Tortendieb said:
So you want to have a connection between having no dad and being AFC? You can be AFC even with a dad, if he doesn't take charge and raise you to be a man.
I got a friend who grew up without a dad, and he doesn't have issues at all. On the contrary, he grew up to take responsibility and support his mum when she felt it was too much for her. He grew up to to be the man in the family, and he's one of the toughest go-getters I've ever known.
This guy is right,it's more damageful an afc dad and a dominant mother than no dad at all and a mother who doesnt play the empowered woman.
The problem is that usually a father figure push you to pass your limits and take action while a mother figure try to stop you even lowering your self esteem if it needs "you cant do that sport they are too big for you" line for example.
Or worse "do something for her so she will likes you",the beggining of an afc line.
However and afc dad who just confirm what the mother say or even worse he is treated as a powerless kid too is worse.
It can happen instead that if there's no father and the mother is submissive,the son manage to become more more dominant but lack the rules that a father figure gives,that's why many violent men come from that environment.