I hate when people say this. It is by far the dumbest thing you could possibly say to ANY living organism. This in and of itself is denying your prmal instincts and goes against nature and evolution. It is completely against our genetic code. We, as biological organisms, strive to make life easier for us (by expending less energy) and to pass on our genetic code. We want sex and we want better for ourselves. That is why we always find something that isn't perfect in our life. So that we can fix it and better it. That is why people complain. But there are those who complain and do nothing, and there are those who notice how possible improvements could be made and set out to execute said improvements. This website is to help people do the latter. It isn't narcissistic to want better for ourselves. It is narcissistic to make a degrading post about a forum on that very same forum just to get attention (AWing much?). If you deny the fact that you want better for yourself, then nature will eliminate you and all of those like you through evolution. Gtfo.