could find herself. The vagina became the all powerful weapon or bargaining tool, it could be used to get what they wanted, or they simply withheld it. Sexless marriages became the norm, a fraud, a sham.

This meant divorce, the big D, send chills up and down yer damn spine? It sure does for me. Sometime around 2002 men started to really collectively get wise, wise to the absolute predatory system that we have here regarding marriage, child custody and all of the laws that govern it. Yes, we began to realize that marriage could have devastating effects against the heavily and truly victimized male. Divorce court judges, lawyers, Dept. of Social Services, Child Welfare and all of their anti-male biased attitude was just too great a risk to possibly be exposed to.

The Pot of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow: There will be none for you, American Woman and all of your liberated western mentality sisters of victimhood. Sorry, the jig is up, con game is over. The divorce machine that has been so well oiled in this country for so long now is beginning to show signs of cracking up. Yup, you won't be cashing in your chips with me, hell no, no pot of gold for you here. But the great thing about this is, more and more good American Men are refusing to sign their life away to you on the dotted line babe. Remember? It's called the marriage contract, a way for a man in the western hemisphere to be legally ass-raped in court. He signs his life away to the federal government and to the state. Remember? This is where you get to laugh and live it up while you take him to the cleaners and fleece him for all he's worth. Sorry, not with this guy you won't.

But alas, I do fully realize I live a good life, a stress free life. I make good money, own a very nice house that I just completely renovated. It has built up a very nice equity of 350K, very nice indeed. I recently just purchased a new Nissan 350Z, damn, what a car. But, I do live financially and responsibly within my means. Some nice things but not too extravagant. All my bills are paid on time. Yes, I was smart enough not to marry someone and inherit their credit card debt, I left that to some other sucker.

For those of you who are wondering if the Marriage Strike is working or not? Let me tell you that it is and women are feeling it big time. How do I know? I work in healthcare where the majority of the workers are women, I'm around them day in and day out and they're all afraid to death of a lonely life of spinsterhood. Yah, quite gratifying it is to watch unfold, a product of social-engineering that went incredibly wrong, diabolical in it's intent. You know what? When women ask me why I'm not married, I always tell them it's because I'm really happy being a bachelor and that I own my own house. They then ask, "What do you mean by you own your own house, what does that have to do with it?" Of course I always respond with, "because it is MY house and it is going to stay my house." The shocked looked on their faces, like fools who know when the shell game is over. Priceless.

Am I ignorant and foolish enough to think that ALL western hemispheric women are bad and morally bankrupt? Of course not, there are still SOME and I do mean a microscopic minority of women out there who would make a loving, loyal and good wife/mother. But, the risks are too too great, almost epic in it's proportions to sift through all of the ones who have caught the virus to find THAT good one. Unfortunately, the foreign bride option has also become a scam in itself, or if they come over here with good intentions it's only a matter of time when they too catch the virus, the feminism virus.

Remember American women what you so proudly and so boldly started to proclaim in the 90's? Wasn't it that you didn't need men? That we were useless and expendable? And then in the 2000's you made claim to the fact that we were just vehicles for you to use to cash in on with the great big divorce settlement?

Well hello, my name is Erich, and I proudly proclaim my status as a Lifestyle Bachelor. Freedom is my game and I don't have the specter or threat of divorce hanging over my head. Life is sweet and good. I don't need you, don't want to have anything to do with you, and now I just watch from afar as you stew in all of the bad life choices that you have made. You have absolutely no one to blame but yourselves. Your self-disillusionment has caused more destruction and misery to the once honorable institution of marriage than you will ever know or even acknowledge. With that being said and in closing....

Thank you to all of the Good men here, dontmarry.com, nomarriage.com, americanwomensuck.com and mirrorofthesoul web blog. Be true and strong and always remember that a good man is measured by the content of his character.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
What a load of trash.

Anti-feminist retardation is too common around here.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
great article, although I wouldn't say you should just forget about marriage. There are plenty of good, traditional women out there you just have to look for them. If you want to play it safe just forget about american women (brainwashed by feminism/spoiled) and go for the more traditional foreign women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Cool stuff. There is some truth to all of this for sure.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
Originally posted by MVPlaya
What a load of trash.

Anti-feminist retardation is too common around here.
There is a lot of anti-feminism around here. Some of it is bullshit, and some of it is very well-founded. That said, I don't feel like reading an article this long now.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
There are plenty of anti-feminism sites on the internet. This happens to be a site to help men with dating and relationships. All the anti-feminism posts do is instill negativity on this site.

I think Allen needs to seriously consider including this kind of material in the political discussion category and ban it. Guys who are interested in that stuff can go to a whole myriad of websites made specifically for men's rights. He should not allow HIS site to be hijacked and turned into an anti-feminism rant board. It's getting ridiculous.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
There are plenty of anti-feminism sites on the internet. This happens to be a site to help men with dating and relationships. All the anti-feminism posts do is instill negativity on this site.
I'm not about women bashing, but you can't deny the fact that women's attitudes have changed the dynamics of relationships over the past few decades.

I love women. But for a man to deny the fact that there are very real issues that have the potential for devastating consequences in a relationship is emotional suicide.

This article was geared toward anti-feminism, but the author made LOTS of great points that I can personally relate to. What is wrong with a man stating his opinion and declaring his happiness with being single?

Us successful older guys might not have written off the idea of marriage altogether, but the older and wiser you get you realize that you are a very valuable commodity and you don't have to settle for anything less than the best. If I am going to take a chance on losing what I have worked so hard for it's gonna be with a top notch female, that's for sure.

If women want to dramatically change the face of male/female relations (which they have), then they shouldn't be shocked when the pendulum swings right back around in the other direction and catched them square in the ASS on the way back around.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by STR8UP
I'm not about women bashing, but you can't deny the fact that women's attitudes have changed the dynamics of relationships over the past few decades.

I love women. But for a man to deny the fact that there are very real issues that have the potential for devastating consequences in a relationship is emotional suicide.

This article was geared toward anti-feminism, but the author made LOTS of great points that I can personally relate to. What is wrong with a man stating his opinion and declaring his happiness with being single?

Us successful older guys might not have written off the idea of marriage altogether, but the older and wiser you get you realize that you are a very valuable commodity and you don't have to settle for anything less than the best. If I am going to take a chance on losing what I have worked so hard for it's gonna be with a top notch female, that's for sure.

If women want to dramatically change the face of male/female relations (which they have), then they shouldn't be shocked when the pendulum swings right back around in the other direction and catched them square in the ASS on the way back around.
I assure you that there are just as many flaws and problems with men as there are with women. It's pretty even.

To be perfectly honest with you...I didn't even bother read the article. Thanks to all the posts like "Laci Peterson's Mom is a Feminist cvnt", the second I see the mere mention of the word "feminism" on this site I scroll right past the rest of it. This site has been hijacked by anti-feminists and they are trying to turn it into yet another Men's Rights sites. If Allen wanted a men's rights website and forum, that's what he would have put up.

Men should be treated as INDIVIDUALS, just as women should be. All these rants about feminism have changed the whole tone of this site and has even changed the basic philosophy of what it USED to mean to be a "DJ". Before a couple of years ago I would probably have dated at least a few of the men on here. Now I wouldn't touch 99% with a ten foot pole because of how much the mindset here has changed.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

cave dweller

Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score


He has a few good points here.


He will die a loney old man.

Why would he want to live alone, all of his life, just because he thought some woman was going to steal his money?

There are some good women out there and he doesn't know it.


cave dweller


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Some good points, it should be said though that if you want a family then ? youd have to do things differently.
But yep, femenism, you gotta luv it! yeah right like a hole in the head..


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
I assure you that there are just as many flaws and problems with men as there are with women. It's pretty even.

Men should be treated as INDIVIDUALS, just as women should be. .
Maybe, but the flaws men have are well known and exposed......and the ones women have are kept a bit of a secret....

Yep, however there are times when this doesnt fly, all germans around 1939 should have been treated as individuals would have been a mistake...femenism is NOT national socialism but the damage its done to both myself and a lot of men ive known (and maybe indirectly women to) is criminal, I mean it, truly ****ing criminal.
I read your posts a lot wyldfire, my guess is your a good sort, you dont come on here blasting men, you realise that there is a problem and dialogue between the sexes is needed, but I think that like most women and a lot of men youve maybe never explored mens stuff in depth? ever check out 'why men are the way they are' or myth of male power' by warren farrel or any of that kind of stuff? Its a bit dated now but relavant all the same..the fact that this site may be becoming more anti femenist may be a measure of the level of mens understanding of just how ass fvcked they have been by the femenist agenda..

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Re: points.........

Originally posted by cave dweller

He will die a loney old man.
Because hes down on Westernised marriages? I'm surprised men here are still buying into that tired and more importantly false scare tactic.

Originally posted by MVPlaya
What a load of trash.

Anti-feminist retardation is too common around here.
Yikes !! Seems all your hard work is paying off Wyld.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by englishman
Maybe, but the flaws men have are well known and exposed......and the ones women have are kept a bit of a secret....

Yep, however there are times when this doesnt fly, all germans around 1939 should have been treated as individuals would have been a mistake...femenism is NOT national socialism but the damage its done to both myself and a lot of men ive known (and maybe indirectly women to) is criminal, I mean it, truly ****ing criminal.
I read your posts a lot wyldfire, my guess is your a good sort, you dont come on here blasting men, you realise that there is a problem and dialogue between the sexes is needed, but I think that like most women and a lot of men youve maybe never explored mens stuff in depth? ever check out 'why men are the way they are' or myth of male power' by warren farrel or any of that kind of stuff? Its a bit dated now but relavant all the same..the fact that this site may be becoming more anti femenist may be a measure of the level of mens understanding of just how ass fvcked they have been by the femenist agenda..

Excellent post man! This basicly sums up everything pretty good, esp this part:

"Maybe, but the flaws men have are well known and exposed......and the ones women have are kept a bit of a secret...."

In fact I think I will use it!


Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
For all of you who think this is BS, I'm watching it happen with my own uncle. He got a bride overseas, and while I love her to death, she spends all his $$$$ and basically rules over him with an iron fist.

She made him sell his very nice and comfortable $200,000 house and move into a $1.2 million dollar place in a different city, just so she could "keep up with the Jones." He bought her a new Mercedes SUV when he drives a crappy 12 year old C280. They just bought a 5 grand TV. It's f*cking 75 inches! Who the hell needs a TV that big?!?! Before he was married, he had the same 25" set he bought in the 80's.

The worst part is him and my dad used to be huge DJs in the 70's and early 80's. Where as my dad got married early on in the 80's my uncle stuck it out until the mid 90's, dating lots of chicks, amassing a fortune on his computer business, etc etc. I just hope she doesn't try to leave him for some stupid reason.
Jan 4, 2002
Reaction score
It wasn't hard to see coming. It's a known fact American males are getting the short end of the stick quite often in American courts when it comes to divorce. Originally, the laws were meant to protect women, which is understandable. Unfortunately, they haven't been modified to keep up with the times.

I think its important for men to know what they are getting into when they decide to get married. Being 26 years old and seeing older relatives, friends, co-workers, and even younger friends go through the divorce process, I see exactly why men need to protect themselves.

Its not an anti-women thing. Not at all. Its men protecting their rights.

Put yourself in a man's shoes. You are 32, you own a nice home, a nice car, all that you paid for out of your pocket.

And you know that, if things dont work out with your partner, she is entitled to a portion of it.

Even if she goes out and cheats on you.

Lets say she's a good girl, which for the most part, is usually true. Lets say the divorce ends amicably.

She still gets to keep a good chunk of your hard work.

I don't think it is necessary to put this in a political forum. thats why we have this "anything else forum". So we can talk about anything we want.

Its a mens website. Feminist attitudes is something that works against men in society. We have this forum so that we can deal with it. Do the immature folks on here blow it out of proportion? Of course. And there will always be those types.

In the end, if men and women keep pushing each other way, we are going to hurt ourselves.

Thats why I disagree with staying single your whole life.

If we made it easier for men to marry without fear of losing their hard earned belongings, maybe more men would be willing to marry and take that chance.

But as it stands now, both men and women need to back off their emotional biases.

Listen to certain music today. A hit radio station the average 14 year old guy/girl listen to.

What does the guy hear? He hears how women are b*****s. He hears that life is all about who has more money. He hears that its all about banging as money females as possible. He heres bands whining about loss.

What do girls hear? How they don't need a man. How other guys wish they had her. How guys need to stop wishing for something they can't have.

Its society that is the driving forces behind the whole male vs female thing. And this whole anti-feminizm thing is a way for men to deal with the negativity that certain followers of that philosophy (not ALL followers) purport and push into mainstream society.

Just as women need to deal with misogynist lyrics on the radio, men need to deal with certain negative aspects of feminizm that hurt them.

And theres no better place for men to discuss it than a men's website.

bless all humanity

May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
I totally agree with the article.

The marriage system is just another means for women to cash in with their c*nts.

After reading that sh*t I remembered why I've always viewed marriage and long term commitments like I view the transmission in my car. That sh*t's broken.

I think that the solution would be to slap those h*ebags silly.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I. You can't fault the guy, because he has the age and maturity to have "lived" through the B.S. and the ability to now talk about it. Alot of guys blame Feminism and other sorts of institutions, but are only in their 20's or do it in their teens. No awareness or experience. From the article, he's compressed 3 decades worth of dating and mating. A gem in itself.

II. Is it that he speaks heresy or the truth that it gets touted as Anti-feminist blame-washing? He never said he DID NOT date, as male female-bashers DO, he did it, dated, and now speaks about it, on the whole.

III. Can men really deny the social, societal, familial feeling that women have presumption of being God's greatest gift? When was the last time you met a humble woman, who never felt entitled to anything, and instead PROVIDED before she EXPECTED (or didn't even expect a thing?)

- You forget, the fact she CAN get other things available ELSEWHERE is what gives her the presumption of this attitude. She KNOWS othe men will bow to her pvssy, she knows colleges skew their grants towards women, as well as classes. She KNOWS the law is currently on her side. That, my friends, is what we call a "market", and the market price on women as touted by the media and what has placed a large value on their assets. It's also placed a high value on the excesses of humanity, where as the speaker noted, a woman would leave her man because she felt like it.

IV. This isn't the 'norm' totally, but it's getting there. I know, Wyld, some good women exist, and they do. But I would say, MOST times, the GOOD is in short supply, which is WHY it's good. So it's not like men have lost hope, totally, but that they must be wiser and focus on them.

V. Mentality. More girls, particularly in college, Presume to be entitled to CERTAIN things. And by certain things I mean, dates (like their parents), special nights out, langerie, jewelry, hotel rooms, fancy dinners, and so forth. Why?

Because she's had it, and men were foolish enough to give it to her at such a young age. A 20 something y.o girl at a $100 or $200 dinner is ludacrous, not that I haven't done it, but that they EXPECT it. She hasn't worked a dime, saves nothing, but expects to live this passionate and romantic lifestyle without giving? Or doing?


Maybe men are different, but, I remember when I FIRST moved into my solo bachelor pad. I had nothing but a 13" tv, my bed, all my books, XBOX, and fight club on VHS. I barely stocked booze. No cable. A few video games and DVD's. No clutter.

I was forced to be out and about. To lift. To make food and eat it then. To be occupied with myself. To be creative if a girl came over. I had tons of extra cash flow. Simpler, really. And it was worth it, because I appreciated things more. I was social, since I had no ARTIFICIAL entertainment. I'd go see family, or call friends, or read more.

Now. I still do that, but there's more "clutter". More movies. Books. A bigger flat TV. A larger bed. More clothes. More food. More alcohol. Cable TV (which I'm thinking of Ditching).

Simpler IS better, because it gets to the CORE of life and emotion and what's important. Without the TV to occupy your time, you learn to use it wisely.

It was an epiphany for me, more now than anything, because back THEN, I had nothing to compare it to. Life wasn't perfect. Friends were up and down, and while I felt at a low point personally, all was good. I was meeting girls like crazy, I was making more money, and it was single freedom there.

Simple is better, and that's why this whole article points out ALOT of things we miss the boat on. It's as if MORE money, or MORE possessions will fix anything. Or more time spent talking. It won't. Simpler does. Cut back on the crap and get to the core.

Is this true? Much of what "erich" says? I'd say so. It certainly isn't a cop-out, to me it isn't.

Because ALOT of the disagreements that occur with any relationship I've been have been over EXPECTATIONS (where do they come from?), HOW WE SPEND OUR TIME (we don't go out enough), LIVING A ROCKSTAR LIFESTYLE (girls, a good portion still want to feel like they're on the OC), MALE-FEMALE DYNAMIC.


Forget whatever we "title" the Feminism b.s., and let's call it a SHIFT. This SHIFT. Is it healthy? Where is originating from? How are men OR women different? What are some of the MAIN issues?

And when i say MAIN...shut off the TV and sit in peace and quiet. Don't use all this crap to divert your attention. I love it when people try to socialize when the TV or a Movie is on. I have to wonder are we REALLY hearing each other or talking to each other, or are we just FAKING it for the sake of feeling close and together?

The TV and such things DEFINATELY diverts our attention.


It's funny, b/c I mentioned PRENUP (even though it doesn't protect much) to a girl I'm dating, because i'm 4 years older and accumulating assets and she said...

"If I had to sign one, I'd think you don't love me and that we figured we'd be divorced. I guess you're not who I thought you were."

RIGHT...That sent me for a loop. To think some college-age girl just ASSUMES ownership of my assets BEFORE any marriage occurs and that by NOT doing so, I do not care or love for her.

I flipped it by saying..."I'd think you don't love me and that you're only in it for the money if you didn't."

A Prenup only protects what you had PRIOR to the marriage, and not what accumulates during it. And as I can attest to about an aunt of mine, some women DO get screwed in divorces, but it's the women who usually don't INITIATE the divorce, because they're not prepared, nor financially savy enough to know what to get and how much money they'd need to get by that do.

The only way to NOT get screwed legally or financially is to NOT control it or own it, which is why some guys SHIFT assets to their parents, kids, or friends prior to divorcing, given enough time. If the woman finds it though, she gets it. Hence why the hire Accountants and P.I.


Life is what you make of it, and walking with a prejudicial bent only assures you of one thing, getting more of what you're NOT looking for. If all women are bad, you'll only reinforce that vibe. If you view women cautiously, in the long-term, you'll survive. But don't get glossy eyed and divert from your plan. Don't get sucker romantically like that.

To me, it seems that eons worth of biological build is finally running it's way 360 degrees BACK to how it was nearly prehistorically, where women USED to cheat and seek the best mate possible, they were then shackled by marriage, laws, and rules that forbade them from such things for centuries. Finally, the shackles are back off and the reality is before us.

Some, are consciously of a higher power, and maintain strict morals, not for society or others, but for themselves. Other's, have self-serving backgrounds, and while approach as if they're virtuous and moral, aren't. I feel those who find such people.


The romantic view that men had/have/has of women isn't absolute, and men are learning this. They also have to learn to be more selfish. I can't speak for the 'shytbags' some women here post about being awful, but just as there are few good women, there are few good men. And that's ok. But know that.
