Ok, so I met this HB9 at a bar and we ended up having sex that night. Things were really going good for about 2-3 weeks. Plenty of calls from her, never ending compliments (you're hot, sex is great, blah blah blah), inviting me over, met the parents, calling me a player... real good stuff. Anyway, she ended up going on a planned family trip (fact, saw the tickets) for a little over a week and after she came back things just haven't been the same. Its been like pulling teeth trying to get back into what we had before she left. We've talked a couple times briefly and met up once at a bar since then but she hasn't been all over me, calling me, or complimenting me like she was before this trip. Instead of compliments she'll bust on me, she wont come over my place (like she did before hand), and she'll break plans but counters. I've basically been playing it cool but I'm not sure if she lost interest or is kind of trying to regain power since she already gave up the goods... just pretty much confused. I'd like to believe she's playing hard to get, but I'm starting to get the feeling she's lost interest for one reason or another..
So how do I proceed, do I ignore, be nice...what?
So how do I proceed, do I ignore, be nice...what?