Playful Texts

Mar 12, 2007
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This is more to provide proof of something that more experienced Dj'ers know, to the inexperienced DJ's. I've had this girl over to my house a few times, getting some IOI. We went to dinner and had fun. I get a text last night at about 2 am. Now I was not exactly asleep, but I was dozing and drifting in and out of sleep (I usually leave the TV on while I sleep).

her "hey are you still up"

I am barely concious and come back with

me "what are you doing naughty girl"

I waited about 5 mins before I decided to go back to sleep, no response.

I get to work (today) and a text lands in my inbox

her "how am I supposed to respond to that"

Now at this point, I almost get defensive, (hey it's still early morning for me). I was going to come back with, "what did you expect when you texted me at 2am" THIS IS NOT the way to do it. I know it's been said many many times, but you need to change the mood of the situation. She came to me and was on the defensive, probably because I was being sexual and she wasn't prepared for it last night. But as I am seeing a few girls I didn't care if I offended her. Instead of letting her mood determine my next move, I came back with;

me "Something more playful than that, sheesh"

I think by saying it that way, I was making her feel silly for getting worked up about the text. Instead of meeting her with a similar negative and defensive tone I put everything in a positive playful tone.

her "that was a little flirtatious don't ya think?"
me "that's how Id describe me"
her "what u doing for lunch"
me "havent decided yet. How bout yourself?"
her "no plans.. yet"
me "well lets change that. Do you like Mexican"
her "Yes! What time?"
me "I take lunch at 1. Ever eaten at Fernandos?"
her "long time ago, Meet u there at about 1:10"
me "Sounds like a plan :)"

Whenever you can, come back playfully. It helps diffuse beyotch shields, it lets her know you're fun and that you don't care about how she responds, because you're going to do it your way. And it changes where the conversation will go.

Here is a disclaimer about my posts; they are as much for me to firm up my inner game as they are to help others on their path to success. So if I can help a few people as I get farther, great!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
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Good response to the b1tch's message, but I wouldn't have even replied. I got a text from a girl the other night at like midnight and it did wake me up. It said the exact same thing,

"Hey, are you still up."

If I had replied, I would have said "I wasn't until your message woke me up." but then she would retort with "Well turn your phone off when you sleep" and then I'd be even more pi$$ed, so I just never replied. I woke up to a message in my inbox saying that she text'd me and I must have been asleep and that she wanted to meet up blah blah blah.



New Member
Mar 12, 2007
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i recently discovered this to, i was dating this girl and she was always moody and never happy so i would always let her mood effect mine and we ended up fighting constantly and now we dont even talk

so yes i agree totally when you say that you should come back playful because now that i know this im seeing situations change just because of it


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
yep. Text messages are easy to "play" with but I hate how some women find that is their main form of communication. When im with her in person she is great but away it sucks becasue they can text within minutes... or days.

I rather have a normal conversation thank you. The phone was an upgrade from the telegraph. Not the other way around.