I use online and also go out to bars a few times a week and do approaches. Although, I go out much less often and do less approaches than I use to.
I use online because going out and doing approaches in bars takes hours of my time, I always drink some, cost me some money, and has a low success rate for me. My approach to lay rate percentage is probably in the single digits. That might sound aweful but the reality is cold approaches give a low return rate.
I generally only do 4 approaches in a night and am only out for 2-3 hours max.
With online dating my
message to meet up ratio percentage is also probably in the single digits, but it's low effort. In the past an internet meetup would be a lay up to 70% or more of the time. Now meet ups have been returning less than single digit percentages. The only thing that has changed is my hair is a little thinner and I'm a few years older and my pics are getting old. Its all about looks.