**Please Help me out, Girl Problems! (LONG POST)**


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Hello Everybody....

I had a previous screen name but I for got my P-word, or it was erased. Oh and I have read the DJ bible.


Honestly, I dont think im a bad looking guy. Ive been told by many girls that they think im hot etc..... I play club soccer, and am on varsity soccer, wrestling, and track. My problem is that im really shy, but im getting over that. I broke my leg my freshman year playing soccer and it took around 6 months to recover..(Nerve damage, tendons, I had a rod placed in my leg). So from that I was kind of an outsider, but Id say that im pretty popular now. Ive been told by so many people that i could get any girl I wanted, but I dont believe this because I dont have the confidence. Through all this, im almost 17 now and ive still never kissed a girl and im still a virgin.

The problem

I met this girl on my space..( I know its really lame but some of my friends told me to try it out). Turns out shes a cheer leader at a school near by mine and we know a lot of the same people.(Shes gotta be like a HB 8) So, a couple months go by and I talk to her online all the time, the phone once. She finally finds a BF and they go out for around a month or so. One night, im at my friends house and she AIM's me and says she had good news. She had broken up with her BF and wanted to do something. We went to the movies (including my friend) and overall I dont think it was to bad, I hugged her at the end of the date....:(. So, its been about 2 weeks since that and I have talked to her on the phone a lot and I finally asked her to prom! I just dont know how im going to handle it. I broke my ankle from soccer about a week ago and im going to go with a boot. I was talking with her last night and she has a cold and sounded really annoyed. It sounded like she didnt really wanna talk, I ended it really fast because I had nothing to say. Prom is in a week and this is by far the worst conversation we've had yet! I told her I wanted to hangout Friday and she said she was free but I never called her back. Was this a good move? I really like this girl and I want her to be my first but I dont know what the hell I do. Huuhhhhh srry about the jumbled post I tried to explain as best I could.

Thanks guys

P.S. Through friends I found out that she thought I was hot, sweet, and overall a nice guy. Not good I know. She also commented on my style of clothing (skater).

Michael Chief

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Sweet. Nice Guy. ohhhh man. yeah.


First of all, you keep mentioning physical injuries.
I'm guessing that you're seeing these injuries as limitation on your DJness.
Do you seriously think that this has anything to do with the topic at hand?
Do you think that all men with disablities are unable to attract women?
If permanently handicapped midgets in wheelchairs with raspy voices can get several women (which is a true story), then your athletic mishapses should be no problem, right? Don't let something so trivial limit your ability to attract.

Why would you be attracted to a woman? Because they look sexy. This is how a male being in the human species is attracted to females. However, due to several factors of evolution, it's a bit different for females. For males, physical features don't have as much weight and influence in attractiveness to females as it is vice versa. This is good news for you. All you ave to do is tailor an attractive personality and you'll be doing well. Don't think too much about your looks! (But do keep in mind of your basic hygene and neatness)

Here's some tough love:
You went out on a date with her...including your friend? What...did you need to bring a security blanket, too? You need to communicate that you are independent, secure, and confident. Think about it...would an alpha male in a wolf pack act like this?
I think you've become too attached to this girl. You put too much weight on the consequenses of what can happen with her. Just relax and know that you can get any girl you want. Casually date a few more girls simultaniously and don't hide it. Don't worry about prom so much (easier said than done, i know...but do it).

Why are you shy? What do you have to hide? Be proud to show who you are. Don't be afraid to show how attractive you can be. And above all, don't be afraid of accidently showing your flaws. Everyone has flaws. It's no big deal. Also, showing that you have a flaw communicates that you are indeed HUMAN and therefore more trustable.
Don't be afraid, shy guy! The number one thing that holds us back in gaining success in life is FEAR. The only way to live life is without fear.

Hope this helped


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
I didn't even read that. My eyes hurt.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
I'm agreeing with what Grim says (I have been doing that a lot recently)

Ok it does sound like your shy and that u arent confident,
If i had an injury like a broken leg i would use it to get even more up there, i mean seriously its perfect (unless it happens ALL THE TIME) u get a broken leg and u can use all sorts of sarcasm and jokes and stories with the broken ness of it. Plus the sympathy vots, like chicks hug u and kiss u on the cheek and all that crap just coz of simple little pain that has dissapeared, take advantage of everything

I dont mean to sya that i can do this coz of looks, i have pimples and freckles pluss a few moles, in worst case a bad pimple on a mole (which looks terrible) and i still get chicks its all in your attitude and how u act and what u let the girls think... u can let them think your too good for them therefore they are always straining to get your approval... Just treat her how u did before i guess

It sounds as though u called her up (this means your probably calling at the wrong time coz chicks are busy busy busy and it also means u r the one that wants to talk to her not the other way around)

Its not that bad that u didnt call her back (just make it so u didnt have time for her, that way she will want to talk to u more)

With the prom, i guess u could always make the boot suit your outfit, make it so that its a good thing not a bad thing

Michael Chief

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Matty838
Plus the sympathy vots...
Goodness Gracious Please No. Sympathy is an enemy of attraction. Puts the giver of sympathy above you. Makes you look like an injured little puppy to them, and definitely not the Alpha Male of the pack.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Sympathy is not the enemy of attraction, the giver of it may be put against u, and u may not be the alpha dog

but the other chicks who arent currently giving sympathy are wishing they were doing the same as the giver... so instead of one persons attraction it is everyone except that persons (so u end up better in the end)


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by gRiM999
Then don't post :D
A thread is like a girl. If it isn't worth your time, then dont give it your time.

Analogies are awesome.
that's a simile. nice try though.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, Ive decided to go to prom without my boot and just normal shoes. Ill have a slight limp but better then wearing that huge boot. I really wanna get a kiss out of her that night so we'll see.


Well, turns out last night since I never called, she went and hung-out with some other friends. Ehh oh well. She has districts today for tennis and she said she might be free tonight but alos might be partying with her team-mates. Dunno whether I should call her or not and set something up. :confused:


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Originally posted by Matty838
Sympathy is not the enemy of attraction, the giver of it may be put against u, and u may not be the alpha dog

but the other chicks who arent currently giving sympathy are wishing they were doing the same as the giver... so instead of one persons attraction it is everyone except that persons (so u end up better in the end)
Please read your post again. Do you understand it? Because I've read it twice and it makes no sense. Correct grammar would be a start. Thankyou.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Originally posted by guambombO
Dunno whether I should call her or not and set something up. :confused:
Yeah give her a call. Or get her online to sent something up I reckon. You haven't really got anything to lose. Your going to the prom with this chick, so if she gets crabby on you, thats her problem.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
guys your analogies are good haha

grim, that's a good point

guys like girls because they are sexy but that's not always.. some like them because of other styles or something else like personality.