Please give me some Kino tips!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
First off it has to be natural, it HAS too. So if your not comfortable with it start slowly. The key too KINO is to do it unnoticed, I personally touch people all the time when I talk just to get my point across.... heck even on guys, of course in a non-sexual way. BTW good to here your into marital arts, i'm going to be on the national team, whats your school name?


New Member
Apr 28, 2003
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Kino and Timing - Taking Advantage of the Moment

Kino allows you to “speed up” the connection by making both of you more comfortable with each other faster, esp. during an approach. As with most everything in seduction, timing will be a great determining factor on the effect you create.

One of the best times to apply kino is during or immediately after laughter. This is when it seems most natural, thereby creating the comfort effect you want. For example, suppose you made her laugh when you responded to something she said or asked. This will be when she is most vulnerable to physical touch. Touching during this time will allow you to solidify the moment.

The most common area of touch for cold pickups is around the outside elbow area. A key to making the kino seem “imperceptible” is to keep speaking as you extend and touch. Once the first significant contact is made, the connection is automatically made stronger. Psychologically it makes her feel as if she knows you better, which causes her to be more herself.

Kino usually has its best effects when it is slightly prolonged as opposed to fleeting. As I mentioned above, continuing to speak while applying will make this seem very natural. You can usually keep contact until you finish your statement. In this case, your statement will be something following up on what made her laugh in the first place.

Reverse Kino - Get Her to Kino You

One thing to note is that kino does not always have to be initiated by you. Getting her to kino you should be an equal priority because it has almost the same effects. Doing it takes a slightly different technique but it won’t change the way you talk to the girl much. Or more specifically, the way you should aim to be talking to create those opportunities naturally.

Here are two pretty good articles from this site that give additional background on the concept of kino:

-Jake Stevens
Master Pickup Artist