Number one no girl no guy no ammount of money is worth your life!. Sounds like she is toxic and is about to make a move. Im seeing someone who is 39 abt to turn 40 in a few days, but im older than you. Ive noticed a change in the way she acts much like you describe. When women roll over a number in age they often seek something new "new sex" bc they know they dont have much longer. And she is sin gle at 50 for a reason my man, just like this girl is single at 39. Something is wrong with them, she is bad for your health, and if she really did care you wouldnt be thinking abt killing yourself. That shows me your being treated like crap. You need to take a step back and look at what is going on. NEVER EVER leave your friends and family for a girl, take it from me. I did and no one was their to pick me up, also it can keep you busy sometimes and your not stuck up her ass. But take some time off, go stay at a friends for a night or two and leave her alone. Been where you are before, its not a good place, youve become to dependant on her. So ill say it one more time, go stay somewhere else and leave her alone for a few days.