Poll: How many of you guys have dated a woman TALLER than you?

Have you dated a woman TALLER than yourself?

  • Yes I have

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • No I have not

    Votes: 37 62.7%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
I have cuz im short. Doesnt bother me a bit.


Apr 15, 2008
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i am 6'7" and i couldn't imagine dating a girl taller than me (yes, there are a few girls taller than 6'7"). being tall has its ups and downs. yeah, people respect you when you stand up (i am all legs), and females of all ages are always commenting on how "nice and tall" i am. kids ask for your autograph for no reason at all. adults ask you how many points you scored last night. i am a quite guy so it is a bit annoying to always be the center of attention.

negatives are plenty. i can't find jeans that look stylish or for that matter any clothes. that is why so many taller guys go around in tracksuits. i even have trouble taking a dump in some bathrooms. i visited belgrade last summer and that was cool because there were lots of tall guys like myself. the summer before i visited japan and felt like a rockstar. that was the oddest three weeks of my life. try riding public transportation in tokyo as a 6'7" man. i was a literal cripple in japan.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Well I think almost ALL the chicks in my school are shorter than me(I'm either 5'9 or 6 flat I think), so I haven't really had experience with taller babes before. I think the only time I've seen a chick that's taller than me is either if a really tall girl wears high heels or if the girls just super freaking tall.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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wutangfinancial said:
lol, weren't you the one telling me height doesn't matter, it's your game, blah blah

Guess what, every singly women on earth has a "thing" for taller men, it's genetic, it's not just you. It's not an odd preference; rather, it's universal.

I've seen short guys date busted girls taller than themselves....

Again, your height has nothing to do with the height of the girl-it has to do with the attractiveness of said girl. All girls want tall guys. Thus, ugly girls and short guys finish last. Just go to any club, any high school dance, etc.
I wouldn't turn away a guy that was "short" just because of his height. It's just that SOME of them have huge chips on their shoulder because of their height...thus, they do not appeal to me (as I've said before, there's nothing I hate more in a man that the victim mentality). I've been attracted to shorter guys in the past... When I say I have a "thing" for tall men, I mean that they catch my eye sometimes (but height means nothing if he has bad teeth or an awkward personality...lacks confidence, etc).

I know several guys that are "short" and ooze charm...now if I were to meet guys with similar personalities, I'd possibly consider dating them if I were single.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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wutangfinancial said:
We have chips on our shoulder because our taller friends are out on dates while we angrily type out inane posts on so suave.
Every guy on this site who is still a virgin is below average height.

Imagine being fat, and not being able to ever change it. That's what it's like being a short guy.
I am not going to pretend to understand how you're feeling. The fact of the matter is, you cannot change your height - so why not just accept it and move on? How is it that some short guys can get past it and others can't? What do they have that you don't?
Apr 1, 2008
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Purple-Haze said:
I am not going to pretend to understand how you're feeling. The fact of the matter is, you cannot change your height - so why not just accept it and move on? How is it that some short guys can get past it and others can't? What do they have that you don't?

Purple Haze seems to be a smart gal;) and I have a thing for smart girls..:p
Even though she won't tell me who she is!:moon:

I'm 5' 7" Now I'm going to say that is a "good" hieght for a man? or is that considered kinda short?.. I have always wondered, because many girls around here are taller than me.

I hate it when I see a girl and it's like "wooo" she is cute, then I go up next to her for a better look, and she's above me by about 2 or 3 inches... all of a sudden I feel like a little kid or something, especialy when her tower of a BF comes over...... It's like "hey mom and dad." errrr


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
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i would say that a "good" height for a grown man, 20+, is at least 5'10'. because most guys i know are at least that, anything else is considered shorter.

actually i havn't seen that many very short guys before, or maybe its just i dont notice them.

its tough, just like being ugly, but you are what you are and you can't change it so you'll have to do the best you can/ obvioulsy you're not oging to be banging the hottest girls all the time, but you stilln eed to try.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
schttrj said:
tell me something guys honestly and Purple Haze, you too, what is the average height of girls in US, UK or Europe? i would really like to know.
It varies. There are different types of White people. The Dutch are the tallest people in the world from what I've read. They're about 6ft 2 on average.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
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Orange County
ElStud said:
(I'm either 5'9 or 6 flat I think)
You make yourself sound stupid at every opportunity. I think you fail with girls because your brain is underdeveloped. Too much Rock Band, not enough books.
Mar 14, 2007
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wutangfinancial said:
We have chips on our shoulder because our taller friends are out on dates while we angrily type out inane posts on so suave.
Every guy on this site who is still a virgin is below average height.

Imagine being fat, and not being able to ever change it. That's what it's like being a short guy.

wutang - I am just under 5'7" and I can still can laid. no virgin here. It may be a bit harder to do - but it is one attribute among many. Tom Cruise is shorter than Katie Holmes. I mean seriously - we need to do a survey - Its not like I never see guys my height or shorter without a girlfriend - I do all the time.
Mar 14, 2007
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it's crap like wutang's that probably temporarily killed my game. now I keep thinking "damn I'm short" when I never thought about it before. I know two guys - both shorter than me (like 5'5") who are not movie stars and aren't rich and I remember they used to get babes. I have no reason to lie about that. How did they do it? I'd like to find out. But them being midgets didn't stop them. One has a child now and still gets other girls.
Apr 1, 2008
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lordson said:
i would say that a "good" height for a grown man, 20+, is at least 5'10'. because most guys i know are at least that, anything else is considered shorter.

actually i havn't seen that many very short guys before, or maybe its just i dont notice them.

its tough, just like being ugly, but you are what you are and you can't change it so you'll have to do the best you can/ obvioulsy you're not oging to be banging the hottest girls all the time, but you stilln eed to try.
I like petite girls anyway... Natalie Portman comes to mind(she's shorter than me) I know for a fact, because I stood like 5 feet away from her once:D

Natalie... I love you:cool:


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
slaog said:
I'm after getting a number of a girl who is 5ft 11 so see how that goes. She said she doesn't wear high heels for obvious reasons!
We were texting tonight and I mentioned her height a few times and she boasted that I must be delighted that she's so tall. Before in my AFC days I would have said something like "yes I do like tall women, it is nice" but today I said "I'd prefer 5'9 or 5'10 but you'll do!". lol