Pook's "Secret"

the fool

New Member
Mar 14, 2003
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Reading through several of Pook’s posts I noticed him mention staying single in order to improve. This bothered me because I was not single, yet I still had some AFC ready for expulsion. I tried to understand why he made this comment but the real reason never became apparent for me. I was blind to the simple fact that he did not have time to focus on a gf, that his life was his focus. It’s taken me almost two years to realize this, lurking hear, reading through multiple posts trying to find the elusive answer to all my problems. I was not interested in SS, NLP or any other slap stick solution but sought after real improvement in my character and subsequently, life.

The truth eluded me until now. I was caught in the web of dismay, whether or not the girls, and guys for that matter, thought I was up to their standard. Every little piece of advice offered on this website I would analyse, scrutinize over every minute detail trying to imprint in my mind what was said here but it never sifted through. I tried and tried to act properly yet this effort was my eventual downfall. Self consciousness, the disease where everyone looks at your every move, was a big factor in my day to day life. After all the searching, reading for hours on end, following advice for the two years I’ve been following this forum, the simple truth revealed itself. Focus on yourself! How simple it sounds. It seemed as though pook was speaking a different language, after the countless times he made this point clear. My escapades fulfilling my most male desires day in day out were fun however my thirst was never satisfied. Life had lost meaning but I was not unhappy, just unfulfilled and wasting away. The fun lessened in time, you can get too much of a good thing. I was digging myself into a deeper hole, putting more pressure on myself to please women, worrying if I was “the great catch” or not.

Women will absorb the living daylights out of you, if you let them. This is what is wrong about focusing on women, or any pleasure. By focus, I mean taking priority in women, so that they become your greatest pleasure. By “focusing on yourself”, leaving the wastelands of woman worshipping and seeking your unsatisfiable pleasures, you become free. Free from the natures subtle yet forceful grasp. It is not a mindset that delivers you from this evil place but more a realisation that women will not satisfy your every need. Try sleeping with as many women as you can, enveloping your every sense in the pleasure of woman and then stand back and look at yourself. Not satisfying, actually in the end it’s depressing, like a drug addiction, but more addictive and perhaps more deadly to the masses that focus on it.

Whether you want women and happiness, a grand feeling of accomplishment and an all inspiring sense of self/ confidence, forget trying to attract women. Forget about indulging in all their pleasures, this does not mean putting a stop to it, just placing more importance on yourself, and if you seek to improve, women will flock to the then, in demand you. Develop the mindset of the “great catch” for Pook says it! This was my trouble, I could not find it in me to think like this all the time, my fears got in the way. When you focus on your life, on improvement and place it above all else, you cannot go wrong! You naturally become the great catch and believe it for women will be competing against your life for your precious time. In the AFC days, we all believed the women to be the prize, this was only because she took priority in our lives. Let the woman compete for your time, you’re life is more precious, you have moved on from the days where you were the victim of natures bait. This is not a mindset to be drilled into ones mind but a realisation that you will not be ultimately happy pursuing women, indulging to the point of exhaustion, where you have no energy or desire for your own happiness. When your life and future becomes the all important, you acquire a confidence that plays second to none. You are happy because you can see your dreams, goals and you are improving so that you may achieve them. Worry becomes obsolete because you have the safety net of your greater desires to fall back on. Who cares what girls think, you develop an ease about you, why wouldn’t you, you have realised that focussing on the women and what she wants is a spiral leading nowhere to the empty abyss. Believe it or not, after a while girls start to realise what a great catch you really are, because you are what you think, you have a life now and we all know that girls want what they cant have and they sense a little difficulty in getting this one! The more you focus your efforts on life in itself, the sexier you become, the more you improve, the more obvious it becomes. Indulge in yourself, indulge in your interests, in improving yourself, in achieving your wildest dreams for your potential stretches further than your imagination can.

In this day and age, it is the male who is the fool. Fooled by nature, fooled by themselves, whatever you want to call it, today’s male so often thinks himself great for fulfilling his greatest desires, his greatest “purpose” in life. This is the greatest shame of our age, that men cease being men and neglect their very purpose to be great.

So shatter the pedestals, wake up and redirect your energies, shift your focus and behold, whatever happens next will depend on you! Have fun creating your future! It is the greatest and realist pleasure on earth.

The Edge

Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2002
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Priceless first post!!!

However, the strength of your presentation was scattered, and nullyfied slightly in the Pook praising bullshytt.:rolleyes:
Just like you stress in your post, regardless of the topic, your creativity, style, and delivery should all be centered around you and just you. Period!!!

The Edge ' Some have it, and some don't '

the fool

New Member
Mar 14, 2003
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Thanx for your comments

Perhaps i have been influenced by Pook but by no means am i trying to replicate his work, nor praise him.

I mentioned it because i saw the truth in what he was saying and it seems congruess with what i am going through at the moment.

As to my style, i guess it'll make itself in the due course of time :rolleyes:

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
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Absolutely magnificent. One of the greatest posts I've seen on this board in ages.

Well done, I look forward to seeing more from you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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Well done. You're no fool. :)


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
Great Post, but all of this is easier said than done. However, I do agree with the whole thing in being a slave of your own desires. That is why money, women etc cannot make a person completely happy and it will always make a person want more. Not to jam religion down anyones throat, but if you think about it.....alot of what Jesus says makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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Women are there to enhance your life, not to be your life.
Learning about the whole mating/dating world must be a part of your life, not your entire life or the most important thing in your life.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
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Great post. Excellent mindset.

Monkey D. Luffy

Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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Holy ****, where do you get your pot?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2003
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Over Yonder
a masterpiece :up:


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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Superb post.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
^ lol.

My credit to you as well... Great Post!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
yeah, I completely agree.

However, in my case, I AM improving my life, yet even though I work hard to improve these aspects of my life; and, therefore, improving myself, I still have that "girl" fever. I am passionately involved in my hobbies: Flamenco guitar, learning spanish, exercising, writing and being more social. I work on my hobbies pretty much every day. But I still am very absorbed in females and I analyze a lot about them still, despite having these hobbies that i truly love.

In essence, then, women are NOT a central part of my LIFE, but they ARE a central part of my MIND. This odd dilemma really puzzles me and I am still confused as to how I can overcome this.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
Brak86 said:
yeah, I completely agree.

However, in my case, I AM improving my life, yet even though I work hard to improve these aspects of my life; and, therefore, improving myself, I still have that "girl" fever. I am passionately involved in my hobbies: Flamenco guitar, learning spanish, exercising, writing and being more social. I work on my hobbies pretty much every day. But I still am very absorbed in females and I analyze a lot about them still, despite having these hobbies that i truly love.

In essence, then, women are NOT a central part of my LIFE, but they ARE a central part of my MIND. This odd dilemma really puzzles me and I am still confused as to how I can overcome this.
Ahh indeed I'm in the same exact spot aswell, its weird guess the answer will come with time :)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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Rowland Heights, CA
this is exactly the kind of post i needed