Please help me on bullying!!!!!


Mar 22, 2006
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You guys have all given me good advice.Well tommorow is school,and tommorow is the day I stand up for myself.I don't know whats going to happen but Im pretty sure something will happen I don't want be his little***** being pushed around.I dont care if he thinks I'm a nerd,really I am going to do something and I will tell you guys what happened.Wish me luck!!!!


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
I signed up just for this.


Don't fight him. Use your brain instead. Pull multiple pranks on him and announce that you did it, talk **** back, if he calls you a nerd, say "Nerds get paid higher in jobs"; do something but don't fight.

Fighting will only force him to give you more attention, and you don't want that. You want his respect, right? Don't fight then, if you beat the **** out of him he'll prolly enroll on a forums like this and type the same things you did.

Don't be lame though:

Bully: "You're a faggot nerd!"
You: "Yeah, So?"
Bully: "HAHA! You admitted that you're a faggot nerd!"

You don't want to have that conversation do you?


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
If I were you I'd just go with the insults. If he calls you a faggot, concur but tell him to come up with better chat up lines, or something, etc. If he calls you a computer nerd tell him it doesn't matter how many times he asks, he isn't getting your staff discount on an Internet mail order bride. I'm sure you can do better, they were pretty average. He won't expect you to agree and elaborate, and he'll have no response.

If you make a joke about it he'll go away. Don't try and insult him directly - even "neg hit" him in a way.

I remember one embarrasing thing that happened to me a couple of years back. I made a joke about it and everyone forgot soon enough. One guy even said "Aftershock, everyone else would deny it, but you're finding it funny!" I suppose the same applies to being picked on.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Give me his name, address, and phone number... I have people who take care of people like this. haha. just kidding. The best you can do is maybe beef up a little because really, if you have a muscley figure and he says something it doesn't really matter just don't let it get to you and then since you're good looking (not saying you aren't now) the cicks will still dig you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
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L.A., CA
I really have to agree with lauke on this one...

Why not try reversing the bullying? You're what the bully calls a "nerd," (no offense) so why not use your so called "nerdy" intelligence to get back at him?

I'd use my knowledge to create some crafty and witty plans to make HIS life a living hell!!! Whether it's keeping track of where he sits in the cafeteria and you put a dog-****-fall-on-his-head trap or stuffing his locker with gay porno magazines, use your head! The pen is mightier than the sword...just replace pen with brain.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
One Word:

Amog Tactics

:rolleyes: Well that's actually two words....heh eh

Don't listen to the AFC advice given by other AFCs.

Don't fight physically!

Learn Amog Tactics and you are on your way

Good Luck



Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
bluelemond said:
One Word:

Amog Tactics

:rolleyes: Well that's actually two words....heh eh

Don't listen to the AFC advice given by other AFCs.

Don't fight physically!

Learn Amog Tactics and you are on your way

Good Luck

crossboss, that's the word I forgot:)


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
dreamx, i've been where you are now and it's not going to stop till you do something about it. talking sometimes just doesn't work.
he plays football so he's probably big, loud and everybodies rallying around him boosting his puny ego, because better you, then them.

here's a trick that has never failed me! everybody has to be alone at sometime or another. make him your prey. following him in the shadows. when he's alone approach him. he's only tough when he's got his friends around. he might be open to talk when he's alone, and let the comprimise begin and it might lead to respect. if he's not open to talk. and the fists come up.
kick him in the balls. it may not be manly and tough. but who said fighting was meant to be fair. and it's not fair ,cause he's a big football player. if he falls, then strike him a few times. most of the time i would go for a broken bone. people remember pain. take somebody who gets in a car accident...they become hesistant to enter back into a car, because it now is associated with pain. that's just a suggestion though. after the battle ends and he gives up usually it gains respect for you. like i said it never failed for me.

don't let this guy ruin your life. if you don't face the fear, the fear will always be with you.

even if you did fight him and lost. he would find somebody new to pick on because you had the balls to fight him. he won't be back

good luck....i'm rooting for you


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
dreamx said:
dude,he calls me soo many annoying names,he calls me dorkster,sissy,nerd,white steve erkl,and other names.:cuss: Errr I can't stand him,I hope someone will please help me!!!!!!
honey these are the lamest names available. these are generic names. this means that he has no self esteem at all (which is the cause of the bulling) and he is stupid (cant be creative with a name)

if he calls you a white steve erkel.. you say "wtf man, steve erkel, do you just got nothing better to do than sit at home and watch nick at nite all nite long to watch that show?"


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
dreamx said:
dude how can I stand in his face,when he is way bigger then me,and can probaly hurt me?
he wont @!@!@!!@

because if he really wanted to hurt someone he fvking would already.

get in his face and make him bow down and walk away.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
crossboss said:
"what the hell did you say to me, nerd? Did you call me a what?".
this is what you need to say to him the very next time he starts calling you stuff and embarrassing you to no end.

whats gonna happen? hes gonna say something else? yah well he was gonna keep saying things anyhow. what else can happen? get in a fight? if he comes at you swinging to fight, let him get real close and then you kick him in the balls and back slap his face like no tommorrow. will you get in trouble? o yes. will he leave you alone ? most likely. will it be worth it? hello, stand up for your self .

just go jack bauer on him!

i dont go around telling my kids to get into fights, however if you got to do what you got to do, make sure you stomp em so at least you have your pride no matter what the consequences on getting in school suspension or detemtion or suspension or whatever your parents do also.

is your father living around? its about time dad showed you how to protect and defend yourself. all fathers should take the time to show their boys what to do just in case, whether its a matter of life and death or its a matter of pride, its gonna happen sooner or later and its time .


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
I never venture into highschool forum but I saw the topic at hand and I will give you my 2 cents.

Go rent the movie "Rocky". This should inspire you.

The thing with bullies is that they are looking for a reaction out of you. The more you squirm and the bigger audience they get the better they feel about themselves.

In life there are no shortcuts, so this is what you do.

Be indifference to everything he does to you. If he hits you get up and walk away. You should have a stone cold face all the way. Remember he is looking for a reaction, don't give him one. Show everyone that you can take it and it doesn't phase you. People will actually respect you more and less the bully. All this rage inside will and should inspire you to do more:

Next you need to sign up for some martial art classes choose any of the following: Krav Maga, muay thai kickboxing, Brazilian jujitsu.

Next you need to join a gym and start growing some muscles and work on your cardio.

Next you need to join some sort of sport club in your school. Join a sport that involves a team concept and is physical and work your damn hardest to become the best even if you won't recieve any playing time (rent the movie "Rudy" for a refrence). This way players on your team will respect you, you will befriend them and they will watch your ass and be your backup unit.

If you follow all of those concepts you will be more then fine. Its not easy being bullied but it does build character and increases motivation.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I believe in you. Don't give up. You can do it. I am rooting for you! Go dreamx!


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Today Was The ****en Day!!!

Thats right today was amazing day I finally stoop up for myself,all thanks to a movie and GOD.Seriously it all started at lunch time,when that ****en stupid bully came up to me started calling me names and pushed me off the chair.He then through food in my face,I was to just ignore him and leave,but I remeber today I wacthed these movie which was called "When Nerds Attack",it reminded me and some of the other guys around here.So I got off the floor and said something "hey why are you always picking on me,do you like me or something,and stop touching me are u gay or just a faggot".People started laughing and even some of his own football teammates laughed,then he pushed me to the floor just when he was about to punch me.Someguy who is also a football player told him to leave me alone.It was like GOD, was on my side,seriously then the ****en faggot bully just left,he didn't even say anything.I also got compliments from these popular girl who is sooo freaken HOT.Amazed she finally talked to me or even said something,she actually notice I exist.She said wow your brave for standing up to a guy like that,whats your name? funny thing is she thought I was a new student,lol I been going to that highschool for 2 years and she finally noticed me,and I been in her class for awhile and she just noticed me,ooh well.Well Today was the day thanks for everyone's advice seriously I actually used what crossbross said and shy dude told me to do and other guys on here,thanks guy:up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
lol, it's like out of some corny movie


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
dreamx said:
Thats right today was amazing day I finally stoop up for myself,all thanks to a movie and GOD.Seriously it all started at lunch time,when that ****en stupid bully came up to me started calling me names and pushed me off the chair.He then through food in my face,I was to just ignore him and leave,but I remeber today I wacthed these movie which was called "When Nerds Attack",it reminded me and some of the other guys around here.So I got off the floor and said something "hey why are you always picking on me,do you like me or something,and stop touching me are u gay or just a faggot".People started laughing and even some of his own football teammates laughed,then he pushed me to the floor just when he was about to punch me.Someguy who is also a football player told him to leave me alone.It was like GOD, was on my side,seriously then the ****en faggot bully just left,he didn't even say anything.I also got compliments from these popular girl who is sooo freaken HOT.Amazed she finally talked to me or even said something,she actually notice I exist.She said wow your brave for standing up to a guy like that,whats your name? funny thing is she thought I was a new student,lol I been going to that highschool for 2 years and she finally noticed me,and I been in her class for awhile and she just noticed me,ooh well.Well Today was the day thanks for everyone's advice seriously I actually used what crossbross said and shy dude told me to do and other guys on here,thanks guy:up:
good job.

If he ever jumps you start screaming "help!! I am being RAPED!!" lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Run away and yell "rape":p

Go hide behind some bigger people. When he comes storming at you, yell out "take him, he's prettier"

Get him riled up, he'll learn his lesson, it's just less embarassing...

Than one day sit down with him during recess and ask him to say sorry in front of some hot chicks... Better yet, tell the hot chicks what he did to you, and get them to make him say sorry.

Be careful though, you might make him snap, and he'll hate you forever.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
ethnomethodologist said:
Get him riled up, he'll learn his lesson, it's just less embarassing...

When you riley someone up expect to be getting beat down. That took some guts to call a bully a "faggot" but that just made him madder and he got lucky some dude was there to save his ass. When there aren't many people around he won't be as lucky. You can always pull a "Tyler Durdan" (from fight club not the PUA) if you ever get beatdown (that will either scare your enemy sh1tless or he will kick your ass even more, unfortunley the latter will likely happen). club


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Sweet...I knew you could do it.

That guy was made into an dumb fool. I am glad, it actually worked better than I thought. You even got the chicks diggin you:up: I wish I was there. It feels like I just got finished with watching revenge of the nerds. Ha! Ha! Snort! Burp!