Originally posted by jakethasnake
You guys make this sound like a walk in the park. IT ISN'T. 
Any guy with a smidgen of bodybuilding experience knows this. To have massive gains "in only 12 weeks!!!" like they say in those magazine ads is ONLY possible with tremedous efforts in training, coupled with immaculate nutrition plans and supplementation. NOT ONE DAY of workouts or ONE MEAL can be missed. If you can put 100% of your life's efforts into bodybuilding, you're a lucky guy.
Most guys live in the real world, so for us, it will take a bit longer than 3 months. I'd say for a realistic plan, 6-9 is about right. This is assuming you don't cut class or call in sick to your job to lift, which is damn stupid.
Good points, but I belive that it IS possible to gain 30 pounds of muscle in 10-15 weeks or so, but ONLY if you are VERY emaciated.
Also, I think alot of it depends on your current mass. If you are a skinny runt who almost never eats, then you can slam your calories up two or three thousand a day, and gain 20-30 pounds in 4-5 months.
This is because you are underfed, and your body will snap back into place when you start EATING.
If you are already eating enough, then your gains will not be as much. (But you will already start with some muscle, so in the long run there is not much difference.)
If you are really skinny, then EAT! This ALONE will help you gain, but lift anyway to keep that body fat off.
If you think that you
may be skinny, you proably aren't. ( I think
I am skinny at 6'4 200!) But reading stories of guys that are 140-160 at that height, THEY are the
real skinny ones! They will gain mass at a faster rate then I will.