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Pook might have been a Freemason


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
I have a feeling Pook might have been freemason.

Freemasons run the world and run the whole stage. These guys have to sorta keep quiet with their affiliation and have to show their "duties" in subtle ways that won't be reavealing to the mainstream masses.
I don't want to sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist here but if you look around Freemason symbols and idealogy are pretty much everywhere - including Pook's blogs.

Some clues are pretty obvious this guy might have belong to a semi elite group:

- His fondness of people like William Shakespare, George Washington, Newton, etc. All these Men were big time members of Freemasonry. Shakespeare himself was one of the founding members.

- His references to books like Huxley's a " Brave New World, 1984. Atlas Shrugged, Dune, etc. Sure these books are classics and entertaining but all these books are very popular within the elite. I know from experience because I'm an ex Alpha Phi Omega member, the stuff I did in there are classified but let's just say I left cause it got too creepy.

- Numerous Freemason symbols in his blog.

- last but not least, its just in the way he presents himself and the information in his writing. Lets just say "the wisest of the wisest knows that the seemingly revered ones presents the matrix within the current propogandas being held BUT KNOWS the actual reality which are taking place. So in other words he's not giving away all the Golden nuggets.

You see the stuff what he actually talks about like women, getting rid of the feminist, "manning up", all that stuff are just the tip of the iceberg. I guarantee you he knows whats up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
You could be on to something. While I've found the writings from his archive here to be enlightening, when I've read his blog I've found it it difficult to see what point he was trying to make and quickly got bored.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
You know Roly whether he Is one or not, I'm not going to worry about it.

Why should You and I spend any energy worrying about what the freemasons, the rockefellor's, the rothschild's, the illuminati, the imf, or the world bank are doing.

When The Living God of the Bible will take care of them at the end. You and I should change our state to happiness, joy, love and faith.
When we do that, Miracles happen and Dreams become reality. Yes Miracles still do happen around the world accepting Christ Jesus as their personal savior.

I like what Psalm 37 1-3 says;
-Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
-For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, And wither as the green herb.
-Trust in the LORD, and do good;

Read The Book of Revelations to see the news of tomorrow.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Pook and the Freemasons may get their wisdom from the same places, but so does anyone else who studies literature with the eye of a historian. The Freemasons esteemed living a life of wisdom, spirituality, and brotherly love, and so it arrives with no surprise that men who espouse such values may be viewed as a potential Freemason. The very nature of symbolisms is vagueness and wide interpretability. It is so easy to find patterns when we're looking for one, even if the pattern is false. The very act of pointing out a pattern solidifies the malleable perception of the pattern, even if the pattern is false. This action of collecting vagueness and molding it into a preconceived pattern is called shoehorning. Moreover, there is the absurd paradox of suspecting someone as a member of a secret society. Even if they are not a member, their insistence of not being a member is taken as proof they are a member!

Your shoehorning Pook as a Freemason is clever and entertaining but alas a parlor trick.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
He's pure illuminati. There are many Illuminated groups, with different kinds of secret knowledge. Anything you might say about Pook (including this) will be
false for some of the Illuminati, but true for others, which only
adds to the confusion and mystery.

2. The Illuminati infiltrate and take over organizations of all
kinds, from churches to the post office to the corner grocery store,
and turn them to their own ends even sosuave.com.

1. The Illuminati know weird sexual techniques undreamed of in the
Kama Sutra. They also know why those techniques are used.

2. A popular belief is that the Illuminati want power for its own
sake. This is true of some of them. But other Illuminated groups
exist to support an ideology (don juan philosophy), to achieve a particular goal, or simply
to oppose some other group of Illuminati!

3.Illuminati have embraced technology. Their files of
information are much more useful when backed by the power of the

4. Why would an``advanced being'' want to meddle with the affairs of Earthlings? Good question. Possible reptilian connection.

5. The Illuminati conspiracy is hundreds, if not thousands, of years
old. Many of the most famous names of history have been Illuminated,
or Illuminati agents.

6. They also try to recruit the best and the brightest young people
as agents, to insure the next generation of the Conspiracy.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
Deep Dish said:

Your shoehorning Pook as a Freemason is clever and entertaining but alas a parlor trick.

No doubt in my mind this guy might have been a possible Freemason. He oozes it, several lines in his blog solidified it.

When I have time I'll make some references.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Do you think the illuminati might be behind the feminism of man, and responsible for the 'matrix'? It would make perfect sense. Its a good way to make normal men more docile, and easier to control.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
The fact of the matter is, their Main agenda is to keep the people i.e - The sheeps) loyal to the state.

Think about that long and hard. These guys have been around for a long time here and its obvious their main objectives are something they're not willing to compromise...Even if it means destroying some sacred values.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
Roly said:
The fact of the matter is, their Main agenda is to keep the people i.e - The sheeps) loyal to the state.

Think about that long and hard. These guys have been around for a long time here and its obvious their main objectives are something they're not willing to compromise...Even if it means destroying some sacred values.

LOL nice thread Roly. Glad to see there are some pookaholics still out there.

Unfortunately you have revealed yourself to be an enemy of the Illumanati so they will be coming after you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
That's why I always read Pook's posts wearing a tin foil hat, so that his Freemanson / Illuminati witch craft cannot infiltrate my brain and install their virus.


Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
The guy was just a Keyboard Jocky. nothing more or less

great poster, He get's credit where it is due. but that doesn't mean he's some Guru in real life just because i seems to know things about women


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
SuavePlaya said:
Roly it took you 5 years of analyzing pook to find this out?

Incidentally yes, you can say that.

Wow I musta gone like three lifestyle changes over the years. " Liberal Party guy", " the moderate guy" and to the more simpler one I have now.

The first time I read Pook's posts, I thought he was a genius. But as one grow older and as one becomes more aware of one's environment, what you would consider "extraordinary" is all in all quite common especially with the most revered people in society.

Its like coming back to a full circle bro.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
A person running the matrix wouldn't speak out against the matrix, so your logic is flawed. Go back to studying pook some more.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
If POOK did not exist he would have to be invented.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
horaholic said:
Do you think the illuminati might be behind the feminism of man, and responsible for the 'matrix'? It would make perfect sense. Its a good way to make normal men more docile, and easier to control.
Sexual "Liberation" is Illuminati Subversion

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
February 19, 2005
Throughout modern history Illuminati bankers have used "sexual liberation" to subvert society and establish their subtle tyranny. As Masonic revolutionary Guiseppe Mazzini said, "we corrupt in order to rule."

The Illuminati bankers need to introduce "world government" to translate their unjust monopoly over credit into total world control.

They realized that they couldn't take control until they destroyed the family. This was a central plank of the Communist Manifesto in 1848.

Every major "revolution" in modern history has increased Illuminati banker control and the sexual revolution is no exception.

The bankers have encouraged sexual dissipation using their various "progressive" fronts: liberalism, feminism, socialism and communism.

The great appeal of left wing movements has always been the lure of "free" sex (i.e. free of the restraints of love & marriage.)

How is free sex subversive?

A healthy society is concerned with its survival and the propagation of its values. This requires that new generations are born and raised in a healthy manner, i.e. in a nuclear family. In a healthy society, women are honored for nurturing and educating the young, a role for which they are naturally suited.

Thus, the bankers set out to undermine and disparage women's role as wives and mothers.

They extolled "sexual liberation" because promiscuous women are less dedicated to family, and less attractive and suitable as wives and mothers. Furthermore, if sex is freely available, men have much less incentive to marry or be faithful .

Women were brainwashed to think they were being "exploited" by their family and should seek fulfillment in career instead.

The bankers used paid subversives like Betty Frieden and Gloria Steinem and the mass media to make it seem that Feminism was a spontaneous occurrence.

At the same time, they severed sex from marriage and procreation and exalted romance as the main source of fulfillment. Hollywood practically has angels singing hosannas when the stars have sex. It created this bogus religion.


Sex is a natural function like eating food. If we didn't have food, we would think about nothing else.

Because of the gender confusion (caused by Feminism) many people are sex starved and are obsessed with it. As a result, society suffers from arrested development manifested as an obsessive adolescent preoccupation with bodily functions, genitals, pornography and homosexuality.

If we have plenty, we know that divorced from love, "sex is the biggest nothing in the world." (Andy Warhol)

Similarly, romantic love is mostly infatuation based on the expectation of some great advantage (usually sex or security.) I have seen businessmen generate the same kind of heat while making a lucrative deal. But, like AOL-Time Warner, romantic mergers often go sour.

A marriage based on sexual attraction is like a chair with one leg. True love is based on character, personality and trust, tested over a long period of time.


The inflated status of fertile young women is another characteristic of our Illuminati-induced dysfunction. These women remind me of poker players recklessly overplaying their hand. They have lost the capacity for love, and sex is a paltry substitute.

Their dependence on their sex appeal is very risky. The shelf life is short and the competition is fierce. Jaded males look at 1000's of practically identical naked women on the Net these days without being turned on.

Increasingly they need drugs to respond and I suspect disgust with women is the unconscious reason. Viagra and Cialis sales are in the billions.

Does it make sense to use these drugs?

Socrates said that when he no longer had a sex drive in old age, he was "released from the jaws of a wild beast." Why would any man take a drug in order to be captive once again?

Hormones generated by the testes cause the male sex drive which takes control of our minds. How powerful are these hormones?

Most young men would agree that their sisters are barely tolerable. However, other men's sisters are an endless source of wonder and fascination.
What's the difference? Sex of course.

Are there harmless drugs that could suppress the production of these mind-altering sex hormones? Perhaps they could be made widely available to young men.

Then women, deprived of their magical spell, could be seen clearly and men could concentrate on something else. When a man falls in love based with a total human being, he could go off the drug.

Of course, a better solution is for men and women to marry (or establish a long-term loving relationship) at a much younger age (i.e. 18-20) like they used to.

People decry marriage because sex declines in importance over time. I thought that was the purpose of marriage.

Sex belongs to an age-and-stage, i.e. courting and procreation. We weren't meant to be obsessed with it for our whole lives. There are much more important and interesting things to do.


Modern women are the victim of a monstrous hoax perpetrated by the Illuminati bankers and their lackeys in media, government and education.

Women have been defrauded of a secure and essential social role, that of wife and mother. In exchange they have accepted the role of sex objects and worker drones.

They tart it up with terms like "freedom" and "independence" but many are lonely, bitter and increasingly desperate. They have been cruelly duped by an evil power. Consequently, to varying degrees they have betrayed themselves, their husbands and their children. (I don't object to women pursuing careers, only putting them before family, if indeed they want one.)

Sex is used by the Illuminati as a reductio ad absurdum. Everything good in life, all relationships, culture, love, caring, justice, beauty, and intelligence; is flattened by what has become a sick societal obsession.

The Illuminati use sex to corrupt and debase. The pornography that floods our in-boxes is part of a widespread campaign to degrade us. A morally degraded people are a weak people, and a weak people are easily disinherited.



A thorough study of this subject can be found in E. Michael Jones' 650 page book, "Libido Dominandi" Sexual Liberation and Political Control."


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
Yep, the evils of feminism is everywhere.

Its in the Universities and in born again christianity.

I travel a lot man and I've been to places like Mexico, The Phillipines, Japan, Puerto Rico, Dubai, etc.

I came up with the conclusion not long ago that the west is definitely not the best place to go fishing ( or build a fishing port) when it comes to having a marriage.

It's a losing cause. If you just wanna screw around thats fine, but marriage is something else man.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
Deep Dish, obviously you dont agree with me.

But I'm a lazy guy and don't want to go through the whole marriage bs system here in the west.

Plain and simple bro. I'm just too freakin lazy.

But anyways the topic here is Pook : )