Pook and AntiDump

Fortress Maximus

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2010
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Michigan (Best State)
I've read Pook's Anti Dump Machine twice in the last year; the stuff is amazing.

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
Will you people ever learn?

Why does it matter what happened to them? You came to this site to improve your success with women. Stop attempting to follow them, just learn from what they have said. More than likely the reason for why they quit was because of you people. You guys lost the focus of yourself and instead of improving your life you decided to basically stalk them and either attempt to flame them with nonsensical arguments or annoy them with questions they have already answered again and again. All the answers are within yourself and their posts seem to speak to the soul and bring those answers to light.

If you think that they are misogynists then don't read their works. They are actually BRILLIANT and they are 100% FREE. They took absolutely no credit for their works and have disappeared and left them for our benefit. If you just read what they said word for word instead of trying to twist their words or look for a deeper meaning in them then they will come across as very pro-woman. I mean look at AD's machine. Pook supported it and it was purely about obtaining an interested woman. How could Pook be misogynist if he supported finding an interested woman to spend his valuable time with? Oh that's right! Most people on here are still violently AFC and hide behind labels such as Speed Seducers, Alpha Males, PUA's, etc. Since both AD and Pook discouraged those routes because they don't make real men or better anyone's life, people tried to discredit them by twisting their words and turning them into the "bad guys".

There is a reason why there are so called Master Don Juan's who have been on this site for ages and still ask dumb questions or are still here making the same idiotic comments. They refuse to shatter their realities and although they may know more on an intellectual level, their perception of their reality is the same. These AFC Masters still see in their reality that women are pure and angelic. Pooks "mirror of the soul" posts were about shattering that reality of women being pure and angelic and pointed out that they are human like you and me, so they shouldn't be treated as anything other than human. And since he dared to point out woman's human nature and man's human nature without kissing either of their a$$es he was called a misogynist by the AFC Master Don Juan's.

So what I'm trying to get at here is that these guys both have been through it all and you could save so much time (and possibly even your soul) by following their advice. If you want to be stubborn and take the PUA route or some other piece o' **** route then go ahead and waste your time but don't go around whining when you are still on this site 10 years from now and all you have obtained is pu$$y... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
Will you people ever learn?

Then again go ahead and do what ever you want it is your life and your time...


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Re-ac-tor said:
If you find Pook a misogynist, then you're just as lost as I am.
And you clearly didn't read the whole of Mr. Fantastic's posts. He explicitly says that they aren't misogynists and instead rather brilliant.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
TyTe`EyEz said:
I disagree. Women, as a group, are pretty easily categorized. You can't judge a person based on the color of their skin, but you can damn sure get an idea of who they are based on their gender. They may be a little bit different from the last girl you were with, but they're a lot a fvcking like.
Older thread, yes, but I couldn't resist since someone resurrected it.

TyTe `EyEz, aside from having an extremely difficult-to-type user name, is right on point.

Women posess almost totally an external locus of control. All of their cues of behavior, feeling, and lastly, thought, come from outside of themselves.

Hence the herd mentality, and hence the incredible similarity in reaction and behavior. The more experienced I get, the more obvious it becomes that the predictability of women's reactions to simuli is virtually universally consistent.

Within that broader scope there may be slight personal differences (having mostly to do with personal style and cultural upbringing), but by and large womens so-called "thought processes" are profoundly uniform and predictable.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
mrRuckus said:
Pook had a blog apparently, assuming it was really him, and then disappeared. He didn't seem particulary happy in his blog posts, and he viewed women as a necessary nuisance for his libido. I think he once said something about women viewing men as walking dildo's anymore. He seemed completely against marriage or even having a girlfriend from what i remember.


"A young man is often amazed that dating is really nothing more than sex. Women don't want to know you. They do not care about your dreams. The bait on the hook is sex and the purpose is to reel you in. Women's greatest fear is the celibate man as he cannot be hooked in any way."
Scary to see that such a deranged character can become a hero for young men who barely finished puberty. What a sordid view of the world.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Blusher said:
Scary to see that such a deranged character can become a hero for young men who barely finished puberty. What a sordid view of the world.
Not everyone can handle the truth. Sometimes its better to not think about it. But certainly for mental health its better to keep behavior within normality even though it has these paradoxial problems that pook pointed out associated with it,


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
TyTe`EyEz said:
My thoughts exactly. Bitterness is not what I thought of when I read Pook's posts; I saw a guy who had accepted the game for what it was - at least the way it is in America. Pvssy buys things: it buys cars, clothes, houses and jewelry. Women use their vagina to ensure the security of their futures. Move on, nothing to see here. This is the game.

My eyes have been opened. I've been schooled to the game by guys like Pook, Anti-Dump and KontrollerX. They have helped me to see the dating world for what it is. Does this make me a bitter person? No, it doesn't. I'm not angry in my personal life. I still go out there and play by the rules that society has forced upon me, but deep down I know what's up. It is what it is.
And power gets pu$$y. What's your point? Most guys on this site want that. Only that. We cry foul when women want certain things from us, but it's perfectly okay to objectify and lump them into one single category?

Power without gentleness cannot happily coexist with others. Pu$$y without anything else to offer is just a piece of meat.

You have power and want pu$$y? It's easy. Go get it. Realize that's all you're going to get. Women as well need to realize that their vaginas aren't going to get them the man of their dreams.

Both sides are screwy.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Foolish mortals, POOK ascended into NIrvana 8 years ago. He came to deliver his message, to expose the Matrix and to show us the path to escape it, reshape it and bend it to our will. His message delivered, he left us to ponder his wisdom. Some will accept it and be transformed, others will not,...

Morpheus : When the Matrix was first built, there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted, to remake the Matrix as he saw fit. It was he who freed the first of us, taught us the truth


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
I often get bitter at my own weaknesses in being (hugely) attracted to women. A lot of them. I can get oneitus like nothing, despite knowing better. A lot of my own bitterness comes from that, and how it doesn't jive with reality. I'm bitter towards my romance with the AFC dream and how its truly just a dream, even though I'm constantly bombarded with it. The media, friends getting married and having kids, "Settling down", the judgments of others who are expecting the same to happen to me as if THAT should be my endgame and the gauge of success, etc.

I've been bitter about it for a while.

It doesn't mean I hate women. I think.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
It's very interesting reading Pook's writing.

I believe the evolution of Pook is someone like 60 Years of Challenge.

I believe they deeply love women and have a great depth of understanding of how things truly are.

In the end we are humans we are infallible in human ways. However, we are perfect spiritually and that remains the basis to how we should all approach life.


ThunderMaverick said:
And power gets pu$$y. What's your point? Most guys on this site want that. Only that. We cry foul when women want certain things from us, but it's perfectly okay to objectify and lump them into one single category?

Women initiate two-thirds of the divorces in this country. I just lumped them into a very large category.

Power without gentleness cannot happily coexist with others. Pu$$y without anything else to offer is just a piece of meat.

That's true, but not every guy has power, dude. The point I was trying to make is that the dating game is unfair to men.

You have power and want pu$$y? It's easy. Go get it. Realize that's all you're going to get. Women as well need to realize that their vaginas aren't going to get them the man of their dreams.

Men strive for power in order to get pvssy. Women were gifted with their power at birth. Don't treat them as if they're one in the same.

Both sides are screwy.


Responses in bold.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Danger said:
My "distaste" is more for the women that I know have had big pasts and suddenly in their 30's are chasing me for a relationship and settling down.

It is just incredibly insulting for them to think that they can give their bodies away so cheaply when they are hottest and then expect me to buy the high mileage dented up version at a premium.
Never forget, you are the Alpha agent of righteous karma.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
Foolish mortals, POOK ascended into NIrvana 8 years ago. He came to deliver his message, to expose the Matrix and to show us the path to escape it, reshape it and bend it to our will. His message delivered, he left us to ponder his wisdom. Some will accept it and be transformed, others will not,...
In my opinion, modesty is overrated mainly because it's so hard to pull off and walk away as appearing genuine. (Reference to a comment made to someone who consistently puts out better advice than Pook ever dreamed of doing).

Said another way, let a poster with far less wisdom than yours blow sunshine up pook's a$$. IMNSHO, I think his beliefs, such as it is best to be at a near obese weight for women, is best left at the bottom of the forum on page 63. Sure, there were some good posts in there too, but even the sun shines on a dog's ass some days.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
That's true, but not every guy has power, dude. The point I was trying to make is that the dating game is unfair to men.
Women could argue that argue that it's not fair to them either because if they want a relationship they can be lied to just to get some action and when they want action with no strings attached, they're labelled as slvts.

They'd be right too.

The game is unfair, deal with it.

Btw, just because the game is unfait doesn't mean you can't be ethical in how you play it.


Blusher said:
Women could argue that argue that it's not fair to them either because if they want a relationship they can be lied to just to get some action and when they want action with no strings attached, they're labelled as slvts.

They'd be right too.

The game is unfair, deal with it.

Btw, just because the game is unfait doesn't mean you can't be ethical in how you play it.
You're right. Thanks for posting.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Danger said:
My "distaste" is more for the women that I know have had big pasts and suddenly in their 30's are chasing me for a relationship and settling down.

It is just incredibly insulting for them to think that they can give their bodies away so cheaply when they are hottest and then expect me to buy the high mileage dented up version at a premium.

My current girl was married for eight years before she realized that she was never going to get what she wanted from the dirtbag she was with. We met a couple of months after the divorce and she fell hard for me. She's a great gal and I trust her.

I think of women like used cars. I prefer one's that have not had a ton of owners over the last few years, and I would never buy one from a rental company.

Danger spot on mate, I'm 27, so I talk to mostly chicks in their 20's-early 30's a lot of chicks who are 30 have been "ran through"(couple guys here, one guy there sometimes heck at the same time) the thing is as women age their value drops, and she realizes "whoops I need a man to provide for me and my kids, I can't slut it up anymore..." I recently went on a date with a chick who I talked about in my blog who is like that (RoofieChick)

the thing that forever will frustrate me about women is that a lot of them don't have accountability that same chick who got knocked up at 20 won't admit its her fault for not being more careful, or when a women flakes. Its never her fault

This drives me nuts because their is something in women'd brains that says "It's not my fault"

In terms of Anti-dump his advice is outdated, Pook dropped a lot of gems in his day, and the older I get the more I appreciate his post and insight, however he did tend to over-analyze a lot, and some of his post that are anti-sex are suspect. In the end Pook pushed a mindset, that you the man are first, and not women