When you say, "All women [do X]," you're lumping 3.5 billion people into one category, which is insane.
All women are entirely social creatures. Society is the book of woman. Examine the conversational group of any two or more women but without the presence of any men in the conversation. Pure estrogen. They must be talking at leisure, about whatever they want, in other words engaged in girl talk. It can be any contextual environment—in a restaurant, on a bus, at the beach, in a library or museum, their home. It can be any age or socioeconomic group—teenagers, housewives, elderly women; white, black, hispanic; wealthy, poor. It can be any personality—quiet, reserved, loud, rambunctious. Regardless when you begin overhearing, the beginning, the middle, the end of the conversation, the only thing they will ever talk about is "people," either their life or the lives of others. Of the untold tens of thousands of conversations I have overheard for almost a decade, I have never encountered one single exception. You will never hear two women abstractly talking about any abstract subject, scientific, philosophical, or otherwise, as men are sometimes found. I have been searching long for a qualified exception to talking about people—the closest has been women giving advice to each other, but yet whatever situation prompted the advice it was forced upon their minds thus not at leisure—and even if one did find a qualified exception then exceptions don't invalidate the rule.
"Many people ask what do women talk about? But it is more accurate to ask what women do not talk about, and that answer is very clear:
tungsten arc welding. Women never talk about tungsten arc welding, though they talk about everything else. If they do talk about tungsten arc welding, however, it is how they feel about tungsten arc welding, and who are cute tungsten arc welders, but never about tungsten arc welding itself."
Truths are sometimes dark and remarking how the emperor is wearing no clothes doesn't mean someone is bitter or their conclusions insane. But tell men dark truths and they will hold onto their white horses even tighter.