With every new technology there is good and bad. The same ammonia that Germans used to power their rockets is used in fertilizer to feed us today.
The same nitroglycerin in the dynamite invented by Alfred Nobel that killed many railroad workers, actually helps with certain heart diseases.
Chinese invented gunpowder can lead to amazing firework displays, or can give a nation the technology superiority to conquer half the world.
Knowledge and technology will move "forward". Abuses will be made. But so will good things.
The trick is to be on the right side of history. On a societal and individual level. If you were born in the Middle East back in their Golden Age, life was good for you. If you were born in the Middle East today, you have drones bombing the sh!t out of you and sectarian factions murdering your family.
Question is, which societies are developing these technologies first and will be able to use them? Then if you fit into that society, will you have access to any of these technologies via political power or money?
The correct question is not "Are we playing God?" or "Should we be heading this way?" because we already are whether we like it or not. The right question is are we on the right side, right place, and right time?