Please give me a hand


New Member
May 30, 2005
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I've liked this girl for about two years now, and about a year and a half ago, I, not being very good with women at any standards, told her how I felt. Now I'm an idiot for doing that, as we only knew each other as colleagues at school, and we didn't know each other that well at all. Her reaction was awkward and undesirable to say the least, and she stayed away from for a long while. Looking back, I'm not surprised (slaps oneself). And on top of that, I get tense when I'm around her which often leads to me doing some embarassing things.

Now however, we are on better terms, and there is much less awkwardness between us, and I think we're both comfortable (as in not tense) with talking to and being around each other. We do spend over half of class time together after all. We have not gone out together though (obviously you may be thinking...).

Now I know that the most common, clever thing most guys would probably do in this stupid situation is just to move on and forget about her, as many of my friends tell me to do. But the thing is, I truly adore this girl, and I don't wanna give up on her yet. If only I could get her to see that I'm a nice guy who's worth considering then maybe I'd have a chance. But with what has happened in the past, I dunno if I'll ever be able to get her to think better of me. That's why I need all the help I can get.

Furthermore, this year me and her are both going to university, and I only found this website, like, yesterday, so there's not much time left.

I've been reading tons of advice and articles on all sorts of things to do with getting with women on this website, and that would help me immensely with going for other women yes, but I'm not sure to what extent its gonna help me get with this girl. Partly, because I'm not sure if she truly doesn't feel awkward around me, or if she just, puts it on or something to make me feel better. I dunno. Sometimes its weird though because I find that she's looking at me, and we seem have "glance fights" sometimes. Like, the other day in class, we were looking at photos a fellow colleague took at a party, and (naturally) glancing at her, I found that she was looking straight at me with the hugest eyes, almost deliberately it seemed. No idea if it was a good sign though.

I know that she goes clubbing occassionally, likes movies and animals (she wants to be a vet). As for her personality, she's kind, clever, sweet, caring, just perfect basically.

Basically, now, I'm just not sure how to go about getting with her. Given what I've told you about the situation, if any of you guys could help me out I would really appreciate it. I love this girl so much. If you're gonna post something saying to forget her though, don't, I will forget her if by the time I'm at uni I'm not successful. :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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lol when I read that title on your post, I thought you were asking for help to mastrubate. :p

but as the above poster [prophet] pointed out, noone is perfect and I also believe that you really should move on. Forget this girl, you are of off to Uni where you will meet tons of new/better looking/more interesting girls. There's is no need to bring along extra baggage so to speak.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score

i once was in a oneitis position. my brother: shes not perfect. and you do NOT love her[trust me here] you are infatuated..not a horrible thing, but not a good thing in your position.
If you are heart-set on finding out how she feels, ask her what shes doing afterschool sometime. Ask her out to coffee.
Or you said she goes clubbing: ask ehr what clubs are good in the area, and say "can you kinda show me the ropes to the clubbing scene?" ask her to meet upw ith you[and maybe some mutual-friends if you have any, if not..dunno] and jsut have a good time.
but since you said you "love" her...i am also gonna suggest you next ehr, and move on.
up to yuo bro. I only got better because i nexted my oneitis.

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, easy solution: Wake the fvck up, make a list of her flaws, elaborate on em, and you are cured of such a vile case of one-itis. Then, should you still feel the need to talk to her, keep those thoughts in mind.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Destruction of the oneitis.

Okay, let's get to it.

In the past you already tried to show her you cared about her in a special way; you told her. That was about the worst thing you could have done ever. At this point, you say she is not akward around you anymore and vice verse which suggests to me that she is no longer worried that you are "in love" with her. This girl sounds like she's worth it and oddly enough I do believe you are going to get her. I have been there, albeit back in the day and a bit younger...

You have a goal: her. Forge this goal into your mind. Let it slip into your subconscious so that you may do the next part:


This is your moment. You must portay yourself as a sexual being. That means spending less time with her and flirting with all the other ladies. Kino (touching) is something that must become natural to you. You have got to get physically closer to everyone but never show any particular interest. Make one chick feel special then move on to the next and do the same to her showing the first that she is nothing new. And keep it up. Pretty soon your confidence is through the roof and you won't even be thinking about these things. As for your target, flirt with her but again make it SHOW that you care all the while acting like it's nothing unnatural. Make them ALL feel special. Make them feel.

It's important to always look your best. Get some good cologne, buy some new clothes. Always smell good and always look good. Remember, play time is over. If you want this to work you need to be portrayed as better than the rest. You can check a few bible posts on this stuff.

KEY POINT: You make a sudden switch. You look alot better, smell alot better. People will ask you about it. You MUST act like this is the way it should be. Completly natural.

As for your target that you have forgotten about and started treating like everyone else, when the time comes that she is attracted to you, you will know what to do. You will have a whole new attitude of calm and control. Setting up dates will be easy, seducing her will be child's play. Treat every one the same but on a higher level than you used to.