plz help m out...!!


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
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Hey, I am Abrar. I really love a girl. She's my best friend and we know each other for more than a year! We are damn close to each other. I don't know when I feel in love with her, so I was like “I’ll tell her”. I decided to tell her one day. I told her that I really like her. She gave a weird answer like “I would stop trusting you,” I heard about a past relationship and they don’t even talk to each other anymore. She was like “just remove this out of your mind.” I just can’t...I really love her...!!! Hmm is there a way out...?? I just can’t live like this cant sleep @ night also sob... sob... we meet everyday talk on phone for hours...!!!Hmm is there a way out that I can forget this all this or make her mine.

*Edited by TheVirtualMind*

As a note, this is your only warning. Learn to post in a manner that doesn't make my eyes bleed or your thread will be deleted.
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Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Calm down, learn to speak and write English, forget about that girl, and come back. I'd love to help you out, but I can understand about a fifth of what you wrote, if that.

I'll just go with classic advice. GFTOW.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Don't really have any advice, but like stated above you really should learn to type better in English if you want people to understand you. I can understand what you're saying, but it's difficult to read.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Whats wrong with his typing it seems good to me.

Anyway the friend zone is a bad place to be. Its very tough to get out of. Especially with an relpy like that. You got oneitis man. Start talkin to other babes. Read the Bibles. Thats what I am doing now, I have been picking up on subtle things I do to turn girls into friends not prospects. The sooner you stop this the sooner you will have success.

EDIT- wow I am retarded I didnt see the edit by virtual mind.


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
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phew hmm ok will write complete words from next time anyways thanks for ur replies...and fred..hw can ya help me out??

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Complete words are a start; complete sentences would be appreciated. ;)

Anyway, sorry to say, but you're pretty much screwed for the time being. I'd say you should either drop her completely (ie, not hang out/talk to her anymore) or use her as a pivot/wing to meet other women. That is, meet her hot friends and use game on them instead of on her. I wouldn't recommend that as you need to forget about her.

Just meet other girls; as you meet awesome, attractive ladies, you'll realize that the first girl isn't that special and that wonderful. It might take some time--it usually does in cases of oneitis--but it will go away. It's high school, you're not going to meet your future wife there. (Well, you might, but you'll divorce her and she'll run away with all your money.)

Turning friends into girlfriends is, at least for me, one of the most difficult things to do, and it's usually not that great; you exchange a little bit of "great" for a lot of "good," so to speak. Or it just queers the relationship and you lose a friend and gain nothing.

So yeah, basically just go meet other girls.