I'm in Corvallis.. I notice this thread is pretty crusty.. Are any of you Oregonians still around? If any of you guys wanna come down and hang out - get the f outta your town, ya know, cause you're bored with it, or have sarged it out, feel free to PM me or add my ICQ (in my profile) I dont get on much, but if you PM me that you'd like to have some wing help, or be willing to help wing, or switch off, I'll start popping on more regularly.. I've got a lotta good social proof at the bars here, and am hardcore on Karaoke (rap, and deeper songs mostly are my style), and Corvallis is pretty virgin to sarging, and has mad hot college chicks (you should really see the college library on a daily basis where I am now.. Yow.. 80% of the girls are HBs, and there are hardly even any guys here most of the time)..
I dont have transport, but if anyone wants wing help and is willing to transport me, I have a seriously open schedule..