I had a birthday party and I half jokingly told my friend's girlfriend she's free to bring as many girls as she wants and, well, she did. One of them, Sarah, caught my eye, and we've talked quite a bit that night, at one point, when we were in a club, I asked her to join me for a cigarette on the club's terrace/balcony and we talked for about half an hour. She drank a bit too much so I offered to take her home and therefore didn't ask for her phone number just yet. As everybody was going home, an hour or two later, she was contemplating what to do, to sleep over at a friend, have me take her home or drive herself - she had good reasons to go with her car, because of things she had to do next day. And so she did.
Later my friend and I talked over MSN and he asked about this girl, found out I don't have her digits, and by chance his girlfriend was on the phone with Sarah, so, well I don't know what she told her, but I got her number in my MSN window a bit later.
We talked, casually, nice, nothing out of ordinary. Oh, and what I must say is that she's very busy. Working from 9-5 sometimes more, dance practices from around 7-10, I think up to 4 times a week, singing practices a few times a week. Yeah, so it's kind of tight. Not to mention that I'm similarly very busy during the day, but I'm finished by 7 pm.
Over the phone, in another conversation, she told me she's going to be busy the whole week, except sunday, but she's not sure when. Come sunday, I texted her at noon, and apparently she was going for a drink with a friend, later she told me it was a female friend she hadn't seen in ages. She texted me that it's going to take her longer than planned, and she's not sure if she can make it that day. It took her 5 hours. Yeah, I was pretty much pissed off by then. I replied, after an hour, that we can see eachother later in the evening and she said she's home already and I can come there if I'd like to.
I did and we went for a walk, we sat down somewhere and she was basically telling me her life story, sometimes only fragments, but I know alot about her now, I don't know, I guess more than an average aquaintance of hers. Uh, there just wasn't any right moment to start 'the right' talk and eventually maybe go for a kiss. Well crap. It got darker and cold, so she walked me to my car, smiled, waved bye-bye and went home.
Tuesday, there was an open mic show organized by her friend, Sarah was the host, and they asked me to do photos, since it's a pretty serious hobby of mine and I agreed. After the work was done, I tried talking to her, but she was somehow disinterested, I felt like I have to poke in her all the time if I wanted any response, I left soon because I had to get up early, and we both said talk to you later.
God, that was longer than I aimed for...
I really like her, I wouldn't want to mess it up, if I haven't already... so I'm asking you for any advice you can give me. Do I call her, do I wait for her call, if she doesn't call by sunday, do I call her regardless, or what.... I want to take her out to a dinner or at least a drink. And since she's so damn busy, I'll ask her when she's not and then suggest going for a drink.
I'm completely puzzled by all this, if she wasn't interested in my, why always such positive response to my calls, why tell me about herself as a baby, why tell me about her cute baby nieces, her family???
Later my friend and I talked over MSN and he asked about this girl, found out I don't have her digits, and by chance his girlfriend was on the phone with Sarah, so, well I don't know what she told her, but I got her number in my MSN window a bit later.
We talked, casually, nice, nothing out of ordinary. Oh, and what I must say is that she's very busy. Working from 9-5 sometimes more, dance practices from around 7-10, I think up to 4 times a week, singing practices a few times a week. Yeah, so it's kind of tight. Not to mention that I'm similarly very busy during the day, but I'm finished by 7 pm.
Over the phone, in another conversation, she told me she's going to be busy the whole week, except sunday, but she's not sure when. Come sunday, I texted her at noon, and apparently she was going for a drink with a friend, later she told me it was a female friend she hadn't seen in ages. She texted me that it's going to take her longer than planned, and she's not sure if she can make it that day. It took her 5 hours. Yeah, I was pretty much pissed off by then. I replied, after an hour, that we can see eachother later in the evening and she said she's home already and I can come there if I'd like to.
I did and we went for a walk, we sat down somewhere and she was basically telling me her life story, sometimes only fragments, but I know alot about her now, I don't know, I guess more than an average aquaintance of hers. Uh, there just wasn't any right moment to start 'the right' talk and eventually maybe go for a kiss. Well crap. It got darker and cold, so she walked me to my car, smiled, waved bye-bye and went home.
Tuesday, there was an open mic show organized by her friend, Sarah was the host, and they asked me to do photos, since it's a pretty serious hobby of mine and I agreed. After the work was done, I tried talking to her, but she was somehow disinterested, I felt like I have to poke in her all the time if I wanted any response, I left soon because I had to get up early, and we both said talk to you later.
God, that was longer than I aimed for...
I really like her, I wouldn't want to mess it up, if I haven't already... so I'm asking you for any advice you can give me. Do I call her, do I wait for her call, if she doesn't call by sunday, do I call her regardless, or what.... I want to take her out to a dinner or at least a drink. And since she's so damn busy, I'll ask her when she's not and then suggest going for a drink.
I'm completely puzzled by all this, if she wasn't interested in my, why always such positive response to my calls, why tell me about herself as a baby, why tell me about her cute baby nieces, her family???