Possible to change control of a relationship?


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Is it possible to change "who wears the pants" in a relationship? I've been in a relationship with this girl for about 2 months now and while I don't bend over backwards to do anything for her I know I'm not the one wearing the pants in the relationship. I definitely like her more than she likes me, and the cardinal rule of relationships says that that gives her all the power. What can I do about this? It sounds like oneitis, and I expect answers like "walk away", or "spin more plates" but I thought i'd ask. Thanks!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
sack up and start wearing the pants. Do what you want to do, if she doesnt like it, svcks for her. Take her in bed. Lead her around. Tell her no.

she will tell you she hates it, and get pissed off, but will secretly love it, as her pvssy will be dripping wet


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, if you become more of a challenge to her - that will increase her attraction.

Can you personally do it? I don't know how skilled you are. You sound like you have "some" knowledge of relationship dynamics.

- Demonstrate higher value
- Make her jealous
- Don't take her sh!t tests serious (which will follow if you make her jealous)
- Put her to do things for you
- Spend less time with her
- Spend less time communicating with her (text/phone/facebook/etc)
- Spank her @ss
- Fvck her good

2 months is a VERY SHORT period of time for this type of stuff to be happening. If you're already feeling like the power struggle is going in her favor 2 months in - then you don't have much chance if you don't throw some daggers in boredom's eyes.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
thanks for the responses!

@chromeo - i haven't had to do anything i hadn't wanted to do in the first place, not sure if that makes me even more AFC in the first place LOL (she hasn't been able to drag me to places i don't wanna go yet)

@bukowsi - i'm rarely serious with her, i'm always joking around so i don't take her **** tests seriously...though i do have troubles distinguishing any of them. i'll try to spend less time with her, but we're both in small town with the same group of friends and a very small pool of other people to hang out with lol.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
IF you like her more than she likes you man, and doing things like spending less time with her, challenging her and having lots of sex etc to raise her IL will on the outside achieve that goal and possibly even change the power dynamic.

But how long can you maintain false control before your heart totally gives into her and you become attached to a woman who wont return the same care and affection you give her.

I have had three relationships so far, I am 24 and they have all lasted about a year and a half and what happens is that somewhere along the line I stop doing the things that I did which attracted the woman to me when I first met her.

The curse of the DJ knowledge is being able to get something then not being able to keep it.

It has to feel like you are doing nothing special and her IL is high this way you never have to act anything other than your true self and you can maintain the relationship and her attraction perpetually and not have it burn out.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
isnt that a b!tch, feeling like your doing nothing and the womans IL is sky high....

thats how its supposed to be gentleman and the more you act with this demeanor the more it will happen and easier it will be for it to happen