Pluto's 'Step-by-Step' Progress Journal


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
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You know, it struck me that I really need to document what I'm doing. I'm learningd as I go and I'm pretty sure it would be out benefit not only to myself to document it, but even more so so to do it where I can get feedback and share my experience of steadily getting better with women.

I've posted my basic starting story up a few times in different forms, so if you've seen it from me before, skip on down.

I'm a 21 year old college student, studying computer science. I was homeschooled for most of my life and only attended high school for two years. During my younger days, I was extremely shy and didn't know how to progress things. High school came up, midway through I had the balls to tell a girl I wanted a kiss in return for a favor. She agreed, I got my first kiss. I also got my first case of oneitis. She wasn't reciprocating that thought. Later on I ended up with a movie/makeout, a year later. Then, it was done. Had another case of oneitis which I blew thousands taking a girl out of the period of 2 years without even a kiss in hopes of her reciprocating. All she said to keep me going was "I don't want to be in a relationship now.. but I never know what I might want in the future". And when I asked about us.. "I don't want to date you right now.. but I never know what I'll want in the future". Uhh. She jumped on the first alpha she could, she just had a limited social circle when she knew me.

Spent a year at the frat, had a few ons's from sheer dint of luck, had a month long ugly girlfriend who I never should have touched, nor dated (skinny, but ugly face), and heck, she called it of with me! Then.. I met my BPD ex. She crossed the world to be with me. She's pretty, we met online. We had a lot of fun. We lived together for a year and a half, dated for two and a half total, and I dumped her 4 months back or so after she put me through 6 months of emotional hell from all her baggage.

I got into everything when I hit google.. read the game, now I've read near everything and folloe a dozen blogs. I'm an intellectual, I love the study and the theory of everything involved - be it interactions themselves or the theory behind long term strategies and behaviors.

Here I am now - I met another unplugged guy, he's 45, successful, and since then I've been active in applying and internalizing what I learned and crossing it with experience to improve and understand. He has a social circle he's brought me into, he helps cover drinks with me as a poor student, and has the place to go back to while I live with my parents. All in all, i lucked out and he's an awesome dude. With all that said, onto last night's field report.. sadly, not lay report.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
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Last night - intended to be a finals celebration, but not too much of an edge. Started raining, dampened it a bit.

Started at a grill/bar on the KC plaza at 10:30 or so. The place was packed, but it was designed around group settings. It was really a god-awful environment for meeting people. Got a buzz after a few beers, realized I had forgotten dinner. Damn. Met a few friends of my buddy, and then we quickly kicked it out of there and headed elsewhere. Second bar was much more conducive, but the rain had started and numbers were low - people going out knew each other and clung to defined groups. Nevertheless, spoke to 4-5 women there, two of interest to me. All of them my buddy knew in some form or another, made it easy.

From there, 12 of us hopped in cabs and went to a nightclub in power and light. There, I chatted up a few girls.. but I realized I have no clue how to work a club environment at all. I stayed mostly at the bar. Made some ****y comments to one of the girls with us, made fun of her for spilling her drink,, she got all into me. She arrived with another guy, not her boyfriend, but he was desperate to make his claim and had no game. I kept it smooth with some ****y banter, a ****y smile, and the thoughts that I really don't give a ****. 5 minutes later, she's rejecting the other guy's tries for a kiss and looking me in the eye after she rejects him. She starts sidling up to me, and then bought rounds of shots for us and took 4 down in a row herself.

He starts trying to drag her off to another club. She resists, heavily. Won't let him get anywhere. After a few minutes of trying, the other parts of our group decide to relocate, too. I told her to come on to the club, and her resistance died and she came along.

Guy told me off to the side that she was his - I'm not in the mood to fight over a chick, I just wanted to drink and have fun, so I let it slide. Next club, he kept her towards the entrance and I never got to speak to her really. He and her left.. she was trashed as **** then from those shots. However, her friend went with her and the guy. I don't think he got any.

Still had no idea how to run club game, no idea really how to dance, and I wasn't pushing myself into colf approaches. Anxiety, I guess, of some form.. really, just had no experience to fall back on, no ideas on how to approach, and no drive to say **** it and try anyway.

We took a cab home, crashed hard, end of night. Tonight - either inviting the chick and her friend over, as her friend would go right with my buddy, can get a few more people over and make it a small house party, or he's got a couple options lined up - a hot cougar that's into younger guys, plus her friend for himself.

Ideally, at least. Let's see what happens and hope I land girl #5 tonight.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Your friend seems like a decent enough guy - taking you under his wing.

The parts I dont like are -

"she's mine, back off"
"she resists feed her shots"

These are not good lessons to learn buddy.

Be aware.

Good luck tonight:up:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
The guy doing that is doing some ****ty stuff. I almost ****blocked him, but I didn't want to chance him getting pissed and getting into a fight. Don't need that drama. And she bought the shots herself, not him, to give the guy a bit of credit. He was just trying to stake a nonexistent claim.

Classic example of good looks not being end all. He looks great but he can't keep a girls interest.

I lucked out meeting my friend. Fantastic guy. Like a new uncle for me or something. And being around successful people is nice.

Edit: Ah. To be clear, the guy who did that was NOT my friend. He was just a guy at the bar in the group. My friend winged me hardcore.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah I got that (the edit bit).
Shouldve just taken his 'claim' to show him he's a d1ck;)
But you are right- fvck fighting over some random slore.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
I hope your friend isn't your gay uncle. If not, nice catch on the wing.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
But you are right- fvck fighting over some random slore.
Pretty much. Not worth dealing with the issue, particularly when I will go back to the clubs.

AAAgent; Definitely not. He's just a cool, laid-back, successful guy. He's also got no kids of his own, so I'm going to guess having someone to mentor who's willing to listen is probably a cool thing for him.

Tonight may/may not go down - not particularly sure.

I need some plates to spin, yet I'm broke as heck and as such, meeting women is difficult when I can barely afford to chill in a coffee shop. I've been bad on luck there, too. I move way too direct/fast for women and I need to slow myself down. I'm considering online - pof, OKcupid, possibly match. What are thoughts on that? Holiday season, I imagine, is a good time to break into it, but I'm concerned that my age will work against me.

Think I'm an ~8 in looks, but not particularly sure. Probably take Roissy's advice and stick a pic on hotornot and see what comes up. Thinking it'd be a nice low-investment way to quickly gather some plates, which will make things easier as I enter the next semester in a month. Of course, I probably would need to jump on it in the next day or two considering how close it is getting to Christmas.

I think my ego is working against me here, tbh. I really just need to expand my social circle and get into more house parties. I can dominate in that scene.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
I am in the KC area 30 y/o more than welcome to go out anytime on the KC area with me.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Demonpenz said:
I am in the KC area 30 y/o more than welcome to go out anytime on the KC area with me.
Cool, cool, I'll send you a PM. We've hit up the Kona Grill, the Zuchala, the Hotel, and Aura.

Obviously, from my age, I haven't been out much in that area.. I've been 21 since August. More used to the environment of fraternities and house parties over at KU. It'll have to wait until after I get a job, though, as I can't afford to pay my own way.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Got a solid approach today.. looks promising. Nothing went down last night, but meh, I had to take my grandparents to see the Christmas Carol in the theater. My christmas present to them and my siblings. Caught this girl's eye there, she was with friends, no good opportunity and I had to keep track of my siblings.

Ran into her at Starbucks afterward, nade a comment about her drink, we had some small talk about coffee, I dropped a few hooks about coffee and tests and got some questions about where I'm from, lead into asking what she studies, needed to close quickly, her friends were leaving (she stayed around a few moments to speak to me), told her she seemed like a cool girl and if she could give me her number I'd get in touch sometime.

She readily gave it to me, no hesitation and a flirty smile with it, too. Another possibility, wasn't expecting anything while out with grandparents and siblings.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Good job. Harpo's has quarter draws on Tuesdays. I wouldn't mind fronting some scratch for you just to see some approaches. No in my circle is trying to get better. The union is great for getting approaches in as well and there is no cover.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
I got a number and a date Tuesday and I didn't even thin Sat was great. KC is a great town if you put in hours to get your game up.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
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I got a job interview wednesday, and if all goes well I'll start pretty quick.. Though it's a bit late for the holiday season to really enjoy the money. I brought some donations in from my projects, though, so I can afford at least a night out.

I'm not going to call myself good, but I'm definitely looking to improve.

How's this weekend gonna be? Never been down there this close to the holidays. I'm guessin' it'll be pretty hectic down there.

I'm thinking Friday would be the best night.. Never been to Harpo's, nor the Union, so that's not ringing any bells, but I'm game for anything new.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Any place is busy on the weekends in the wesport area. I am not good either so it is all good.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Got a date for Thursday with this girl - however, I was NOT good on the phone.. Totally at a loss for words, went in without any conversation on my mind. She's definitely interested, and was the one to first suggest meeting up. She was a bit giggly. She also bailed fairly early on the conversation, though (2 minutes in? Couldn't tell how much time went by). I'm not used to phone conversations at all. Been years since I've really just called people besides my close friends.

But, got the date, I think I'm good for that and I'm pretty confident I can keep it solid if I meet her in person.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, thanks to a good wing (read: fantastic wing) from Demonpenz, got this chick's number.. she's absolutely going to be the dumbest lay I'll ever have, but this'll be easy and in the bag.

If I hadn't gotten drunk as heck the night before, I would've pulled her to a bar. But I've got stuff in the morning, logistics would be bad, it'll be much easier to pull her out another time and I'll be able to use my buddy's house rather than try my parent's house.

I still need to see the Hobbit, so I may run a movie date just so I can see that.

Just a quick report on what went on in more detail.. Demonpenz opened her, talked to her for a few minutes, and then came back and we chatted for a while. He tried to push me into opening her myself, but I couldn't do it, sadly.. damn anxiety. Need more practice, more thoughts on it. Going to be honest, doing it in front of a friend is even harder as I'm more conscious of the possible failure, even though I know I wouldn't be judged for it.

But, anyways - he re-opened her, don't remember what he said, but spoke to her, and I entered the conversation then, asking about cali, school, etc. Place was closing, I said it's a bit annoying that they close so early when starbucks is open till 11, and she seemed open to the idea of moving, so we got her to follow us over. Got in, got drinks, and Demonpenz left me with her after picking up some coffee.

45 minutes later, I've got her number and we're heading out as the place is closing. I could've gotten a kiss then, but I didn't think about it until about 10 seconds too late. Closed with a hug, told her I'll hit her up and we'll hang out. She was totally into me, this should be easy.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Good Job. Felt good to show my opening and moving skills. I am doing my part to pass the ***** forward.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
This girl tried to flake on me, I ignored all of her contact. 3 texts later (only her, I never replied), she's saying she feels better and asks if I still want to get out.

Hmmm. That was a breakthrough alpha moment.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, so I'm going to clean this up and be a bit more concise.

Phrase (HB Rating) - Abbreviation.

Cali Girl (HB7) - J:
Dropped. Pretty sure I ended up on a mass text list of some sort, and I'm pretty sure she's a total slut that was looking for men while out at coffee shops. She wasn't very smart, either. Had another 'what are your plans tonight' type text, and I never got a response to my reply. Previously had told her to come join me saturday, decided I was going to drop her number if I never heard from her on the day of. She'll be leaving in a few weeks anyways.

Starbucks Girl (HB8.5) - R:
17 y/o hired gun, cute, very skinny, bit young. See her once or twice a week, I typically tease her hard. Still considering how to approach this, whether I should push now or wait till she's 18 in March. I have no number for this girl, but I'm including her anyways as I'm interested in her.

Old friend (HB7.5) - S:
Restarted contact with her, met her in a class a long time back in which we bantered a lot, but I had a girlfriend then. She became decent friends with my now ex-girlfriend, but they haven't spoken in a year, year and a half. Had a solid text conversation, said we should meet up sometime and catch up and she seemed really interested in that.

Cat Lady (HB8.5, maybe 9) - L:
New number from last night. Bit of a hippy girl, works for the EPA. More on this in the FR.