POF comparisons, Everyone please E-mail Me login info


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
I can't believe the count is still 4 for Akhiro, if Akhiro cannot beat incognito, then no one can.

My count is still at 0.

incognito: 14
Akhiro Sato: 4
gspshields2: 0

Stagger Lee, Ninja, if you want to work the Akhiro account, please PM for details.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
I just maxed out the messages for a few hours or the day
on the Akhiro Sato account.

So far the standing is still:

incognito: 14
Akhiro Sato: 3
gspshields2: 0

This means, if you are Asian, you have to be a supermodel
in order to even get 21% of the numbers of an average
white guy.

The odds are stacked against you like a MOFO!

I'll keep posting if I get more numbers on Akhiro account.


Update Akihiro Sato just got phone number #4 from this chick:


The new count is:

incognito: 14
Akhiro Sato: 4
gspshields2: 0

I would like to see how an Indian person does too, so if anyone here is Indian, please msg me your POF and I will spam it for you. Free of charge.
That girl is like a 5 too. She probably thinks the Japanese super model was BARELY good looking enough to respond to. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

As someone else mentioned, you need to make sure you're not using obviously retouched/studio pictures of the guy. If it looks fake, a lot of girls may be ignoring you because of that fact alone, which would make your whole experiment tainted and meaningless.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Some chick just said to the Japanese supermodel:

"I don't give my number out that easily."

Im going to use incognito to message the same chick to see if she gives the number to a regular white guy vs the Japanese super model.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
incognito42 said:
I don't think I got any numbers with that one either! Lol...as a matter of fact I never even used it but NN got on and used it once or twice I think
Because either you or POF took off your underwear pic. hahahaha

Dude you come up with some pretty good off the cuff responses to them mixed in at times.

If the NYC area had anything remotely attractive these days I'd spam from Hats...But it's really gone down the toilet here for POF. Can't get motivated at all to even spam chicks who look like they ride on the back of a Sanitation truck.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Stagger Lee said:
Something doesn't add up here. Which pictures of the Asian model are you using? Are they good ones that aren't obviously a model's pic? What kind of replies are you getting? I'm not saying he's the best example of an good looking Asian guy, but I can't believe he's not getting any numbers.

It can't be just because he's Asian. Heck maybe he's not as attractive looking to females as I assumed he'd be. Try changing the ethnicity to "Other" or "Hispanic". I bet it wouldn't make a difference.

I'm not sure how you could have the exact same profile template and send the same mesages and spam girls in the same area without being spotted as a fake. You would need to search in another nearby city's area code I would think. The results should still be valid even if the cities were different.

As far as I know, Akhiro is half Brazilian and half Japanese, 6'1 and as much hispanic as Asian. I have a very hard time believing he couldn't do at least as well as an average to slightly above average looking white guy. If he can't then maybe that's why I also struggle being tall, dark but white and not quiet as handsome lol.
GSP "Genius" is using model posed pictures with the friggin model websites advertised ON THE PICTURES. Of course no one is going to respond. They automatically know it's a fake profile and think it's some 450lb morbidly obese 50 year old on the other end of the computer screen typing to them with his pants around his ankles.

The ONLY way that would work is if you have four FB pics looking NORMAL of a "hawt" looking dude. THEN chicks think it's real and the replies, views, IMs, and sexual innuendo etc start rolling in..


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
GSP "Genius" is using model posed pictures with the friggin model websites advertised ON THE PICTURES. Of course no one is going to respond. They automatically know it's a fake profile and think it's some 450lb morbidly obese 50 year old on the other end of the computer screen typing to them with his pants around his ankles.

The ONLY way that would work is if you have four FB pics looking NORMAL of a "hawt" looking dude. THEN chicks think it's real and the replies, views, IMs, and sexual innuendo etc start rolling in..
I'm using the pics that don't have the websites advertised on them. Ones that look like normal pics.

Having a hard time getting that 5th number right now. Incognito is close to getting number 15 and 16.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
I can't believe the count is still 4 for Akhiro, if Akhiro cannot beat incognito, then no one can.

My count is still at 0.

incognito: 14
Akhiro Sato: 4
gspshields2: 0

Stagger Lee, Ninja, if you want to work the Akhiro account, please PM for details.

Too bad I didn't stil have my friends FB pics. Italian dude. In real life 6'3. Looks like a professional model. When I tested out with his pics over a year ago "I" barely had to say anything. A "Hi" was all that was needed and chicks didn't even wait for email. The IM started going off so much I had to turn it off. Sexual innuendo from chicks RIGHT OFF THE BAT with out "me" saying anything sexual. Numbers given right away, offered a threesome with two strippers. Literally a 98% success rate where only two chicks didn't respond out of well over a hundred. It was off the chain.

My original real profile I tore it up on there though not as much as my friends pics. It's mostly how good you look in pictures, then your first message, then profile.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
GSP "Genius" is using model posed pictures with the friggin model websites advertised ON THE PICTURES. Of course no one is going to respond. They automatically know it's a fake profile and think it's some 450lb morbidly obese 50 year old on the other end of the computer screen typing to them with his pants around his ankles.

The ONLY way that would work is if you have four FB pics looking NORMAL of a "hawt" looking dude. THEN chicks think it's real and the replies, views, IMs, and sexual innuendo etc start rolling in..
Yeah I tried to give GSP the benefit of the doubt but I think he's pulling are leg for sure or doesn't really want help. He never answered if he's spamming chicks in the same area code with the same template, he never answered my PM to look at the model's account, and now I find out he's completely throwing the experiment by using pics of the model with the model's website on the pictures WTF?

There's no f-ing way that this model can't attract more girls than a regularly looking white guy just because he's asian. I just got in from the clubs and saw an Asian guys with several drop dead gorgeous Asian girls, another Asian guy that was kind of ugly and about 5'2 with two sexy and tall Asian girls and on and on. Meanwhile, I saw hundreds of above average looking white guys standing on the sidelines.

He's not doing good on POF because he's not good looking enough not because he's Asian, and he's throwing the Asian model's results one way or another.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Stagger Lee said:
Yeah I tried to give GSP the benefit of the doubt but I think he's pulling are leg for sure or doesn't really want help. He never answered if he's spamming chicks in the same area code with the same template, he never answered my PM to look at the model's account, and now I find out he's completely throwing the experiment by using pics of the model with the model's website on the pictures WTF?

There's no f-ing way that this model can't attract more girls than a regularly looking white guy just because he's asian. I just got in from the clubs and saw an Asian guys with several drop dead gorgeous Asian girls, another Asian guy that was kind of ugly and about 5'2 with two sexy and tall Asian girls and on and on. Meanwhile, I saw hundreds of above average looking white guys standing on the sidelines.

He's not doing good on POF because he's not good looking enough not because he's Asian, and he's throwing the Asian model's results one way or another.
He's saying asian guys don't do with with girls who are NOT asian. I actually agree from experience. I'm not asian, but I live in an area with lots of asian people. I have seen an asian bf/white gf maybe twice in my life. And I'm surrounded by asian people.

And yes, from experience I have also seen ugly asian guys with pretty asian girls (maybe 5-10% of the time). That is mostly a cultural issue. A lot of asian girls are traditional and are more interested in a man who is well-educated and makes good money more so than just looks. Not an issue of "game".

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
He's saying asian guys don't do with with girls who are NOT asian. I actually agree from experience. I'm not asian, but I live in an area with lots of asian people. I have seen an asian bf/white gf maybe twice in my life. And I'm surrounded by asian people.

And yes, from experience I have also seen ugly asian guys with pretty asian girls (maybe 5-10% of the time). That is mostly a cultural issue. A lot of asian girls are traditional and are more interested in a man who is well-educated and makes good money more so than just looks. Not an issue of "game".
I understand that, all else equal an Asian guy is at some disadvantage with white girls. But I've also known Asian and Indian guys who only go after white girls and were quiet successful. They were more successful than many average to above average looking white guys.

GSP, is making extraordinary claims. That even Asian girls prefer average white guys over good looking Asian guys by a huge factor, that an Asian (half Asian at that) model has way less success than an average white guy in online dating. I don't buy that. If you are good looking Asian guy you will do better than average looking white guys.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Stagger Lee said:
I understand that, all else equal an Asian guy is at some disadvantage with white girls. But I've also known Asian and Indian guys who only go after white girls and were quiet successful. They were more successful than many average to above average looking white guys.

GSP, is making extraordinary claims. That even Asian girls prefer average white guys over good looking Asian guys by a huge factor, that an Asian (half Asian at that) model has way less success than an average white guy in online dating. I don't buy that. If you are good looking Asian guy you will do better than average looking white guys.

These claims are evidence by the numbers collected from the pictures I posted above.

The newcount is:

incognito: 18
Akhiro: 5
gspshields2: 0

The pictures of Akhiro I used did not have any websites or anything like that. They looked like they were taken by an amateur, you can't tell their fake.

People see an Asian, regardless of how good looking they are, and they would rather choose a less than average white guy.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
These claims are evidence by the numbers collected from the pictures I posted above.

The newcount is:

incognito: 18
Akhiro: 5
gspshields2: 0

The pictures of Akhiro I used did not have any websites or anything like that. They looked like they were taken by an amateur, you can't tell their fake.

People see an Asian, regardless of how good looking they are, and they would rather choose a less than average white guy.
If that's the case then why did you not give the username and login for the profile even after you said you would in this thread? Why do you ignore the questions about if you are using the same profile template and spamming the same messages in the same area code? If that's the case, of course no one after that is going to do as good incognito's did originally, because many of the girls are going to realize it's a fake. I'm not going to take your word for it when you refuse to answer any questions or offer up the login so it can be verified.

One more time. Put up at least the usernames for the profiles. It's real simple. Put up or shut up about the asian thing. You have not offered even any of the profiles usernames let alone login. Why else is that other than you know your experiment is not valid?

Here is the white guy account:


I have to unhide the profile for the Asian,

this was just for this experiment.
That doesn't make much sense. That isn't incognito's template and you were spamming in Beverly Hills? If that's your fake white guy who got 18 numbers, then answer my message back on pof.
Last edited:


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Stagger Lee said:
If that's the case then why did you not give the username and login for the profile even after you said you would in this thread? Why do you ignore the questions about if you are using the same profile template and spamming the same messages in the same area code? If that's the case, of course no one after that is going to do as good incognito's did originally, because many of the girls are going to realize it's a fake. I'm not going to take your word for it when you refuse to answer any questions or offer up the login so it can be verified.

One more time. Put up at least the usernames for the profiles. It's real simple. Put up or shut up about the asian thing. You have not offered even any of the profiles usernames let alone login. Why else is that other than you know your experiment is not valid?
Here is the white guy account:


I have to unhide the profile for the Asian,

this was just for this experiment.



Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Stagger Lee has confirmed that I have made both accounts
for average looking white guy, vs super model Japanese guy.

The new results are:

incognito: 18
Akhiro: 5
gspshields2: 0

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
OK but you spammed with the Asian model after the white guy in the same area code, with the same profile wording, and worst of all the model's website is on one of his pics. No wonder he wouldn't do as good or better. Most everyone is going to know he's fake.

If you hadn't spammed in the same area code of the LA area with the same profile wording and the website address wasn't on one of his pics, I might have believed it was valid. But unless you correct that and spam in different area codes of a metropolitan area, I'm not going to even begin to believe the results are valid.

I don't see why you don't just give the login for both profiles and let someone spam say the NY metropolitan area and see if that goofy looking white guy can do better than the Asian model.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Stagger Lee, so it is agreed,
we will create New York and Chicago accounts respectively.

I will use the same pics for the white guy,
and you can choose other pics for Akhiro Sato,
or another dude if you can find one that fits
the criteria.

Please find a suitable candidate and post his pictures
here and we can use them.

You will experience firsthand how impossible it is for me
to get a number if Akhiro the super model is barely getting numbers.

I've been spamming 3 days non stop now under my real account,
and I have gotten 0 numbers in that timeframe. Honestly, this sucks!


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
of course race plays into it. all these females who have grown up watching disney movies have been told from childhood that prince charming is a tall white guy, of course there are preferences. it is what it is, realize it, get over it, make the best of it that you can. look how much time you are wasting here with this nonsense.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
foreverAFC said:
of course race plays into it. all these females who have grown up watching disney movies have been told from childhood that prince charming is a tall white guy, of course there are preferences. it is what it is, realize it, get over it, make the best of it that you can. look how much time you are wasting here with this nonsense.
Yes, unfortunately for me, making the best of it means I have 0 numbers right, and no way of obtaining any even though I go out every friday/saturday night, sometimes even thursdays, and I message HBs on POF 3 days a week for a few hours.

From all that effort = 0 numbers.

If we change the variable in this experiment and message only Asian girls,
then the white guy would still win over Akhiro hands down I am sure.