Everytime you talk about politics with anyone, anyone, it cuts your Mojo by half.
The most "eloquent" political arguers I know are the ones who have less chicks around them.
Religion, politics and sometimes musical likes/dislikes should never be discussed.
Man have this urge to CONVERT anyone into their beliefs, their truths.
Ever since I noticed this, I set myself apart from 99% of the guys that all girls came in contact with.
Think about it, while you're arguing with HB1 about the war on Iraq, I'm talking with HB2 of how good it feels when you go out in the rain and get all wet... how great it feels to leave all worries and troubles and have fun, like a child who dances in the rain.
Now, who do you think that is going to make her feel more exicted? You or me ?
Ranting doesn't lead you to anywhere. You want to get girls laughing, crying, feeling emotions, not bored !!
Nothing bores me more than political discussions !!
That's why I stay away from Anything Else forum... sometimes my friends accuse me, saying that I should worry more about world's political issues, but, if I spend 2 hours reading articles about US x Iraq and then go discuss with my friends about it, what change will it make ?? None !!
If I had spent these 3 hours working out and reading A.S.F. , I would be way better !!
I learned this from my great natural DJ friend: "God is just between me and him, and noone else. And politics, leave it up to them (the politicians). "
And with girls?? That's a crime !!
See, macking girls is supposed to be fun!! And politics is not even a little funny !!
I'd rather follow xblitz's routine (Comfort - Connection - Excitment - Arousal) than waste my precious words with politics.
See, the best that politics can get you is a feeling of connection. But is she's a pro-war, there are thousands of pro-wars, so how good is that connection going to feel ??
But, this is my humble opinion. I'm not trying to impose it to anyone.
If you'd like to talk, talk !!
But remember, 1 hour of politics talking is as effective as 5 minutes of her laughing !!
I think I may elaborate on this later...